News Update

Title Updated date Body
中文学校每周简讯 - 2月20日 02/28/2015 - 11:26am








Dear Chinese School Families,

Wish every one of you has enjoyed the celebration of Chinese Spring Festival, which is the most important holiday in our tradition. Gathering together with family members and friends in the evening preceding the first day in Chinese New Year marks the start of the two-week long Spring Festival. We will also celebrate the Chinese New Year by handing out Lucky Money in red packets to students during this week’s class. Home parents of all classrooms need to get the red packets from PTA members in the beginning of the class. It is important that every class has a representative to distribute the Lucky Money if no home parent is available.

The CCC Chinese New Year Performance is going to take place in SUNY Albany this Saturday. Do not miss the opportunity to check out local shows. It is a fun gathering to see new and old faces. We also have a booth there so stop by and say:

Happy New Year!

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 2月13日 02/20/2015 - 11:50am



骏马奔驰辞岁去,吉羊起舞报春来。首府区华社在此给您拜个早年,祝大家羊年三‘羊’开泰,喜气‘羊羊‘。 新春佳节是我们华人最重要的传统节日,为了让首府区华人能够欢聚一堂共庆新年,华社和孔子学院为您精心准备了一台华人春节联欢晚会 欢迎大家来观赏。


时间:2/21/2015 (Saturday), 3-5 PM
地点:Performing Arts Center at SUNY Albany Campus
3:00 - 4:30PM Performance
4:30 - 5:00PM Networking and other activities





Dear Chinese School Families,

Since next week is the winter break for most of schools in Capital region, there is no Chinese School this Sunday (2/15). We will resume school on 2/22, after the Chinese Spring Festival.

The SAT registration has been closed. The YCT registration is still open till end of this weekend.

There will be a performance to celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival at Clifton Park Public Library on Saturday afternoon, organized by VP Xiaoqing Zhang. Please see attached flyer for details.

Happy Valentine!

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 2月6日 02/14/2015 - 9:33pm








Dear Chinese School Families,

It has been another cold week and also it is forecasted to snow on Sunday. Please drive safely and plan for extra time on road. Nothing is more important than your safety.

I’d like to remind parents of students in grade 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 of exam registration for YCT Test and SAT II Chinese Mock Test. The deadline for registration is approaching. Please let your home teacher know whether your child will take the exam or not. Please note that SAT II Test is one of the requirements for graduation.

Parents on duty each week are of great help to teachers and keeping the floor running. We need more parents to sign up for parent duty for coming weeks. This way your deposit of $20 can be refunded on time. You can find more details about how to sign up parent duty in attached reference file.

See you this Sunday.

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 1月30日 02/07/2015 - 12:32am



1.      SAT中文模拟考试

2.      汉语水平4级考试



Dear Chinese School Families,

We have a few new families joining the Chinese School in the beginning of Spring semester. Please welcome them as you see new faces. Due to the new enrollment, there have been a few adjustments in the classrooms. Please make sure your registration and enrollment is up to date in your school account. It is not allowed to switch classroom on your own without permission from school administration.

A few topics that need your attentions:
1.      SAT II Chinese Mock Test
The SAT II Chinese Mock Test will take place on early March.  Students in Grade 8 and higher are highly recommended to take this exam since it is a graduation requirement. Parents should let the teachers know no later than Feb. 8th if your kids will take this exam or not. A separate application sheet will be sent to teachers for registration. The application fee of the test is $8 per student, which will be compensated by the school. So it is free to students, however, students who register for the test need to pay a $10 deposit to your room teachers. The deposit will be returned to you on the day you take the test. The test date will be announced once it is finalized.

2.      YCT Test
Students in Grades 5, 6 are highly recommended to take YCT Test (Level IV) that will be held in mid of April. Parents should let the teachers know no later than Feb. 15th if your kids are taking the YCT test or not. YCT is an international standard test organized by Hanban (汉办) for the purpose of evaluating Chinese language proficiency of students whose native language is not Chinese. Detailed information can be found at Many of the students in Grade 6 has taken this exam last year and all passed with good scores.

As many of you have known, the annual Chinese New Year celebration at Clifton Park Halfmoon Library will be held on Feb. 14th from 1PM to 3PM.  The event has been organized by Vice Principal Xiaoqing Zhang and will be performed by many teachers and students from our school.  Admission is free but seats must be reserved online on  The library is located at 475 Moe Road, Clifton Park, NY and the performance will be in the program room upstairs.

See you this Sunday.

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 1月14日 01/30/2015 - 12:00pm


这个周末是长周末,纪念马丁  路德  金的生日,是法定联邦假日,故而没有中文课。




Dear Chinese School Families,

This weekend is a long weekend to observe the Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday. There is no Chinese School this Sunday. I hope everyone enjoy the long weekend. Though it is beyond “frozen”, hopefully, “the cold never bothers you any more”.

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015
