News Update

Title Updated date Body
中文学校每周简讯 - 10月3日 10/15/2014 - 12:35pm


学期进入第五周,大家都已经按部就班:有扎堆聊天的,有四处散步的,还有装模作样埋头用工的,当然也有不少聚在教室门口向室内探望的。这个星期我们会在大礼堂请Randy Cale心理学博士给我们上一堂“如何为人父母”的讲座,希望能把大家都吸引过来。附件有Randy Cale博士发表的一些相关文章,这些文章在他的网站(上也有转载。请大家多多准备一些问题,越尖锐越有实际意义。除了讲座之外,还有其他一些校务需要大家注意。

1.      毕业以及奖学金

2.      第十六届世界华人学生作文大赛
第十六届世界华人学生作文大赛截稿日为12月31日, 所有参赛习作必须在12月8日前由各班老师统一交给参赛组织者任小波老师。根据以往经验,各位任课老师可以有针对性的利用平时的作业鼓励学生写作发挥,聚沙成塔。希望年底我们有一大批高质量的文章参赛。

3.      讲故事比赛

4.      青少年义工团活动
星期六10/4下午1:50PM 到3PM青少年义工团将在Eddy Memorial Geriatric Center开始本学年第一次义务活动。活动主要有乐器表演,慰问老人。该敬老院去年在美国新闻与世界报道杂志的全美国16000所敬老院调查中被授予最高的五星级排名。整个纽约首府地区36家敬老院中仅4家获此殊荣。请大家对义工团的活动给予充分的支持,让我们的孩子们在活动中体验社会,在生活中成长。如果你有具体问题,请联系义工团主席Ryan Guo ( 和Jeffrey Shen (。



Dear Chinese School Families,

The school is moving forward at its full throttle. When I walked around the classrooms, the usual laughter was floating around and I can see most of you have settled except a few parents were still peeking through the windows into the classrooms and seemed to be anxiously interested in what was going on inside. For this coming Sunday, I hope the seminar event will attract all of you to the auditorium so we have a quiet hallway. As announced earlier this week, Dr. Randy Cale will talk about parenting, second language study, and homework in a general sense. He will share his best experience after many years of practice as physiologist. I will appreciate if you can read through the attached articles from him, and bring your own questions, concerns, or your thoughts to share with other parents. There are a few other highlights I want to share with you below.

1.      Scholarship and graduation
For those of you who plan to graduate in the spring of 2014, this is the time to apply for Chinese School scholarship. Application procedures can be found in 2014 handbook or can be downloaded at There is total $1000 allocated for the scholarship fund this year. It is meant to recognize outstanding graduate students of Chinese School for their continuous effort in Chinese language learning, participation in Chinese school, contribution to Chinese community, and academia achievement.

2.      Composition competition
The 16th International Chinese Essay contest has been announced in July with details attached. The deadline is Dec. 8th to submit compositions to Teacher Xiaobo Ren. Every language teacher is encouraged to utilize their weekly writing assignment and have their students participate in this competition. We usually see parent involvement is helpful and promoting a good outcome.

3.      Chinese Story Telling Contest at CCC
The annual Chinese Story Telling Contest for the school year of 2014-2015 will be held on Sunday, November 9th, at the CCC building (1:00PM – 4:00PM). Every year we have a lot of participation, various programs and stories. It is a great platform for your kids to showcase their staging performance and win from a large pool of prizes. Please contact Vice Principal Xufeng Sun ( for more details.

4.      Youth Team Event
This Saturday 10/4 from 1:50PM to 3PM the Youth team will be organizing a volunteering event at Eddy Memorial Geriatric Center in Troy. They plan to perform musical instrument, have a conversation with the senior residents, and hopefully fill the rooms with joy and laughter. Water will be provided.
Eddy Memorial Geriatric Center was awarded the best five-star rating in 2013 by U.S. News & World Report, in a review of 16,000 facilities nationwide. Only 4 nursing homes received this best rating out of 36 in Capital Region.
I’d love to see parents’ support behind Youth Team’s effort to promote the Chinese Community by bringing your kids to participate and volunteer in this event. Please feel free to contact Ryan Guo ( and Jeffrey Shen ( for more details.

