News Update

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中文学校每周简讯 - 11月19日 11/28/2014 - 12:00pm



1.青少年义工团活动 11月29日Regional Food Bank of Northeastern
大家开始准备感恩节的晚宴时,我们的青少年义工团员们将会进行一年一度的Food Drive或“冬令救济”活动。“冬令救济”主要目的是捐助、收集、分发可以存储的食物(主要是罐头食品)以帮助社区无家可归的人们渡过严冬。上个周末我和儿子(陈旭之)参加了童子军在Niskayuna社区收集食品的“冬令救济”活动。这是鼓励孩子们奉献爱心的一次很好的机会,让他们参与到具体的活动中来,培养责任心以及义务感,同时也是一次很好的与别人交流、协作的机会,锻炼他们的独立能力。
现在已有8个义工团员加入。根据以往经验,我们还需要至少8个学生才能完成当天分配的任务。每年的“冬令救济”活动是华社青少年义工团的一次主要活动,代表了华人社区参与公共活动, 请大家积极响应。具体时间地点如下:
地点:Regional Food Bank of Northeastern
     965 Albany Shaker Road, Latham NY 12110
时间:11/29th Saturday 10AM to 12PM
联系人: Ryan Guo ( 或Jeffrey Shen (







Dear Chinese School Families,

The first dust of snow has not faded in my memory and yet here comes another. Standing by the window and watching a thin blanket of snow covering the lawn, I wondered for a moment whether it is Thanksgiving or Christmas we are going to celebrate in two-week time. Then I had to remind myself that fall is always a short season in a northern country, so is the fall semester. Only three sessions are left before we conclude for this year. To successfully wrap up this semester, there are a few things I’d like to have your attention before celebrating the holiday season ahead of us.

1.    Youth Team Volunteer Activity on 11/29th at Regional Food Bank of Northeastern

Food drive is a traditional event the Chinese School Youth Team has been participating for many years. This year is no exception. Two hours of volunteering work at food bank on 11/29th is an important part of effort in fight against hunger in the local community. During the Thanksgiving holidays, it will mean a lot to help prepare a home cocked meal for the people in need and your generous help will be much appreciated.

Currently we have about 8 students signed up for this event. We need at least another 8 to have enough hands for next Saturday. Please encourage your kid to participate in this annual fun and meaningful food drive event. 

When: 11/29th Saturday 10AM to 12PM
Where: Regional Food Bank of Northeastern, 965 Albany Shaker Road, Latham NY 12110
What: Indoor event, organize and categorize non-perish food
Contact: Ryan Guo ( or  Jeffrey Shen (

2.    Scholarship 

Last Sunday marks the deadline for scholarship application of school year 2014-2015. We have received 8 scholarship applications so far. If your kid still wants to apply for scholarship, you have till this weekend to submit your application. Make sure you go through the online scholarship application policy to include all the necessary material to avoid delay. Also, please send us a notice if you intend to apply so I can coordinate with the scholarship committee, which is headed by Vice Principal Xufeng Sun and consists of two teachers and two PTA members: Jinzhe Feng, Miao Zhou, Lingyun Li, and Youqing Huang.

3.    Story Telling Contest

What a turn out for the annual story telling contest! The three-hour time window was packed with over sixty stories. Our students being able to tell the stories in their own ways to a big crowd itself is a huge achievement. We should all be proud of them. In the meantime, we should be thankful to the teachers who have devoted a lot of their personal time in helping our students learn and speak Chinese. The gallery room at CCC was filled with joy and laughter throughout the event to an extent that I felt we probably should look for a “bigger than bigger” stage next year. 
The award list has been finalized and attached. Thanks to Vice Principal Xufeng Sun and the team coordinating this event. We all look forward to next year’s event.

4.    PTA duty refund

Parents who have fulfilled their PTA duties should be able to get the refund before the year end. PTA member Youqing Huang is designated to handle refund throughout the school year, except on 12/7 that she will be absent and PTA member Jiankun Kuang will be delegated. You can find PTA members by the round table at the south-west café corner. If you can’t find either one of them, please come to see the school staff. We want you to be refunded once commitment is fulfilled.

Stay warm and see you on Sunday again.

