中文学校周讯 Chinese School Newsletter-3/28/25

(1) 中文学校毕业申请截止日期是4月6日

符合毕业申请条件并需要申请今年五月份毕业的学生需要填写下面的Google Form。


1) 一张学生正面大头照 (学校将用于年刊)
2) 中文老师填写好的学生中文水平评估表 (见附件)


(2) 中文识字比赛三年级组将于3月30日1:00pm-2:40pm在教室W133举行

(3) 以下是学校四月份的时刻表:
4/6/25 : 正常上课
4/13/25 : 放假,不上课
4/20/25 :正常上课
4/27/25: 正常上课


(4) 转发美国华人联盟(UCA)首届全国华裔青年领袖培训项目


美国华人联盟(UCA)首届全国华裔青年领袖培训项目。该项目将在2025年7月14日至18日于华盛顿特区的乔治城大学隆重举办,并由“美国华人联盟领导力学院“(UCA Leadership Institute)主办。 鼓励符合条件的华裔学生尽早申请。 申请截止日期为5月1日。


(1) The deadline for the Chinese school graduation application is April 6

Students who meet the graduation application requirements and need to apply for May graduation this year need to fill out the following Google Form.


Please note that you need to upload two files when filling out the application form:

*A front-facing headshot of the student (the school will use it for the yearbook)

*The Chinese proficiency assessment form filled out by the Chinese teacher (see attachment)

After the school receives the student's application, the graduation review committee will review the qualifications.

(2) The Chinese Spelling Bee competition 3rd Grade Group will be held on March 30 from 1:00pm to 2:40pm in classroom W133.

(3) The following is the school schedule for April:
4/6/25: School opens
4/13/25: Spring Break, no classes
4/20/25: School opens
4/27/25: School opens

Please visit the school's official website: https://albanychineseschool.org. On the homepage, click "About Us" and then select "School Calendar" to view the school's full-year schedule.

(4) Forward the first national Chinese American youth leadership training program of the United Chinese Association of America (UCA)

Please see the link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/eNTm1-iaxPJdWsPd6o-fhg

The first national Chinese American youth leadership training program of the United Chinese Association of America (UCA). The program will be held at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. from July 14 to 18, 2025, and hosted by the UCA Leadership Institute. Qualified Chinese students are encouraged to apply as early as possible. The application deadline is May 1.

Chinese School Administration Team

中文老师招聘启事 (We're hiring Chinese teachers)




教学方式: 实体及小班教学模式。

教学地址:Shaker Middle School, Latham, NY 12110



o 普通话标准,读写俱佳,有基本英语沟通能力。
o 有爱心,责任心强,细致耐心,善于沟通,有良好的服务意识。
o 无教学经验者亦可,中文学校可以提供培训及上岗实习。


学校网页: albanychineseschool.org

识字比赛二年级组获奖者-Chinese Spelling Bee-2nd Grade Winners


First and second grade mark the beginning of learning Chinese, and mastering Chinese characters is a crucial step toward fluent reading and expression. In the Chinese spelling bee on March 23, the participants showcased outstanding learning achievements! here is the list of 2nd Grade winners:


一等奖 (1st Place):
Lindsey Xie 谢灵茜
Jayden Zheng 郑懿涵
Terence Xu
Acadia Haggerty 悦悦

二等奖 (2nd Place):
Lucas Chen
Brian Shi
John Xu
Ryan Liu

三等奖 (3rd Place):
Ivy Li
Edgar Xue
Zhousheng Liu
Kailie Repicky
Muqiao Lin
Ethan Wang
Leyi Huang
Zoey Zhang


Chinese School Administration Team

识字比赛一年级组获奖者-Chinese Spelling Bee-1st Grade Winners


First and second grade mark the beginning of learning Chinese, and mastering Chinese characters is a crucial step toward fluent reading and expression. In the Chinese spelling bee on March 23, the first-grade participants showcased outstanding learning achievements! here is the list of winners:

一等奖 (1st Place):
Cindy Zhang
Carson Jiang
Tristan Naing
Stany Tian
Raymon McCort

二等奖 (2nd Place):
Alex Yang
Zirui Liu
Leonardo Chen
Jayden Gao
Eason Xiang
Jax Lu
Jonathan Yu
Adam Bao

三等奖 (3rd Place):
Aiden Xue
Avery Wong
August Gong
Day McCort
Hector Guo
Suri Liu
Olivia Lin
Alaina Lin

Chinese School Administration Team

中文识字比赛Chinese Spelling Bee Contest -3/16/25



The annual Chinese literacy competition officially kicked off on March 16, with the first competition being the CSL, Kindergaretn group. Despite the limited preparation time, the contestants still showed outstanding performance, fully demonstrating their efforts and progress. we want to extend warm congratulations to the award-winning children! We look forward to more contestants achieving excellent results in the next competition.

