4th Week of Chinese School


1. 本周waiting list全部清完,如果您的孩子的课程需要调整,请周日到学校行政桌办理。

2. 这几周老师都会点名,如果您还未交学费,您的孩子将不允许坐在教室里上课。关于交费问题,请到行政桌找会计陈蓬办理。

3. 这周是学费退款的最后一周,从下周开始学校将不办理任何退款。

4. 10/7 是公共假期,中文学校不上课。

5. 本周开始PTA组织我的规则我制定有奖征文活动,恳请每一位同学、家长和老师的配合!希望我们一起把投诉率降到0.


1. All the names on Waiting list will be cleared by this week. If you need help, please come to admin table.

2. If your tuition is past due, your child will not be allowed to sit in the class. Please come to admin table for any help.

3. This week will be the last week for tuition refund. 

4. 10/7 is public holiday, NO Chinese School.

5. All of you are invited to participate "Let's make the rules"!


3rd week in Chinese School



1. 如果您还有孩子在waiting list,请务必于本周第一节课到学校行政桌询问做出调整,下周内学校将把waiting list 全部清除。
If your child's name is on the waiting list, please come to Admin table this Sunday. We will clear the waiting list in next week.

2. 还未支付学费的家庭,请尽快到学校财务处交费!
Please pay the tuition if you haven't done so. Otherwise, your child won't be allowed to sit in the classroom.

3. 欢迎大家参加本周日礼堂的活动: 华人孩子的书香世界--孔子学院全美巡回书展  (提供点心和月饼)
Children's Picture Books from China@Auditorium

注意事项: 请注意这些巡展书籍仅供在礼堂浏览,不可以带走,将电邮提供书单。
Please keep those books in Auditorium only. The book list will be sent out by email.

12:40-1:00pm 欢迎孩子们上课前到礼堂浏览书籍
1:00-1:45pm  纽约著名画家 郑连杰和王雅菁 主题讲座:中国绘画中的山水与诗歌
1:55-3:00pm  孔院书展特邀嘉宾主题讲座:
    。孙燕青 UAlbany教育学院高级研究员:儿童语言发展与阅读中父母的角色
    。戴耘   UAlbany教育心理学和方法论教授: 以发展的视角来看儿童阅读
    。杨静言 Siena College美国文学研究副教授:历史与文学的交织
    。郑连杰 纽约著名当代艺术家:触摸东方
3:00-3:20pm  Q&A及浏览书籍
3:20-3:50pm  点心及月饼@学校餐厅


Second Week of Chinese School



1. 试课/调课:本周日是新学生最后一天试课,试完课决定报哪个班之后,请立即到学校行政桌办理登记或调课。从下周开始,各个班的老师会点名,不在名单上的学生将不能在教室里听课。
This Sunday is the last time for the trial lesson. Once you choose a class, please come to Admin table to register or make a change. If your name is not on the class roster, you won’t be allowed to sit in the class from the next week.

2. 如果您还有孩子在waiting list,请务必到学校行政桌询问做出调整,下周以后学校将把waiting list 全部清除。
If your name is still on the waiting list, please look for the Principal at the Admin table.  We will clear all the names on the waiting list in the next week.

3. Shaker 将在4:00准时关门,校工工作超时都需要中文学校来负担。再次强调安全第一,请大家务必在4点之前把孩子都接走,安全离开学校!
Shaker will close at 4pm. Safety is first!Your child must leave school with you before 4pm.

4. 有家长问到今年购买的马立平教材个别年级课后作业光盘上为什么没有密码? 答复: 一二四五年级的马立平课本做了改动, 课本封面上印有网上作业的密码,(另外一二年级课本有些版面的改进,详情请咨询班级老师)。这几个年级的光盘上没有密码。如果光盘(旧版)和课本上都有密码, 请使用课本上的密码。家长网络作业使用指南:https://goo.gl/WppuxM
There is no CD for the new version of Ma Liping Chinese. You will find a code on the cover page. Please see:





1.Coding 编程- Python class (14 岁及以上)  1:00-2:40pm

2.Learn Chinese through Muisc 听歌学汉语 2:50-3:40pm

3.Reading Club 读书俱乐部 4-6岁 2:50-3:40pm

4.Traditional Chinese Medicine and Health 中医养生课 2:50-3:40pm

5.Zumba Dance - Adult 成人健身操 2:50-3:40pm




1. 时间和地址
学校开门时间Door Open:         12:45PM
第一节课1st Language class:     1PM- 1:45PM
第二节课2nd  Language Class:    1:55PM- 2:40PM
第三节课3rd Culture Class:      2:50PM-3:40PM
学校结束时间Door Close:         4PM
Address: Shaker Junior High School at 475 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110-4698

2. 开学第一天的校务人员工作分配如下:

3. 课程安排


4. 停车

5. 校历和教室安排
请查阅学校手册和Floor plan(见附件)。如何你对教室不熟悉,第一天在餐厅有放大的地图,也可以到校务办公处咨询。




各位家长选报完中文学校课程后,请不要急于付款,等待至少10天让学校行政人员apply CCC member discount后, 您登录学校网站看到折扣后的学费之后, 再在中文学校网站通过PayPal 完成交费。

CCC Chinese School Registration - 2022-2023 School Year

中文学校2022-2023学年的注册将于7月15日开始,今年所有课程注册还是在网上进行。 学校要求大家参照学校注册规定及网上操作指南,为孩子登记选课交费。 新家庭先上网设立家庭账户(每个家庭只设一个账户,家长为户主),再注课。谢谢合作!