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 10月25日 11/20/2014 - 1:29am



1.      讲故事比赛

2.      第十六届世界华人学生作文大赛
第十六届世界华人学生作文大赛截稿日为12月31日, 所有参赛习作必须在12月8日前由各班老师统一交给参赛组织者任小波老师。根据以往经验,各位任课老师可以有针对性的利用平时的作业鼓励学生写作发挥,聚沙成塔。希望年底我们有一大批高质量的文章参赛。



Dear Chinese School Families,

It seems to be a long week as we are going through the change of seasons. Last week many of you attended the seminar given by Dr. Yuming Si, author of “Holistic Education”. I was deeply moved by his passion in Chinese language and culture education. One of the analogies I recall in his talk is that our kids are like fishes born and growing up in the vast sea. Having them to learn Chinese in America is to ask them to learn how to swim in a river. (I guess We need to add a bit of “salt” to the water.) I hope you also learnt a few things new and inspirational. These seminars are not meant to provide a ready solution to our problems. That would be too easy, wouldn't it? Instead, they provide a platform so we can start to understand, discuss, exchange ideas. A few parents have approached me after the seminar with good suggestions on how we can improve our language education. I’d really like to hear more feedback and thoughts from you.

Two things in the coming weeks need your attention:

1.      Chinese Story Telling Contest at CCC
The annual Chinese Story Telling Contest for the school year of 2014-2015 will be held on Sunday, November 9th, at the CCC building (1:00PM – 4:00PM). The deadline for registration is coming Sunday, October 26th. We are still looking for parents to sit in the judge team. If you like to get involved, please contact Vice Principal Xufeng Sun (

2.      Composition competition
The 16th International Chinese Essay contest has been announced last month and the deadline internally is Dec. 8th to submit compositions to Teacher Xiaobo Ren. Every language teacher is encouraged to utilize their weekly writing assignment and have their students participate in this competition. We usually see parent involvement is helpful and promoting a good outcome.

See you on Sunday.

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 10月13日 10/25/2014 - 2:49pm


希望大家都渡过了一个安静、愉快的周末。我得非常感谢朋友们在微信上的分享(不是给微信做广告),让我足不出户,就可以欣赏到各处五彩斑斓的湖光山色。上个星期日我们请来了Randy Cale心理学博士给我们上一堂"如何为人父母"的讲座,希望大家都有所心得。如果你想更多的了解Dr. Cale的理念,请访问 这个星期我们还会举行一次讲座,是针对中文学习的,请看以下通知。

1    讲座"如何提高华裔青少年的中文学习兴趣及效果"

2    讲故事比赛

3    青少年义工团活动
上个星期六10月4日下午青少年义工团在Eddy Memorial Geriatric Center开展了本学年第一次义务活动。义工团的表演活动受到了老人们的热烈欢迎并邀请他们再次访问。详细请看Ryan和Jeffrey的报告。





Chinese School Families,

It has been a quiet and beautiful long weekend. Many of my friends took foliage scenic trip around the region and showed off their fall colors through WeChat, and I did not need to go outside to enjoy the breathtaking views of many places.

On Oct. 5th, we were fortunate to have Dr. Randy Cale give us a talk on parenting. I hope many of you have found it inspiriting. If you need further information, you can go to
or follow up with Dr. Cale on Facebook or Twitter. This week we have another seminar specifically targeting language study. Please see details below.

1.    Seminar “how to encourage kids to learn Chinese at home”
This Sunday afternoon we will host Yuming Si, an experienced educator in Chinese language from Philadelphia, to give us a seminar on how to raise kid’s interests to learn Chinese at home. Yuming has been teaching Chinese since 2006 and started a Chinese school in Philadelphia in 2007. Since 2009, he has been editing a set of eight Chinese textbooks “Holistic Education” to address the needs of textbooks suitable for American born Chinese. You can find more information on
The seminar agenda is listed below.
To avoid disturbance to the speaker, I will need parents to go in and out the auditorium from the back door on second floor during the seminar. Parents sitting outside the auditorium should also try their best to lower their voice to keep the hallway quiet. All of audience would appreciate your cooperation.

Where: Auditorium (Please access through the back door on 2nd floor during seminar)
1:15PM    Seminar by Yuming Si
2:30PM    Q&A session
3PM Adjourn

2.    Chinese Story Telling Contest at CCC
The annual Chinese Story Telling Contest for the school year of 2014-2015 will be held on Sunday, November 9th, at the CCC building (1:00PM – 4:00PM). The deadline for registration is October 26. Please refer to attached announcement for details. We are looking for parents to participate in the judge team. If you like to get involved, please contact Vice Principal Xufeng Sun (

3.    Youth Team Activity
The youth team held its first volunteering activity at Eddy center in Troy. It was well received by the senior residents there. We should all be proud of them being able to share their time and care with others. We also thank the parents who encouraged their kids to volunteer and provided the transportation. Please see attached report from the presidents Ryan and Jeffrey. Stay tuned for next activity.