With that, I will wrap up this weekly update. Enjoy the weekend and see you on Sunday.

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 9月26日 10/04/2014 - 10:38am




华社青少年义工团上个星期天进行选举,共有43人参加,包括三对6名候选人。每对选举人向大家做了自我介绍以及工作设想,并且回答了来自听众以及我的问题。所有候选人都对过去一年的工作做了回顾,一致认为今后的工作还可以做的更多、更好。在“更多、更好”的大方向下,每个候选人的思路和具体想法各不相同:Bill和Michael侧重于如何帮助中文学校和华社作更多、更细致的工作;Ryan和Jeffrey想拓展义工的范围,发挥华裔青少年的长处,走出华人的社区,更多的为全社会服务; Aaron和Bryan注意到义工团参与度不高的问题,想努力提高大家的积极性,包括作学生家长的思想工作,鼓励大家参与,改变社会上存在的“华裔青少年只知道读书用功”的一些片面印象。他们每个人的想法都是自己努力思考的结果,对问题以及解决方案的阐述有条有理。最后的选举结果如下:
Bill和Michael, 13票,当选副主席。
Aaron和Bryan, 11票,当选秘书。


除去两个成人中文班,我们共有28个中文语言班。每个语言班,学校要求不论班级大小,必须推选一位家长代表,协助本班级老师工作,包括安排家长值日,作为家长会与家长之间的纽带,传递必需的信息等等。家长代表是学校管理当中核心的一部分,希望大家积极担任。作为家长代表,还可以免除学校PTA 值日。



Dear Chinese School Families,

The color of fall is unfolding before us. Every leaf is like a rose in the spring but differs in its own color. Many of you probably have started planning the annual foliage scenic trip. When you are out in such a trip, take the opportunity to teach your child what is “霜叶红于二月花”, and explain the scientific reasons behind it. Hopefully after the trip, you will become know-it-all daddy or mommy.

As the registration drew to an end this week, I finally had time to take a walk around the classrooms by end of the day and talked to the custodians who were cleaning up the rooms and hallways. During my walk-around, unfortunately, I was needed to pick up various garbage including candy wrappers, lollipop sticks, crackers etc. As we all have a
common understanding that food and beverage are not allowed in the classroom zone, it was not observed and followed strictly at least last Sunday. If I had to serve as the last guard, we have a broken system to keep the classroom zone clean, because I could not cover all the corners in five minutes. For the same amount of garbage I picked up, there were probably more left somewhere else. Only with help from each one of you,
especially parents on duty, either for school or classroom, we can accomplish the goal of keeping the rooms neat and clean. A simple remind to yourself or people around you will be a step forward. With that, I’d like to direct your attention to a few highlights of past and coming weeks:

1.      Youth Team Election Results
Total 37 youth members besides all 6 candidates participated in the Youth Team election last Sunday. Each running team had a few minutes to introduce themselves and presented their ideas of how to run the youth team this year. By end of their speech they addressed questions from the floor and me. All of them were well prepared so the competition was intense, which can be told by the vote counts below. In the end, the
members decided the team for this year with their votes as the following:
Ryan Guo and Jeffrey Shen       17 votes        Co-President
Bill Dong and Michael Huang     13 votes        Co-Vice President
Aaron Zhang and Bryan Zhou      11 votes        Co-Secretary
There were 2 invalid votes.

Please join me in congratulating them being elected to the leadership positions. Ryan Guo and the team have started to form the youth team community. Parents, please have your child forward contact information to Ryan Guo at at your earliest convenience. The first volunteering event planned is as soon as next week. Don’t miss the opportunity to work with your peers and help the needed.

2.      Budget Update
The school conducted first council meeting last Sunday mainly to discuss and vote for the 2014-2015 budget. Based on enrollment as of last Friday, the projected revenue is about $115K. The expenses include teachers and staff compensation (65%), fixed operational cost (21%) and program cost (14%). The revenue is almost flat compared to last year. Both teachers and staff compensation and fixed operational cost are stable. The only variable is in the program cost. As we plan to initiate and install new programs such as educational seminars and teacher’s training, inevitably we need to cut funding to other programs to balance the budget sheet. The school proposed to reduce year end celebration cost and the council members had a keen discussion as to how to minimize the impact while maintaining our traditions. PTA members made a commitment to keeping our tradition strong and the budget was approved unanimously in the end. We should all be grateful to PTA members who bridge many gaps when needed.

