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中文学校每周简讯 - 10月3日
学期进入第五周,大家都已经按部就班:有扎堆聊天的,有四处散步的,还有装模作样埋头用工的,当然也有不少聚在教室门口向室内探望的。这个星期我们会在大礼堂请Randy Cale心理学博士给我们上一堂“如何为人父母”的讲座,希望能把大家都吸引过来。附件有Randy Cale博士发表的一些相关文章,这些文章在他的网站(http://terrificparenting.com)上也有转载。请大家多多准备一些问题,越尖锐越有实际意义。除了讲座之外,还有其他一些校务需要大家注意。
1. 毕业以及奖学金
2. 第十六届世界华人学生作文大赛
第十六届世界华人学生作文大赛截稿日为12月31日, 所有参赛习作必须在12月8日前由各班老师统一交给参赛组织者任小波老师。根据以往经验,各位任课老师可以有针对性的利用平时的作业鼓励学生写作发挥,聚沙成塔。希望年底我们有一大批高质量的文章参赛。
3. 讲故事比赛
4. 青少年义工团活动
星期六10/4下午1:50PM 到3PM青少年义工团将在Eddy Memorial Geriatric Center开始本学年第一次义务活动。活动主要有乐器表演,慰问老人。该敬老院去年在美国新闻与世界报道杂志的全美国16000所敬老院调查中被授予最高的五星级排名。整个纽约首府地区36家敬老院中仅4家获此殊荣。请大家对义工团的活动给予充分的支持,让我们的孩子们在活动中体验社会,在生活中成长。如果你有具体问题,请联系义工团主席Ryan Guo (rguo98@gmail.com) 和Jeffrey Shen (jeffshen321@yahoo.com)。
Dear Chinese School Families,
The school is moving forward at its full throttle. When I walked around the classrooms, the usual laughter was floating around and I can see most of you have settled except a few parents were still peeking through the windows into the classrooms and seemed to be anxiously interested in what was going on inside. For this coming Sunday, I hope the seminar event will attract all of you to the auditorium so we have a quiet hallway. As announced earlier this week, Dr. Randy Cale will talk about parenting, second language study, and homework in a general sense. He will share his best experience after many years of practice as physiologist. I will appreciate if you can read through the attached articles from him, and bring your own questions, concerns, or your thoughts to share with other parents. There are a few other highlights I want to share with you below.
1. Scholarship and graduation
For those of you who plan to graduate in the spring of 2014, this is the time to apply for Chinese School scholarship. Application procedures can be found in 2014 handbook or can be downloaded at http://www.albanychineseschool.org/Schoolhandbook/2014-2015/CS_Scholarship_2014-2015.pdf. There is total $1000 allocated for the scholarship fund this year. It is meant to recognize outstanding graduate students of Chinese School for their continuous effort in Chinese language learning, participation in Chinese school, contribution to Chinese community, and academia achievement.
2. Composition competition
The 16th International Chinese Essay contest has been announced in July with details attached. The deadline is Dec. 8th to submit compositions to Teacher Xiaobo Ren. Every language teacher is encouraged to utilize their weekly writing assignment and have their students participate in this competition. We usually see parent involvement is helpful and promoting a good outcome.
3. Chinese Story Telling Contest at CCC
The annual Chinese Story Telling Contest for the school year of 2014-2015 will be held on Sunday, November 9th, at the CCC building (1:00PM – 4:00PM). Every year we have a lot of participation, various programs and stories. It is a great platform for your kids to showcase their staging performance and win from a large pool of prizes. Please contact Vice Principal Xufeng Sun (xufeng.sun@gmail.com) for more details.
4. Youth Team Event
This Saturday 10/4 from 1:50PM to 3PM the Youth team will be organizing a volunteering event at Eddy Memorial Geriatric Center in Troy. They plan to perform musical instrument, have a conversation with the senior residents, and hopefully fill the rooms with joy and laughter. Water will be provided.
Eddy Memorial Geriatric Center was awarded the best five-star rating in 2013 by U.S. News & World Report, in a review of 16,000 facilities nationwide. Only 4 nursing homes received this best rating out of 36 in Capital Region.
I’d love to see parents’ support behind Youth Team’s effort to promote the Chinese Community by bringing your kids to participate and volunteer in this event. Please feel free to contact Ryan Guo (rguo98@gmail.com) and Jeffrey Shen (jeffshen321@yahoo.com) for more details.
With that, I will wrap up this weekly update. Enjoy the weekend and see you on Sunday.
Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015
Attachment | Size |
Writing.pdf | 228.72 KB |
Articles_By_DrRandyCale.pdf | 617.47 KB |