With that, I will wrap up this weekly update and see you on Sunday.

Feng Chen

CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 10月3日 10/15/2014 - 12:35pm


学期进入第五周,大家都已经按部就班:有扎堆聊天的,有四处散步的,还有装模作样埋头用工的,当然也有不少聚在教室门口向室内探望的。这个星期我们会在大礼堂请Randy Cale心理学博士给我们上一堂“如何为人父母”的讲座,希望能把大家都吸引过来。附件有Randy Cale博士发表的一些相关文章,这些文章在他的网站(上也有转载。请大家多多准备一些问题,越尖锐越有实际意义。除了讲座之外,还有其他一些校务需要大家注意。

1.      毕业以及奖学金

2.      第十六届世界华人学生作文大赛
第十六届世界华人学生作文大赛截稿日为12月31日, 所有参赛习作必须在12月8日前由各班老师统一交给参赛组织者任小波老师。根据以往经验,各位任课老师可以有针对性的利用平时的作业鼓励学生写作发挥,聚沙成塔。希望年底我们有一大批高质量的文章参赛。

3.      讲故事比赛

4.      青少年义工团活动
星期六10/4下午1:50PM 到3PM青少年义工团将在Eddy Memorial Geriatric Center开始本学年第一次义务活动。活动主要有乐器表演,慰问老人。该敬老院去年在美国新闻与世界报道杂志的全美国16000所敬老院调查中被授予最高的五星级排名。整个纽约首府地区36家敬老院中仅4家获此殊荣。请大家对义工团的活动给予充分的支持,让我们的孩子们在活动中体验社会,在生活中成长。如果你有具体问题,请联系义工团主席Ryan Guo ( 和Jeffrey Shen (。



Dear Chinese School Families,

The school is moving forward at its full throttle. When I walked around the classrooms, the usual laughter was floating around and I can see most of you have settled except a few parents were still peeking through the windows into the classrooms and seemed to be anxiously interested in what was going on inside. For this coming Sunday, I hope the seminar event will attract all of you to the auditorium so we have a quiet hallway. As announced earlier this week, Dr. Randy Cale will talk about parenting, second language study, and homework in a general sense. He will share his best experience after many years of practice as physiologist. I will appreciate if you can read through the attached articles from him, and bring your own questions, concerns, or your thoughts to share with other parents. There are a few other highlights I want to share with you below.

1.      Scholarship and graduation
For those of you who plan to graduate in the spring of 2014, this is the time to apply for Chinese School scholarship. Application procedures can be found in 2014 handbook or can be downloaded at There is total $1000 allocated for the scholarship fund this year. It is meant to recognize outstanding graduate students of Chinese School for their continuous effort in Chinese language learning, participation in Chinese school, contribution to Chinese community, and academia achievement.

2.      Composition competition
The 16th International Chinese Essay contest has been announced in July with details attached. The deadline is Dec. 8th to submit compositions to Teacher Xiaobo Ren. Every language teacher is encouraged to utilize their weekly writing assignment and have their students participate in this competition. We usually see parent involvement is helpful and promoting a good outcome.

3.      Chinese Story Telling Contest at CCC
The annual Chinese Story Telling Contest for the school year of 2014-2015 will be held on Sunday, November 9th, at the CCC building (1:00PM – 4:00PM). Every year we have a lot of participation, various programs and stories. It is a great platform for your kids to showcase their staging performance and win from a large pool of prizes. Please contact Vice Principal Xufeng Sun ( for more details.

4.      Youth Team Event
This Saturday 10/4 from 1:50PM to 3PM the Youth team will be organizing a volunteering event at Eddy Memorial Geriatric Center in Troy. They plan to perform musical instrument, have a conversation with the senior residents, and hopefully fill the rooms with joy and laughter. Water will be provided.
Eddy Memorial Geriatric Center was awarded the best five-star rating in 2013 by U.S. News & World Report, in a review of 16,000 facilities nationwide. Only 4 nursing homes received this best rating out of 36 in Capital Region.
I’d love to see parents’ support behind Youth Team’s effort to promote the Chinese Community by bringing your kids to participate and volunteer in this event. Please feel free to contact Ryan Guo ( and Jeffrey Shen ( for more details.

With that, I will wrap up this weekly update. Enjoy the weekend and see you on Sunday.