3.      Classroom Home Parent
By now every classroom should have identified a home parent no matter the size of the classes. Home parents serve a few critical functions and share the responsibilities with teachers for classroom maintenance such that the teachers can focus on teaching and education. All the home parents should send their contact information to PTA chair Jian Xu ( If your classroom has not found a home parent, please consider volunteer this role. And you will be exempt from PTA duty assignment. As we encourage our children to participate in the Youth Volunteer Team, we can also act as a role model by participating in school duties.

Wish you all have a good weekend and see you on Sunday again.


Feng Chen
Principal, Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 9月18日 09/27/2014 - 12:39am













Dear Chinese School Families,

As temperature drops, the autumn starts to color the edge of leaves. Soon we will have a full spectrum of fall, the best season of the year.

Going into the third week of Chinese School, I hope most of you now have finalized registrations for your child. There are a dozen families who still have balance due probably due to changes of classes. Please make your final decisions and have the balance cleared before the third class. Beginning the next class, all teachers will start to check roster and confirm class size.

I have a few other things to share with you regarding coming events.

1. Youth Team Election
The Youth Team election will happen this Sunday 2:30PM to 3PM at room C206. The members of youth team need to notify their teachers
for earlier dismissal to be able to participate in the election. The deadline for candidacy is end of this Friday 9/19. If you plan to run for a position in the executive team, please send me resumes of you and your running mate if you have one. A sketch of 2014-2015 plan is also required. If you need help to put together a plan, I can share with you activities organized by previous committee.

2. New Culture Class - Fence for Beginners
I am happy to announce that a beginner’s fence class will be offered beginning this Sunday. It will be taught by Dr. Ricky Leung, an assistant professor of SUNY-Albany. Dr. Leung had competed on behalf of Hong Kong Fencing team and won many championships and awards. He also participated in World
University Games (Universiade) in 1995. Dr. Leung is a certified Fence coach and has had many years of coaching experience for both children and adults.
The equipment cost is less than $60. If we have enough kids to sign up, we may consider a group purchase that may significantly lower the price.
The fence class is now open for registration on school website. Please sign it up if you are interested. According to Dr. Leung, fencing is a physical “game of chess.” It will train your coordination, improve your ability to calmly observe, analyze and respond to dynamic situations. It requires strategic thinking, quick reflexes and endurance to succeed. It is a fun and team sport for children and teenagers.

3. Seminars on How to Learning Chinese
Learning Chinese whether as a heritage speaker or as a second language in an English environment is always a huge challenge, because Chinese is fundamentally different from English as the former is ideographic and the latter is alphabetic. We, as parents, should all appreciate the effort our children have put into the language study and be proud of the
progress they are making. In the meantime, we need to knowledge the challenges, many times the struggles we have in keeping our children on track of language study.
A lot of parents have asked for help how to motivate their children to learn and practice Chinese in a sustainable way. As a response to this outcry, the school starts to organize a series of seminars on topics of how to help our children learn Chinese. We hope to inspire discussions, deeper thinking and actions among ourselves. The details of seminars
will be announced once we finalize all the logistics. The tentative dates as of now are 10/5 and 10/19 respectively. Please book your calendar and stay tuned.

4. School Operations
I’d like to remind everyone of school operation time. School opens its door at 12:45PM and needs to close by 4PM sharply. If you need help from School staff after 4PM, please use email or phone to contact us. We must vacate the building by 4:00PM on time. Otherwise additional rental charge may incur and we will need to pay a bigger bill next year. All classes need to end by 3:40PM so there is enough time to clean and re-organize the classroom back to original state.

5. Clubs for Parents
For parents who join badminton club, basketball club, ping pong club, dance club and drum club, please complete your registration at The Chinese School is held responsible for facility usage with certain insurance coverage. It is imperative that each of users register and be protected by the umbrella policy in case of emergency.

