庆祝亚太文化与遗产绘画比赛 Art Contest to celebrate Asian Pacific culture and heritage (Due on 2/26/25)





1. 传统文化


2. 现代故事

讲述 AAPI 个人或社区在当代生活中的故事,包括他们所面临的挑战和取得的成就。

3. 个人经历

结合自身生活,表达与 AAPI 文化或传统的联系与感悟。

4. 其他相关主题

任何与 AAPI 文化、传统或故事相关的内容均可自由创作。


• 参赛资格:仅限中文学校在校学生参加,参赛免费。

• 创作形式:不限制创作工具和形式,作品可为素描、水彩画、蜡笔画、油画、铅笔画或电子画等。

• 作品数量:每位学生限提交一幅作品。

• 截止日期:2025年2月26日。





[Chinese school holds an Art Contest to celebrate Asian Pacific culture and heritage]

In order to celebrate the rich traditions, diversity and contributions of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, we sincerely invite students to use their creativities to create works of art that reflect this theme.

✅Entry theme:

Participants can choose one of the following themes to create:

1. Traditional Culture

Inspired by the cultural symbols, historical figures or traditional customs of Asian Pacific Americans, show the unique cultural charm.

2. Modern Stories

Tell the stories of AAPI individuals or communities in contemporary life, including the challenges they face and the achievements they have made.

3. Personal Experience

Combined with your own life, express the connection and feelings with AAPI culture or traditions.

4. Other related topics

Any content related to AAPI culture, traditions or stories can be created freely.

✅Entry Rules:

• Eligibility: Only students in Chinese schools can participate, and the participation is free.

• Form of creation: There is no limit on the tools and forms of creation. The works can be sketches, watercolors, crayons, oil paintings, pencil drawings or digital drawings, etc.

• Number of works: Each student is limited to submitting one work.

• Deadline: February 26, 2025.

✅ Submission of works: Please submit the completed works and the completed labels to Mrs. Yi Lei at the Chinese School Administration Desk.

Scan the QR code in the attached flyer for the label

If you have any questions, please contact: school.events@cccalbany.org.

Chinese School Administration Team

二月三月学校时间安排(Feb/March School schedule)



🔴2/16/25: 不上课
🟢2/23/25: 正常上课

🟢3/2/25: 正常上课
🔴3/9/25: 不上课
🟢3/16/25: 正常上课
🟢3/23/25: 正常上课
🟢3/30/25: 正常上课

✅AP 中文在线模拟考试: 3/1/25 & 3/2/25
✅YCT 3 级和4级 中文考试:3/8/25


Hello everyone,

Below is the schedule for the Chinese school for the next few weeks and March:

🔴 2/16/25: No class

🟢 2/23/25: Regular class

🟢 3/2/25: Regular class

🔴 3/9/25: No class

🟢 3/16/25: Regular class

🟢 3/23/25: Regular class

🟢 3/30/25: Regular class

✅ AP Chinese Online Mock Exam: 3/1/25 & 3/2/25

✅ YCT Level 3 & Level 4 Chinese Exam: 3/8/25

Chinese School Administration Team

2月9号课程 (2/9 classes)



• Hip Hop dance
• 篮球(Basketball)
• 羽毛球(Badminton)
• 功夫课
• 成人形体课
• ESL 课程


Dear Parents,
The following classes are canceled today, February 9th. All other classes will continue as scheduled online. We encourage students to turn on their cameras during online classes to facilitate better interaction with teachers and enhance the learning experience.

• Hip Hop Dance

• Basketball

• Badminton

• Kung Fu Class

• Adult Body Shape Class

• ESL Class

Chinese School Administrative Team

Correction: Hands on STEM will be online on 2/9

更正通知 Correction

February 9th Hands-on-STEM will be online lesson, please check your email for the online class link.


Chinese School Administration Team

2月9号网课通知(2/9 online classes)





• Hip Hop

• 篮球(Basketball)

• 羽毛球(Badminton)

• Hands-on STEM

• 成人形体课

• ESL 课程



Dear Parents and Students,

Due to weather conditions, all classes at the Chinese School on Sunday, February 9, will be conducted online. Teachers will send the online class links via email by 6:00 PM on Saturday, February 8. Please check your inbox promptly. If you do not see the email in your inbox, kindly check your spam folder.

📧 If you have not received the online class link information, please contact your teacher directly. If the teacher can’t be reached, please email school.academic@cccalbany.org for assistance.

Additionally, as of now, the following classes on February 9 have been canceled:

• Hip Hop

• Basketball

• Badminton

• Hands-on STEM

• Adult body shaping Class

• ESL Class

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Chinese School Administrative Team

Jan 26th Lunar New Year Celebration highlights



中文学校于 1 月 26 日成功举办了 “Bring a Friend to School” 农历新年庆祝活动!在此次活动中,中文班级融入了新年文化知识,学生们在课间欣赏了精彩的舞龙表演。此外,学生们还收到了新年红包,参观了剪纸艺术展,并亲手体验了剪纸制作,感受了中华传统艺术的魅力。


如您有当日活动的照片,欢迎上传以上指定的 Google Drive 链接,我们将精选素材用于 学校年刊(Yearbook) 的制作。学年末,每位学生将免费获赠一本年刊,以珍藏这段美好的学习时光。

另外,2 月 2 日(明天)无教学活动。在此,中文学校团队恭祝大家 蛇年幸福安康,阖家吉祥如意!


Dear Parents and Students,

On January 26, our Chinese school successfully hosted the “Bring a Friend to School” Lunar New Year celebration! During this event, Chinese classes incorporated New Year cultural knowledge, and students enjoyed a dragon parade during the recess.Additionally, students received red envelopes, visited a paper-cutting art exhibition, and participated in hands-on paper-cutting activities, experiencing the beauty of traditional Chinese art.

