校长致全校师生的一封信 letter from the principal


Dear parents, teachers and students,
Please see the attached letter from the principal of the Chinese school to all teachers and students.

The 1st day of Chinese School (9/8/24)

Dear parents,

The Chinese school will open tomorrow (September 8). The following is the relevant information about the opening day:

📍 **School address**:
Shaker Middle School, 475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY

⏰ **Course schedule**:

-The first period: 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

- 10 minutes break between classes

- The second period : 1:55 p.m. - 2:40 p.m.

- 10 minutes break between classes

-The third period : 2:50 p.m- 3:40 p.m.

Please don't be late for class and arrive at school at least 10 minutes in advance.

📎Please refer to the course list in the following attachment, which details the teachers, class hours and the corresponding classroom numbers. In addition, the attachment also contains the floor map.


📚If your child has pre-ordered Chinese textbook, please have student pick it up in class.

📚If you need to buy Chinese textbooks, please go to the administrative office.

🏆Students who have registered for the summer prize-winning Chinese homework activity, please bring homework related to Chinese learning to the administrative desk to receive prizes.

Thank you.

Chinese School Administrative Team



您好! 中文学校将于明天(9月8日)正式开学,以下为开学日相关信息:

📍 **学校地址**:
Shaker Middle School, 475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY

⏰ **课程时间安排**:
-第一节课:下午 1:00 - 1:45
- 课间休息10分钟
- 第二节课:下午 1:55 - 2:40
- 课间休息10分钟
-第三节课:下午 2:50 - 3:40







🏆已注册参加暑期有奖中文作业活动的学生, 请带上与中文学习相关的作业到行政桌领取奖品。



校历 school calendar


🗓️附上中文学校2024-2025学年的校历。您也可以登录学校官方网站,访问以下链接查看详细信息:https://registration.albanychineseschool.org。请点击“关于我们”并选择“校历 24-25”以查阅具体安排。



🗓️ **九月份**:
9/8; 9/15; 9/22; 9/29

10/6; 10/20; 10/27

🗓️ **十一月份**:
11/17; 11/24

12/8; 12/15


Dear parents and students,

Attached is the school calendar of the Chinese school year 2024-2025. You can also go to the school website: https://registration.albanychineseschool.org. Please click "About Us" and select "School Calendar 24-25" to check the specific details.


In addition, the class date of Fall semester is briefly summarized as follows:

🗓️ **September**: 9/8; 9/15; 9/22;9/29

🗓️**October**: 10/6; 10/20; 10/27

🗓️**November**: 11/3; 11/10 (Chinese storytelling competition, no class on that day); 11/17; 11/24

🗓️**December**: 12/8; 12/15

Chinese School Administrative Team

教室安排及分布图 classroom arrangements and floor map





1. **一楼教室**:教室编号以“S1”或“W1”开头。该楼层分为两个区域:S区和W区。

2. **二楼教室**:教室编号以“A2”或“H2”开头。该楼层同样分为两个区域:A区和H区。

3. **区域分布**:
- 以“A”开头的教室位于以“S”开头教室的上方。
- 以“H”开头的教室位于以“W”开头教室的上方。


Dear parents & students:

The first day of school is approaching, The classroom for each class has been assigned. Please click on the provided web link, https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/courses to view the classroom number of the course you attend.

To help everyone find the classroom quickly, the following classroom distribution guide is provided:

1. **First floor classroom**: The classroom number starts with "S1" or "W1". This floor is divided into two areas: S area and W area.

2. **Second floor classroom**: The classroom number starts with "A2" or "H2". This floor is also divided into two areas: A area and H area.

3. **distribution**:

- Classrooms starting with "A" are located above classrooms starting with "S".

- Classrooms starting with "H" are located above classrooms starting with "W".

📍please refer to the school's floor plan. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KFfscR0wlbTmbSj69P9rzHfA3JUd1G_G/view?u...

Wishing you all success in the new semester!

