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FAQs 注册常见问题与解答 06/10/2016 - 1:54pm



My family has more than one child taking classes in the Chinese School, do I need to create one account for each child?

A1, 每个家庭只需一个账户,先由家长开户,然后加小孩为家庭成员。再为每个孩子注册课程即可。请不要开重复帐户。
No, Please do not create multiple accounts. Each family only needs ONE account open by the parents or guardian. Once you open a family account, add each child as a family member to the account and register course(s) for each child.


Q2, 我已交了华社会员年费,是否可以从我的账单上扣除$50?
My family has already paid the $50 CCC membership, can I deduct this fee from school bill?
A2, 学校从2016-17年开始不再替华社代收会员年费。有关详情请参阅学校注册规定。华社会费统一由华社管理。学费中不再包含华社会员费。
Starting from 2016-17 school year, the school no longer collect a $50 CCC membership fee per family on behalf of CCC. Please refer to Registratino Policy 2016-17 for details. All CCC membership fee is handled by CCC.The tuition no longer include CCC membership fee.


Q3, 我们通过捐款给华社,自动成为其会员,可否从学校账单上扣除$50的华社会员年费?
We are CCC members through donation, can we deduct the $50 CCC membership from our school bill?

A3, 请参阅上述答复A2。
Please refer to A2 above.


Q4, 我今年是中文学校老师,还需要交$20PTA押金吗?
As a Chinese School teacher, do I need to pay the $20 PTA deposit?

A4, 从今年开始,学校电脑系统会自动取消学校老师的PTA押金。老师不用先交押金了。其他家长还是必须在完成值日后从PTA代表那里领回押金。
Starting from 2016-2017 school year, the school teacher no longer need to pay $PTA deposit. All other families get the deposit back after fulfilling PTA duty.


Q5, 我已经在网上注册,可否等到开学后交费?
I have already registered online. Can I pay bill after school starts?

A5, 学校在收到学费后才能落实学生的课堂坐位。而且为了避免迟缓注册罚款($10),建议您在注册截止日(参阅注册规定上的截止日期,通常是8/31)前缴费。您可按帐单上的说明将款邮寄到指定地址。
The School cannot confirm your registration until receiving your payment. We suggest you send in your payment before due date (please refer to Registration Policy for the date) to avoid $10 late fee.  Please mail your payment to the address posted in your bill.


Q6, 我已注册并交了部分学费,可否等到开学后交付余款?
I made partial payment to the school, can I pay the remaining balance on the first day of school?

A6, 请参阅上述答复A5. 建议您在注册截止日前缴付所有款项。
Please refer the answer A5 above, we recommend you to pay the school bill in full before the registration due date to avoid the $10 late fee.


Q7, 我已注册付费,怎样改课或退课?
I have registered and paid the bill. How do I change or drop a course?

A7, 按照学校本年度的注册规定,开学后头两周内可以自由换课。在有空位的前提下,家长可以上网替孩子改注新课程(要先退注原来的课程)。两周后换课要向校方申请,由学校酌情批准。退课一定要向校方申请,学校批准后按规定部分退费。每次退课申请学校将会收取$10手续费。祥情参照学校本年度的注册规定。
You can change class during the first two weeks of school. When you login to registration system, you un-enroll an existing class first and then enroll a new class if slot is available. Starting from week three, any change of class requires permission from the School. You will also need to submit a request to school for class withdrawal. There will be partial refund according to the school refund policy. A $10 handling fee will be charged to each withdraw, so the refund amount will be $10 less. Please refer to the School Registration Policy for details.


Q8, 我有几个孩子同时上中文学校,怎样没见有家庭学费优惠?
My family has more than one child taking classes in the Chinese School, why we don't see the family tuition discount>?

A8, 根据本年度的财政状况,学校取消了往年的多位学生家庭学费优惠。所以今年是每位学生都收同样的学费。
Based on the current School financial condition, the School has decided to cancel the tuition discount for families with multiple students. So for this school year, every students will pay the same amount of tuition per class.


Q9, 交学费后学校会发收据吗?
Will I get a receipt after paying my school tuition?

A9, 学校收到交费后会及时更新您的资料,此时您的帐户交费单(Payment Slip)上会有您的交费记录。您可以登陆您的帐号参阅或打印该帐户交费单作为您的交费收据。
Your account will be credited as soon as the school receives your payment.  Then you can login to view or print your Payment Slip to serve as the payment receipt, which will show all your payment records.