6. Council Meeting
The school council will hold its first meeting this Sunday from 3PM to 3:50PM, to discuss and vote this year’s operational budget before a penny can be spent. This is an important meeting that requires commitment from all school staff, teacher representatives and PTA members. Therefore, most of us will not be available during the third class. If you have any questions or need help, please stop by school tables earlier.

I hope all of you have a good weekend.

Feng Chen
Principal, Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 9月12日 09/27/2014 - 12:44am




(1)    注册和学费


(2)    课程调整

-象棋班:由于学生象棋水平参差不齐,该班将分为两个班。增加一个初级班,由新老师Zackary Calderon教,教室安排在A205Patrick Chi任教的班将针对中、高级水平的学生,仍在现有教室B108。请相关家长及时调整注册。





(3)    家长代表

(4)    青少年义工团


(5)    注册情况

(6)    教材

(7)    华社会员





Dear Chinese School Families,

Welcome back to Chinese School!

The school is off to a great start and we were so delighted to see old acquaintance and new faces in the first day of school. I hope everyone now starts to settle into school routines, and your child may have made one or two new friends. A special welcome is offered to our new students, new families and new teachers, who just began their journey in Chinese school.

Now we are moving onto the second week while most students have started learning a few new Chinese characters or reading new stories. There are a few things I’d like to share with you in a hope to help you assimilate quicker into the Chinese School routines and culture.

(1)    Registration and Tuition Payment
Registration will be closed by end of this Saturday 9/13/2014. Any registration change request after 9/13 will have to be handled by a school staff. Tuition needs to be paid full before and during the second school session. According to school registration policy, if full payment is not received after two school sessions, school reserves the right to cancel associated registration to allow students on the waiting list to register.

I hope after the first class most families have settled and made their decisions. Please take a moment to log into your account to update your enrollment information. We are relying on your prompt actions to have a better count of class size. If you have problem in updating enrollment, you can always reach out to me or Mr. Jianhua Chen(

(2)    Class Updates
There are a few adjustments regarding some culture classes. The affected classes are:

-Chess class: due to wide range of levels, the chess class will be split into two classes. A beginner’s chess class has been added for current students of entry level. This class will be taught by Zackary Calderon in room A205. Patrick Chi will remain as instructor of current chess class for intermediate and advanced levels in room B108. Please adjust your enrollment accordingly.

-Dance class-1 (7 and under): per request of the teacher, this dance class will take place in B102, instead of gym. Parents of this class: please help keep the classroom in order after the class is done.

-Dance class-2 (8 and above): a few students registered to dance class-1 have switched to this dance class upon recommendation of teachers. Parents: please reflect this change in your account so school can keep track of class size.

-Math class: a series of pre-test has been given to evaluate the levels of registered students of all math classes. Recommendations and adjustment will be handled by Ms. Qun Lu who is in charge of Math classes. Hope at this point you have received communications from Ms. Qun Lu. If not, please contact her ( to confirm the status.

-Art-3: this art class is for intermediate and advanced level students. A separate communication has been sent to parents of this class to adjust class registration based on their child’s level. Art-1 and Art-2 are designed toward entry level students.

(3)    Classroom Home Parent
As we are getting to know each other, each classroom needs to have a home parent to help the teacher organize classroom parent duty assignment, and a few other things. Just like in public school, being a classroom parent is a privilege to serve the classroom and be a role model for your child to follow. Please consider volunteering the role, particular for classrooms of new teachers. They will need you to step up and work together for your children’s education. Please contact PTA chair Jian Xu ( to register as home parent.

I can’t stress more for the importance of keeping the classroom clean and neat. No food and beverage is allowed in the classroom and hallways. We have had a good record last year with just a few complaints. Sustaining and improving the record will require each one of us to pay attention to what we do everyday. The first day is a good example that I’ve not heard any complaint from North Colonie School District, which is a good sign. I have belief in you, particularly home parents who lead the effort.

(4)    Youth Team Election
The Youth Team election is planned on the 3rd week of school 9/21. To help guide the election and clarify responsibilities, the school has established a Youth Team election policy as attached. If your child is planning to throw the hat into the ring, please read through the policy carefully with him/her. If you need any help or have questions, please reach out to me directly. We welcome all senior students to participate and demonstrate a good sense of citizenship.