Dear Parents, Students, and Teachers, welcome to the CCC Chinsese School.

The registration for school year 2022-2023 will begin on  July 15.  If you are an existing student and have already had a family account with the School, you can proceed to Family Login 登录 to do your registration.  Should you forget your password, click on Forgot Password 忘记密码 on the login page, then follow the direction for password recovery.

If you already have an account, please do NOT create another account. Should you have issue with access your account, feel free to contact us (principal@cccalbany.org). 您若曾建立过帐户,请不要再开新账户。若有问题使用您的帐户,请和学校联系 (principal@cccalbany.org)。

For new families to the CCC Chinese School...

If you don't have a family account with us, the parents or guardian need to create one by clicking the "New Family Account" 注册.

Once the account is created, add your family members and register for classes.

Here are the basic steps to complete your registration:

  1. Create a New Account, if you haven't done so. Make sure that the parents or guardian should be the account holder, the information entered are current and accurate, especially your email address. All school communication will be primarily sent to the parents/students via e-mails.
  2. Login, if you already have an existing account. You may login using your user name, email address, or your phone number.
  3. Add your family members. Update (add) family account with your family members who will take class. Make sure the information entered form them are current and correct as well.
  4. Enroll Class(s) by clicking "My Family 我的家庭" and then "Enrollment". Select a student, check classes for the student, and then click "Enroll".  Repeat the enrollment steps for another student in your family if needed.
  5. Print out your Payment Slip. When you finish registration, click blue tab "Get Payment Slip" to verify the registration information and print out a copy of it.
  6. Mail your payment to School. With the Payment Slip, send your payment in the full amount (CCC membership + PTA deposit + tuition as listed in the payment slip) to: CCC Chinese School Registration, 11 Avis Drive, Latham, NY 12110. Payment must be received to secure your registration. A $10 late fee will apply if the payment is after the payment due date by postmark.

For details, Please see "Family User's Guide" 家长使用指南.  If you is also a new CCC Chinese School teacher, you should inform the system administrator to add the teacher role to your account after it is created, then you will have access to the teacher's functions. Please refer to the "Teacher's Guide" 教师使用指南 for details, .

Class Registration Tips 注册提示 :

  • Register on-line at home before school starts as oppose to on-site registration on the first school day. CCC Chinese School has very limited resources (computers, internet access, and printers) to provide on-site registration at this time.
  • Register early and send in the payment before the due date instead paying on the first day of school to avoid long payment line and being charged for the late fee.  Class seatings are limited, School reserves the right to cancel any unpaid seats.
  • Make sure your email address on account is accurate and current. Otherwise you will NOT receive school news, notice, homework assignments. The email address should be unique per family.
  • Make sure your telephone number is correct and unique per family. Otherwise you will NOT be able to use phone number to access your account information later.
  • Any questions or comments on classes or registration process, you may email us (principal@cccalbany.org)



    新学年一年级到9年级中文课本(马立平教材)订购截止日是8月14日。请到华社网站 https://cccalbany.org 登录购书。每套$70。

    订购教材后请打印保管好收到的Invoice letter,开学当天(9月11日),在学校以班级为单位取书。


    1. 登录华社网站https://cccalbany.org

    2. 华社会员请登录自己的账号;非华社会员不用注册账户直接进入下一步。

    3. 点击“Program”然后“School”再点击“Order Textbook”,进入购书页面。

    4. 选择要购买的教材。如需要购买两个或两个以上不同年级的课本,请返回购书主页面选择。选完所以需要的教材后进入购物篮(cart)。

    5. 点击“Proceed to checkout", 在Contact页面,华社会员Email栏会自动显示您注册的Email。非会员需要填写您的Email。

    注意: 请务必确认Email是否正确。付款后此邮箱将收到确认Email和Invoice Letter。在您取书时将以此Email为凭证。

    6. 在完成Contact后是Delivery, 直接Continue到下一页。

    7. 接下来是Billing and shipping information。请务必在Comments里填上您的Family ID以方便学校在取书时能快速找到您的记录。

    8. 通过PayPal完成支付。

    9. 在收到学校通知后,打印Invoice letter,开学当天(9月11日),在学校以班级为单位取书。




    中文学校2022-23学年助教申请 (School Year 22-23 Teacher Assistant Application) -Due 8/30/22


    如果您的孩子满14周岁或是在校9年级及以上的学生,并有意申请中文学校2022-23学年的无薪助教工作, 请在8月30日之前填写以下申请表报名:


    如有任何问题, 请联系副校长雷奕school.events@cccalbany.org









    一等奖: 朗玥然

    二等奖: Kaitlyn Chen, Ayden Chen

    三等奖: Fonda Zhao, 侯潇然, Avery Zhao


    一等奖: 谢依琳

    二等奖: Aiden Fan

    三等奖: Angelina Zhang


    一等奖: Jeremy Zhu, 王嘉懿

    二等奖: 蒋语江, 亚瑟

    三等奖: 秦琪玥, Lulu Wang


    一等奖: Christina Zhang

    二等奖: Livia Lu, 侯悠然

    三等奖: Stella Lee



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