一等奖 (1st Place):
Bella Zimmerman (CSL)
Emma Zimmerman (CSL)
Ziyao Liu (Kindergarten)
Andy Zhang (Kindergarten)

二等奖 (2nd Place):
Emerald Wai
Peter Vert
Camilla Zhan (Kindergarten)
Owen Xia (Kindergarten)
Adrian Dutta (Kindergarten)
Harvey Sun (Kindergarten)

三等奖 (3rd Place):
Quinn Hirsch(CSL)
Abigail Longacker(CSL)
Emma Trichtinger (Kindergarten)
Dylan Melendez (Kindergarten)
Wesley Wong (Kindergarten)
Henry Longacker (Kindergarten)
Audrey Zhao (Kindergarten)
Riley Romeiko (Kindergarten)

Chinese School Administration Team

中文识字比赛 Chinese Spelling Bee




📍比赛地点: 教室W133

🗓️比赛时间: 在1:00pm-2:40pm之间

🔹3月16日:CSL youth 班, 学前班


🔹3月30日: 三年级

🔹4月6号: 四,五,六年级

🔹4月20号: 七,八年级

🔹4月27号: AP中文班, CSL 成人班



Dear Parents and Students,

The 2nd Annual Chinese Spelling Bee will officially kick off on March 16th! Over the next few weeks, students from all grade levels will engage in exciting competitions, reinforcing their knowledge and making Chinese learning even more enjoyable.

This competition is not only a test of knowledge but also a wonderful opportunity for students to showcase their abilities and spark their enthusiasm for learning. Parents and friends are welcome to watch.

📍 Competition Location: Classroom W133

🗓️ Competition Time: Between 1:00 PM - 2:40 PM

🔹 March 16th: CSL Youth Class, Kindergarten

🔹 March 23rd: 1st & 2nd Grade

🔹 March 30th: 3rd Grade

🔹 April 6th: 4th, 5th & 6th Grade

🔹 April 20th: 7th & 8th Grade

🔹 April 27th: AP Chinese Class, CSL Adult Class

If there are any schedule adjustments, the school and teachers will notify everyone promptly.


Chinese School Administrative Team

MCC 暑期台湾支教介绍会 Summer Taiwan Teaching Info Session


MCC program的2025暑期台湾支教行将于本周六,3/8,晚上七点钟举行info session,介绍去年暑期支教行情况和收获,并回答家长和同学的问题。欢迎各位家长和同学踊跃参加!

Zoom会议信息如下: Join Zoom Meeting https://sunypoly-edu.zoom.us/j/7492743213?pwd=a09ReFViYmt5UEhKL2lxN3l2dj...

Meeting ID: 749 274 3213

Passcode: 172529

Dear Parents and Students,

The MCC Program’s 2025 Summer Taiwan Teaching Trip will hold an info session this Saturday, March 8, at 7:00 PM. The session will introduce last summer’s teaching trip, share experiences and insights, and answer any questions from parents and students.

Join Zoom Meeting https://sunypoly-edu.zoom.us/j/7492743213?pwd=a09ReFViYmt5UEhKL2lxN3l2dj...

Meeting ID: 749 274 3213

Passcode: 172529

Chinese School Administration Team

中文学校毕业申请 Chinese School Graduation Application- Due 4/6/25

各位老师, 家长和学生,

如学生在中文学校完成八年级的学业,并且现是当地美国学校八年级或更高年级的学生,可以考虑申请。 关于具体毕业条件要求,请看附件中文学校毕业申请条例。

🔗符合毕业申请条件并需要申请今年五月份毕业的学生需要填写下面的Google Form。


(1) 一张学生正面大头照 (学校将用于年刊)
(2) 中文老师填写好的学生中文水平评估表 (见附件)


如有具体问题, 可电邮school.events@cccalbany.org 雷奕副校长


Dear teachers, Parents, and Students,

If the students who completed 8th-grade Chinese language instructions at the Chinese School and are currently in 8th grade or higher in the local US school, they should consider applying. Please see the attached Chinese school graduation requirements.