There is an initiative in the school administration to put best practice into words of guidelines and policies to help clarify the rules and avoid misunderstandings. As we start to push toward better operation and transparency, we realize we may not be able cover all the corners. If you have suggestions, please do not hesitate to share with us.

(5)    Enrollment Update
As of September 10th, we have 325 students enrolled in Chinese language classes, 37 students enrolled in Chinese as Second Language classes, and 232 students enrolled in culture/enrichment classes. Thank you all for your commitment to your child’s education. We all wish it is another fruitful year.

(6)    Textbook
Textbooks are available for purchase at school at the same cost as online purchase. The school makes no profit out of textbook sale. Please do not use copied textbook, which violates the copyright rule. The copy machines at school can only be used to make copies of excerpts for class use.

(7)    CCC membership
CCC membership refund will start from 3rd week of school. For those of you making a separate donation to the CCC, please stop by the CCC table and ask for more information.

Lastly, I’d like to extend many thanks to parents on PTA duty in the first day of school. They did a wonderful job in keeping many things in order amid a huge crowd and allowing school staff focus on what they should be doing. Please keep the good work up.

Thank you all for your attention.


Feng Chen
Principal, Chinese School (2014-2015)



Welcome to Chinese School 2014-2015 09/27/2014 - 12:47am



在大家欢度Labor Day长周末,围着火炉BBQ的时候,学校的校务人员、各位老师和家长会成员正在为下个星期开学第一天(九月七日)做最后的准备工作。整个暑期,尤其是过去的几个星期里,校务人员做了大量的工作,包括课程调整、教师安排,网址更新,注册,学费登记等等,希望保证新的学年有个顺利的开始,给我们的孩子们提供一个优良的学习环境和氛围。



希望大家都已经注册完毕。还没有注册缴费的请抓紧时间,因为学校注册的截止日期就是今天(8月31日),收据和支票请寄往CCC Chinese School Registration, 11 Avis Drive, Latham, NY 12110。






希望各位家长在开学前通读一遍手册,熟悉一下各自的教室位置,学校各个岗位的工作人员以及家长会代表。他们将是你们在学校需要帮助时的首选。同时也希望家长和学生一起仔细阅读家长职责以及学生守则。因为学校是租借Shaker Junior High School的场地、教室,希望大家配合各自的任课老师、保持教室的原样以及整洁。这对我们和North Colonie Central School保持良好的合作关系至关重要,也直接影响到我们每位家长所付的学费。学校的一大块财政开支是用于租金以及每次额外的打扫清洁费用。如果我们做不到每次物归原处、清洁整齐,学校就没有办法协商到现在的租金价位,每次的清洁费用也会直线上升。最后都会由我们每位家长承担,这不是学校想看到的。所以请大家务必配合学校的工作,在家里做好准备工作,和自己的孩子强调在中文学校的举止行为。

中文学校今年的开学日期为9月7日(星期天), 请查阅学校手册(见附件)内的教室以及教师安排。如何你对教室不熟悉,请到校务办公处咨询。

学校地址是Shaker Junior High School at 475 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110-4698。











Dear Parents of Chinese School Students,

On behalf of the faculty and staff in Chinese School, I’d like to welcome you to the school year of 2014-2015, particularly the new families to the Capital region. It is great to have you join the big family of Chinese School.

As everyone of you has been enjoying the long Labor Day weekend, the school faculty, staff and PTA members have been busy preparing for the first day of school on September 7th, the coming Sunday. During the summer time, the school staff has been ramping up the effort, especially in past few weeks, on class arrangement, teaching assignment, database and website updates, registration and finance.  We hope to transition into a smooth start of new semester and provide all students a safe and encouraging setting for their language studies.

First of all, I want to brief you about the transition of principal and treasurer roles. As you all know, since the beginning of the summer, I took over the principal role from former Principal Guoping Fei, and Ling Wang took over the treasurer role from former Treasurer Wencui Zhao. During the transition period, both of them have been giving us tremendous help and guide. The work in summer has given us a jump start and we sure will learn as we go into the new semester. With the support from every one of you, we have the confidence to continue the growth of Chinese School. In the meantime, I’d like to hear more from you in about any suggestions, concerns you may have. It is my hope to further strengthen the communications between parents and the school to address any potential issues, and help move the school in the right direction to provide a better learning environment.