We are pleased to share some highlights from the event:


If you have photos from the event, we invite you to upload them to the Google Drive link above. Selected images will be used in the school yearbook. FYI, each student at the end of the school year free of charge as a keepsake of school wonderful moments.

Additionally, there will be no classes on February 2 (tomorrow).

Wishing you and your family happiness, health, and prosperity in the Year of the Snake!

Chinese School Administration Team

庆祝亚太文化与遗产绘画比赛 Art Contest to celebrate Asian Pacific culture and heritage (Due on 2/26/25)





1. 传统文化


2. 现代故事

讲述 AAPI 个人或社区在当代生活中的故事,包括他们所面临的挑战和取得的成就。

3. 个人经历

结合自身生活,表达与 AAPI 文化或传统的联系与感悟。

4. 其他相关主题

任何与 AAPI 文化、传统或故事相关的内容均可自由创作。


• 参赛资格:仅限中文学校在校学生参加,参赛免费。

• 创作形式:不限制创作工具和形式,作品可为素描、水彩画、蜡笔画、油画、铅笔画或电子画等。

• 作品数量:每位学生限提交一幅作品。

• 截止日期:2025年2月26日。





[Chinese school holds an Art Contest to celebrate Asian Pacific culture and heritage]

In order to celebrate the rich traditions, diversity and contributions of the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, we sincerely invite students to use their creativities to create works of art that reflect this theme.

✅Entry theme:

Participants can choose one of the following themes to create:

1. Traditional Culture

Inspired by the cultural symbols, historical figures or traditional customs of Asian Pacific Americans, show the unique cultural charm.

2. Modern Stories

Tell the stories of AAPI individuals or communities in contemporary life, including the challenges they face and the achievements they have made.

3. Personal Experience

Combined with your own life, express the connection and feelings with AAPI culture or traditions.

4. Other related topics

Any content related to AAPI culture, traditions or stories can be created freely.

✅Entry Rules:

• Eligibility: Only students in Chinese schools can participate, and the participation is free.

• Form of creation: There is no limit on the tools and forms of creation. The works can be sketches, watercolors, crayons, oil paintings, pencil drawings or digital drawings, etc.

• Number of works: Each student is limited to submitting one work.

• Deadline: February 26, 2025.

✅ Submission of works: Please submit the completed works and the completed labels to Mrs. Yi Lei at the Chinese School Administration Desk.

Scan the QR code in the attached flyer for the label

If you have any questions, please contact: school.events@cccalbany.org.

Chinese School Administration Team

1/26/25 Bring a friend to Chinese School Event

【中文学校1月26号举办” Bring a friend to Chinese School “活动】



⏰ 时间:1月26日(星期日),下午1:00 – 3:40

📍地点:Shaker Middle School 475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110







Bring a Friend to Chinese School!

Experience the Joy of Learning and Celebrate the Lunar New Year!

When: Sunday, January 26th, 1:00 PM – 3:40 PM

Where: Shaker Middle School

475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110

--Explore Our Classes for free!
Here is the course list and classroom map

--Enjoy the Dragon Parade (舞龙)during recess!

--See PaperCut Art Exhibition 剪纸 and create your own piece!

--Receive a red envelope!
Chinese School students will receive red envelopes in the class.
non-Chiense school students can pick up the red envelopes at the Administration Desk.

--Wear traditional New Year attire (传统服装)or dress in red (穿红色)to welcome good fortune for the year ahead!

Chinese School Administration Team

Youth Chinese Test Registration Starts-YCT考试开始报名

今年的YCT (Youth Chinese Test)考试现在开始报名了,YCT考试不仅是对孩子们汉语水平的认证考试,也是中文学校学生毕业必须满足的条件之一。华社中文学校将组织学生参加2025年3级和4级的YCT纸笔考试。以下是报名链接, 也可以扫描QRCode(见附件)报名。


⏰报名截止日期 :1/28/2025(星期二) 12:00AM(EST)

💵报名费:学生免费, 但学校将统一支付考试中心费用(3级$25,4级$30)。如学生报名注册了本次考试,却在考试当天缺席,学生需补交相应的考试费用。


🔔考试时间: 3/8/2024 (星期六) 13:00PM(EST)

📍考试地点: 华社(Chinese Community Center) 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110


如有任何问题, 请联系教务副校长-胡磊school.academic@cccalbany.org


Dear Parents and students,

Registration for this year's YCT (Youth Chinese Test) is now open. The YCT test is not only a certification test for children's Chinese proficiency, but also one of the conditions that Chinese school students must meet to graduate. Huashe Chinese School will hold the YCT paper-based exams for Level 3 and Level 4 in 2025. Below is the registration link, you can also scan the QRCode (see attachment) to register.


*Registration deadline: 1/28/2025(Tuesday) 12:00AM(EST)
*Registration fee: Free for students, but the school will pay the test center ($25/each student for Level 3, $30/each student for Level 4). If a student registers for this exam but is absent on the exam day, the student must pay the corresponding exam fee.
*Recommended grade level students to participate: CSL students can register for the YCT-3 level exam. Students in the fifth and sixth grades of Chinese classes can register to take the YCT-4 level exam.

*Exam time: 3/8/2025(Saturday) 13:00PM(EST)
*Exam Location: Chinese Community Center 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110

Please reach out to the Chinese class teacher to obtain exam study materials

If you have any questions, please contact Vice Principal Lei Hu at school.academic@cccalbany.org

Chinese School Administration Team

No Chinese School on 1/19 and classes resume on 1/26



Please note that the Chinese school will be closed on January 19th and classes will resume on January 26th

Thank you
Chinese school administration team

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