Chinese School Administration Team

家长值日登记开始了!Parent Duty Signup is open!


如果您在学费中预交了$60 PTA押金,欢迎您注册中文学校家长值日获得$40退款。其余$20用于年刊、学校活动费和其他费用。 每个家庭在学年结束时都会收到一本年刊。




值日时间是12:50 pm 到4:00 pm。

✏️请登录华社主页cccalbany.org,点击program,然后点击school, 然后点击PTA Duty Signup 注册登记。 或点击此链接直接注册:https://cccalbany.org/PTASignup


ℹ️如有任何关于家长值日问题,请联系PTA主席-张琳pta@cccalbany.org Phone# 443-538-8430



Dear parents,

If you paid a $60 PTA deposit in advance as part of your tuition, you can sign up for Chinese school parent duty to receive a $40 refund. The remaining $20 is used for the yearbook, school activities, and other expenses. Each family will receive a yearbook at the end of the school year.

🗓The following are the open dates:

September: 9/8/24; 9/15/24; 9/22/2024; 9/29/24

October: 10/6/24; 10/20/24; 10/27/24

Duty hours are from 12:50 pm to 4:00 pm.

✏️Please log in to the Chinese community homepage cccalbany.org, click program, then click "school" , then click "PTA Duty Signup " to register. Or click this link to register directly: https://cccalbany.org/PTASignup

💰After completing the duty, PTA will arrange a refund.

ℹ️If you have any questions about parent duty, please contact PTA Chair- Mrs. Lin Zhang at pta@cccalbany.org or Phone# 443-538-8430

Thank you!

Chinese School Administration Team

9/8 & 9/15 邀请朋友免费试听课Invite Friends to Free Trial Class






The Chinese school will launch the "Invite Friends to Free Trial Class" event on September 8th and September 15th! This is a great opportunity for your friends to experience the Chinese school in person! Seize this opportunity and invite your friends to experience our varieties courses together!

The following is the Chinese school curriculum https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/

Invited friends can attend the classes they are interested in without registration. If you are interested in continuing the class after attending the class, you can come to the school administration desk to register on the spot!

Chinese school administration team

Free ESL 免费学英文

FREE English As Second Language Lessons!

中文学校推出全新“免费学英文 ”课程,无论您是学生、家长还是长者,都欢迎加入!



📍上课地点:教室H204, Shaker Middle School, Latham, NY 12110


报名及学费交纳于8/31截止 registration & tuition are due 8/31








Dear parents and students,

🔔The Chinese School will start on September 8. Parents and students who have not yet registered for courses and paid tuition are requested to complete the online registration as soon as possible.

‼ ️Please note that the online registration deadline is August 31.

‼ ️To avoid paying a late fee of $10, please be sure to pay tuition before August 31.

‼ ️Within two weeks after the start of school, parents and students can go to the school administrative desk to change courses.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Chinese School Administrative Team

中文学校最新推出Art-2 中级绘画课程 New Intermediate level Art class is open for registration

🎨🎨中文学校最新推出Art-2 中级绘画课程 (Brand new ART-2 intermediate level class is open for registration)

中文学校最新推出Art-2中级绘画课程! Art-2中级绘画课程适合拥有1-2年绘画基础的学生。课程将使用彩笔(可洗)、蜡笔、铅笔和勾线笔作为主要绘画工具,学习线条、造型、色彩以及综合材料的运用。我们还将结合节日主题,教授多种绘画技巧。通过这个课程,孩子们不仅能提高绘画技能,还能在快乐的氛围中享受创作的乐趣。

⏰Class Time: Sundays 2:50 pm-3:40 pm 9/08/24–5/11/25(No classes on holiday break)

📍Location: Shaker Middle School 475 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110

Total lessons: 25

💵Tuition: CCC member-$150; Non-CCC member-$215

course website https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/courses


如有问题, 请联系 contact: principal@cccalbany.org

Chinese School Administration Team

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