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中文学校每周简讯 - 9月12日
(1) 注册和学费
(2) 课程调整
-象棋班:由于学生象棋水平参差不齐,该班将分为两个班。增加一个初级班,由新老师Zackary Calderon教,教室安排在A205。Patrick Chi任教的班将针对中、高级水平的学生,仍在现有教室B108。请相关家长及时调整注册。
(3) 家长代表
(4) 青少年义工团
(5) 注册情况
(6) 教材
(7) 华社会员
Dear Chinese School Families,
Welcome back to Chinese School!
The school is off to a great start and we were so delighted to see old acquaintance and new faces in the first day of school. I hope everyone now starts to settle into school routines, and your child may have made one or two new friends. A special welcome is offered to our new students, new families and new teachers, who just began their journey in Chinese school.
Now we are moving onto the second week while most students have started learning a few new Chinese characters or reading new stories. There are a few things I’d like to share with you in a hope to help you assimilate quicker into the Chinese School routines and culture.
(1) Registration and Tuition Payment
Registration will be closed by end of this Saturday 9/13/2014. Any registration change request after 9/13 will have to be handled by a school staff. Tuition needs to be paid full before and during the second school session. According to school registration policy, if full payment is not received after two school sessions, school reserves the right to cancel associated registration to allow students on the waiting list to register.
I hope after the first class most families have settled and made their decisions. Please take a moment to log into your account to update your enrollment information. We are relying on your prompt actions to have a better count of class size. If you have problem in updating enrollment, you can always reach out to me or Mr. Jianhua Chen(jchen_9898@verizon.net).
(2) Class Updates
There are a few adjustments regarding some culture classes. The affected classes are:
-Chess class: due to wide range of levels, the chess class will be split into two classes. A beginner’s chess class has been added for current students of entry level. This class will be taught by Zackary Calderon in room A205. Patrick Chi will remain as instructor of current chess class for intermediate and advanced levels in room B108. Please adjust your enrollment accordingly.
-Dance class-1 (7 and under): per request of the teacher, this dance class will take place in B102, instead of gym. Parents of this class: please help keep the classroom in order after the class is done.
-Dance class-2 (8 and above): a few students registered to dance class-1 have switched to this dance class upon recommendation of teachers. Parents: please reflect this change in your account so school can keep track of class size.
-Math class: a series of pre-test has been given to evaluate the levels of registered students of all math classes. Recommendations and adjustment will be handled by Ms. Qun Lu who is in charge of Math classes. Hope at this point you have received communications from Ms. Qun Lu. If not, please contact her (shen4@yahoo.com) to confirm the status.
-Art-3: this art class is for intermediate and advanced level students. A separate communication has been sent to parents of this class to adjust class registration based on their child’s level. Art-1 and Art-2 are designed toward entry level students.
(3) Classroom Home Parent
As we are getting to know each other, each classroom needs to have a home parent to help the teacher organize classroom parent duty assignment, and a few other things. Just like in public school, being a classroom parent is a privilege to serve the classroom and be a role model for your child to follow. Please consider volunteering the role, particular for classrooms of new teachers. They will need you to step up and work together for your children’s education. Please contact PTA chair Jian Xu (jxuonline@gmail.com) to register as home parent.
I can’t stress more for the importance of keeping the classroom clean and neat. No food and beverage is allowed in the classroom and hallways. We have had a good record last year with just a few complaints. Sustaining and improving the record will require each one of us to pay attention to what we do everyday. The first day is a good example that I’ve not heard any complaint from North Colonie School District, which is a good sign. I have belief in you, particularly home parents who lead the effort.
(4) Youth Team Election
The Youth Team election is planned on the 3rd week of school 9/21. To help guide the election and clarify responsibilities, the school has established a Youth Team election policy as attached. If your child is planning to throw the hat into the ring, please read through the policy carefully with him/her. If you need any help or have questions, please reach out to me directly. We welcome all senior students to participate and demonstrate a good sense of citizenship.
There is an initiative in the school administration to put best practice into words of guidelines and policies to help clarify the rules and avoid misunderstandings. As we start to push toward better operation and transparency, we realize we may not be able cover all the corners. If you have suggestions, please do not hesitate to share with us.
(5) Enrollment Update
As of September 10th, we have 325 students enrolled in Chinese language classes, 37 students enrolled in Chinese as Second Language classes, and 232 students enrolled in culture/enrichment classes. Thank you all for your commitment to your child’s education. We all wish it is another fruitful year.
(6) Textbook
Textbooks are available for purchase at school at the same cost as online purchase. The school makes no profit out of textbook sale. Please do not use copied textbook, which violates the copyright rule. The copy machines at school can only be used to make copies of excerpts for class use.
(7) CCC membership
CCC membership refund will start from 3rd week of school. For those of you making a separate donation to the CCC, please stop by the CCC table and ask for more information.
Lastly, I’d like to extend many thanks to parents on PTA duty in the first day of school. They did a wonderful job in keeping many things in order amid a huge crowd and allowing school staff focus on what they should be doing. Please keep the good work up.
Thank you all for your attention.
Feng Chen
Principal, Chinese School (2014-2015)
Attachment | Size |
AlbanyChineseSchool_YouthTeamPolicy.pdf | 349.41 KB |
CS_Calendar_2014-2015.pdf | 258.75 KB |