Q10. 我忘记我帐户的用户名和用户密码,进不了学校的网站。怎么办?
I forget my user name and/or password. What shall I do?

A10, 除了用户名,您还可用您注册的电话号码或电邮地址登陆学校注册网站。登陆时注意选好使用的信息种类。如果忘记用户密码,可使用系统的“忘记密码“功能获取一次性密码。请用该一次性密码登陆后重置您的用户密码。
Besides user name, you can also login using your phone number or e-maill address. These information were stored in the system during your initial setup. If you forget your password, use "Forgot Password" function in the system to obtain a one-time password, which allows you to login your account. Please remember to reset your password after using the one-time password.


Q11. 怎样重置我的用户密码?
How can I reset my account password?

A11, 登陆您帐户后,点击网页左上部位的用户名进到您的个人帐号页;选击上方的修改项"EDIT", 在该页密码栏处填上您的新密码(有两处),再到此页底部点击保存"SAVE"及可。
Login to your account, click your user name (on the upper left corner of your home page), which will open your personal profile page. Select "EDIT", then find the password boxes to enter your new password. Remember to save the changes by click the "SAVE" tap at the bottom of the page. You are ready to go with your new password.


CCC Chinese School Registration - 2022-2023 School Year 07/15/2022 - 5:14pm

中文学校2022-2023学年的注册将于7月15日开始,今年所有课程注册还是在网上进行。 学校要求大家参照学校注册规定及网上操作指南,为孩子登记选课交费。 新家庭先上网设立家庭账户(每个家庭只设一个账户,家长为户主),再注课。谢谢合作!

Dear Parents, Students, and Teachers, welcome to the CCC Chinsese School.

The registration for school year 2022-2023 will begin on  July 15.  If you are an existing student and have already had a family account with the School, you can proceed to Family Login 登录 to do your registration.  Should you forget your password, click on Forgot Password 忘记密码 on the login page, then follow the direction for password recovery.

If you already have an account, please do NOT create another account. Should you have issue with access your account, feel free to contact us ( 您若曾建立过帐户,请不要再开新账户。若有问题使用您的帐户,请和学校联系 (。

For new families to the CCC Chinese School...

If you don't have a family account with us, the parents or guardian need to create one by clicking the "New Family Account" 注册.

Once the account is created, add your family members and register for classes.

Here are the basic steps to complete your registration:

  1. Create a New Account, if you haven't done so. Make sure that the parents or guardian should be the account holder, the information entered are current and accurate, especially your email address. All school communication will be primarily sent to the parents/students via e-mails.
  2. Login, if you already have an existing account. You may login using your user name, email address, or your phone number.
  3. Add your family members. Update (add) family account with your family members who will take class. Make sure the information entered form them are current and correct as well.
  4. Enroll Class(s) by clicking "My Family 我的家庭" and then "Enrollment". Select a student, check classes for the student, and then click "Enroll".  Repeat the enrollment steps for another student in your family if needed.
  5. Print out your Payment Slip. When you finish registration, click blue tab "Get Payment Slip" to verify the registration information and print out a copy of it.
  6. Mail your payment to School. With the Payment Slip, send your payment in the full amount (CCC membership + PTA deposit + tuition as listed in the payment slip) to: CCC Chinese School Registration, 11 Avis Drive, Latham, NY 12110. Payment must be received to secure your registration. A $10 late fee will apply if the payment is after the payment due date by postmark.

For details, Please see "Family User's Guide" 家长使用指南.  If you is also a new CCC Chinese School teacher, you should inform the system administrator to add the teacher role to your account after it is created, then you will have access to the teacher's functions. Please refer to the "Teacher's Guide" 教师使用指南 for details, .

Class Registration Tips 注册提示 :

  • Register on-line at home before school starts as oppose to on-site registration on the first school day. CCC Chinese School has very limited resources (computers, internet access, and printers) to provide on-site registration at this time.
  • Register early and send in the payment before the due date instead paying on the first day of school to avoid long payment line and being charged for the late fee.  Class seatings are limited, School reserves the right to cancel any unpaid seats.
  • Make sure your email address on account is accurate and current. Otherwise you will NOT receive school news, notice, homework assignments. The email address should be unique per family.
  • Make sure your telephone number is correct and unique per family. Otherwise you will NOT be able to use phone number to access your account information later.
  • Any questions or comments on classes or registration process, you may email us (