As the first day of school is approaching, I want to share a few things with you to help prepare for the first day.


By now I hope everyone has registered on line. If you have not mailed your payment, please do so in the next day or two to avoid late fee. Please mail your check to CCC Chinese School Registration, 11 Avis Drive, Latham NY 12110.

Parent Duty

We have increased parent duty positions from three to five per school session according to suggestions of PTA. Please take a moment to register a parent duty that fits your schedule. The duty includes ringing bells, print/copy machine operation as before. In addition, we add two roles as patrollers in hallways, in a response to the need of keeping hallway quiet and organized.

Please see attached file as to how to register parent duty on line. If you still have questions about the instructions, please contact PTA members.

We have seen enrollment growing for past few years. As we are all pleased to see this uptrend, it also poses unique challenges to daily school operations. Safety is always a top priority to all school personals. As we strive to provide a safe and secure environment, we need every parent to assist and help keep school well organized. The school safety can only be enhanced if everyone is well aware of the safety and emergency protocols. Please stress to your children that they need to be conscious of the traffic when going to and from school, avoid rushing and dashing in the hallways, keep conversation at an indoor level, etc. If everyone is participating, the school can only be better organized for everyone to enjoy a Sunday afternoon.

The PTA is one of the primary communication bridges between parents and school. We hope every parent can be supportive of their work by signing up parent duty, be a role model in your circles. Together, we will be able to build a better learning environment for our children and help them exhibit better and proper behaviors.


A limited number of handbooks will be distributed in the first day of school, mostly for new families, and families that have no access to internet. In future, we will be adopting more use of electronic versions instead of paper versions.

We stress that every parent should go through the handbook to get familiar with the school classroom layout, classroom assignment of your children, school staff and PTA members as they will be your first contact and resource in need of help. The students need to read through the student conduct section together with their parents to be aware of requirement by the school on proper conduct and behavior.

We need every parent, every student in cooperation to maintain the school in a clean and organized fashion and avoid any damages. The Chinese School is renting the classrooms and other facilities from North Colonie Central School District under a contract. We are obligated to keep the facilities as it is. Any damage or extra cleaning need may incur a bigger rental bill in the coming year that will directly affect the tuition we are paying, which is not the desired situation everyone likes to see. We are doing far better than we used to be, and I believe we can still do better in a few areas, particularly the high traffic places such as restrooms, cafeteria.

First Day of School

The first day of Chinese School is scheduled on September 7th. Please make sure you and your children aware of the classroom assignment. If you do have questions, please reach out to school staff for help.

The school opens 12:45PM

The first class is from 1PM to 1:45PM

The second class is from 1:55PM to 2:40PM

The third class is from 2:50PM to 3:40PM

The school ends by 4PM

The school operates at Shaker Junior High School at 475
Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham NY 12110.

If you have questions first day, please reach out to the
following personal:

Registration: Guoping Fei, Jianhua Chen, Wencui Zhao

Tuition: Ling Wang, Frank Li, Xia Li

Classes: Xiaoqing Zhang

Textbooks: Xufeng Sun

Parent Duty: Jian Xu

Language and Culture Classes

On first day of school, there might still be minor changes to some of the classes depending on actual number of enrollment. There might be cancellation or combination of culture classes due to low enrollment. We will try to do best to meet the diversified needs of our students.

Please make sure your contact in school database is current. If a class change does arise, we can notify you promptly.


There is always huge inbound and outbound traffic on first day of school. Please remind your children of watching out for vehicles, staying on safety side when coming to and from school.

We recommend you to arrive to school 5 to 10 minutes earlier before first class so there is no rush to find a parking spot. Parking in front of school door and along the fire lane is prohibited.

Lastly, I wish the best to you and your family and thank you for your trust on us to work with your children. I hope the coming school year is another successful and prosperous year as we work together toward the common goal.


Feng Chen

Principal, Chinese School 2014-2015