🔗Students who meet the graduation requirements and would like to graduate this May, please fill out the following Google Form.


When you fill out the application form, please upload the following two documents:

(1) One student portrait (the school will use it for the yearbook)

(2) Student Chinese proficiency assessment form filled out by the Chinese teacher (see attachment)

⏰ The deadline is April 6, 2025. After the school receives the student's application, it will be reviewed by the Graduation Assessment Committee for approval.

If you have any questions, please contact the Vice Principal - Mrs. Yi Lei at school.events@cccalbany.org.


Chinese School Administration Team

MCC暑期支教报名延长到3/9 Summer English Teaching in Taiwan registration extended to 3/9


中文学校MCC program的2025暑期台湾支教行报名现在延长一周,并对非MCC志愿者开放,名额有限,先到先得。



2025 Summer English Teaching in Taiwan

2. 如果目前非MCC program志愿者,要求7月台湾支教行之后,愿意在MCC program 做一年志愿者在线教英文一年(时间灵活)

Volunteer Requirements:
1. Students in 8th grade and above with good character.Current MCC student volunteers (possibly including non CCC Chinese School students).
2. Non-MCC participants should commit at least one-year service as a MCC volunteer after the trip to Taiwan.
3. Participants must demonstrate teamwork and follow the trip leader’s instructions to ensure a safe and smooth experience.

Required Agreements & Forms: Students and parents must review, agree to, and sign the following: Student Behavior and Expectations Agreement Parent Agreement for Student’s Taiwan Trip Student Medical Information Form Waiver and Release of Liability Photo Release Waiver Form Registration

Deadline: March 09, 2025

Contact Email: mcc.program@cccalbany.org

Signup Link: https://forms.gle/CZTNkmcRU2Xy5xXg7

Chinese School Administration Team

Youth Chinese Test Level 3-4 on 3/8/25


🔔考试时间: 3/8/2024 (星期六) 13:00PM(EST)

📍考试地点: 华社(Chinese Community Center) 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110





4.考试前30分钟开始入场。听力考试开始前,考生可进入考场参加考试;听力考试开 始后,迟到的考生须等听力考试结束后才可进入考场参加阅读考试,所误时间不补 ;阅读考试开始后,迟到的考生不得进入考场。

5.网络考试结束后两周,纸笔考试结束后一个月考生可以登录汉语考试服务网 (www.chinesetest.cn),输入准考证号码和姓名查询成绩。


如有问题,请联系学校教务school.academic@cccalbany.org 谢谢!


Important Notice Regarding YCT Level 3 & Level 4 Chinese Exam

🔔 Exam Date & Time: March 8, 2024 (Saturday) at 1:00 PM (EST)

📍 Exam Location: Chinese Community Center, 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110

Exam Guidelines:

1. After receiving the admission ticket, candidates must verify their personal information. If there are any discrepancies, please contact the school immediately for corrections.

2. Candidates must present their admission ticket to enter the examination room. Those without an admission ticket will not be allowed to take the exam.

3. This is a paper-based exam. Candidates must bring their own 2B pencils and erasers.

4. Entry to the exam room will begin 30 minutes before the exam starts. Candidates may enter before the listening test begins. Latecomers will only be allowed to enter after the listening test has ended to take the reading test. No extra time will be given for the missed portion. Candidates arriving after the reading test has started will not be allowed to enter the exam room.

5. Score Inquiry:

• For online exams: Scores will be available two weeks after the exam.

• For paper-based exams: Scores will be available one month after the exam.

• Candidates can check their results by visiting www.chinesetest.cn and entering their admission ticket number and name.

6. Score Report:

• The score report will be sent to the school within 1-2 months after the exam.

• Candidates can collect their score report at the school by presenting their admission ticket and valid identification.

If you have any questions, please contact the school academic office at school.academic@cccalbany.org.

Thank you!

Chinese School Administration Team

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