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 9月26日 10/04/2014 - 10:38am




华社青少年义工团上个星期天进行选举,共有43人参加,包括三对6名候选人。每对选举人向大家做了自我介绍以及工作设想,并且回答了来自听众以及我的问题。所有候选人都对过去一年的工作做了回顾,一致认为今后的工作还可以做的更多、更好。在“更多、更好”的大方向下,每个候选人的思路和具体想法各不相同:Bill和Michael侧重于如何帮助中文学校和华社作更多、更细致的工作;Ryan和Jeffrey想拓展义工的范围,发挥华裔青少年的长处,走出华人的社区,更多的为全社会服务; Aaron和Bryan注意到义工团参与度不高的问题,想努力提高大家的积极性,包括作学生家长的思想工作,鼓励大家参与,改变社会上存在的“华裔青少年只知道读书用功”的一些片面印象。他们每个人的想法都是自己努力思考的结果,对问题以及解决方案的阐述有条有理。最后的选举结果如下:
Bill和Michael, 13票,当选副主席。
Aaron和Bryan, 11票,当选秘书。


除去两个成人中文班,我们共有28个中文语言班。每个语言班,学校要求不论班级大小,必须推选一位家长代表,协助本班级老师工作,包括安排家长值日,作为家长会与家长之间的纽带,传递必需的信息等等。家长代表是学校管理当中核心的一部分,希望大家积极担任。作为家长代表,还可以免除学校PTA 值日。



Dear Chinese School Families,

The color of fall is unfolding before us. Every leaf is like a rose in the spring but differs in its own color. Many of you probably have started planning the annual foliage scenic trip. When you are out in such a trip, take the opportunity to teach your child what is “霜叶红于二月花”, and explain the scientific reasons behind it. Hopefully after the trip, you will become know-it-all daddy or mommy.

As the registration drew to an end this week, I finally had time to take a walk around the classrooms by end of the day and talked to the custodians who were cleaning up the rooms and hallways. During my walk-around, unfortunately, I was needed to pick up various garbage including candy wrappers, lollipop sticks, crackers etc. As we all have a
common understanding that food and beverage are not allowed in the classroom zone, it was not observed and followed strictly at least last Sunday. If I had to serve as the last guard, we have a broken system to keep the classroom zone clean, because I could not cover all the corners in five minutes. For the same amount of garbage I picked up, there were probably more left somewhere else. Only with help from each one of you,
especially parents on duty, either for school or classroom, we can accomplish the goal of keeping the rooms neat and clean. A simple remind to yourself or people around you will be a step forward. With that, I’d like to direct your attention to a few highlights of past and coming weeks:

1.      Youth Team Election Results
Total 37 youth members besides all 6 candidates participated in the Youth Team election last Sunday. Each running team had a few minutes to introduce themselves and presented their ideas of how to run the youth team this year. By end of their speech they addressed questions from the floor and me. All of them were well prepared so the competition was intense, which can be told by the vote counts below. In the end, the
members decided the team for this year with their votes as the following:
Ryan Guo and Jeffrey Shen       17 votes        Co-President
Bill Dong and Michael Huang     13 votes        Co-Vice President
Aaron Zhang and Bryan Zhou      11 votes        Co-Secretary
There were 2 invalid votes.

Please join me in congratulating them being elected to the leadership positions. Ryan Guo and the team have started to form the youth team community. Parents, please have your child forward contact information to Ryan Guo at at your earliest convenience. The first volunteering event planned is as soon as next week. Don’t miss the opportunity to work with your peers and help the needed.

2.      Budget Update
The school conducted first council meeting last Sunday mainly to discuss and vote for the 2014-2015 budget. Based on enrollment as of last Friday, the projected revenue is about $115K. The expenses include teachers and staff compensation (65%), fixed operational cost (21%) and program cost (14%). The revenue is almost flat compared to last year. Both teachers and staff compensation and fixed operational cost are stable. The only variable is in the program cost. As we plan to initiate and install new programs such as educational seminars and teacher’s training, inevitably we need to cut funding to other programs to balance the budget sheet. The school proposed to reduce year end celebration cost and the council members had a keen discussion as to how to minimize the impact while maintaining our traditions. PTA members made a commitment to keeping our tradition strong and the budget was approved unanimously in the end. We should all be grateful to PTA members who bridge many gaps when needed.

3.      Classroom Home Parent
By now every classroom should have identified a home parent no matter the size of the classes. Home parents serve a few critical functions and share the responsibilities with teachers for classroom maintenance such that the teachers can focus on teaching and education. All the home parents should send their contact information to PTA chair Jian Xu ( If your classroom has not found a home parent, please consider volunteer this role. And you will be exempt from PTA duty assignment. As we encourage our children to participate in the Youth Volunteer Team, we can also act as a role model by participating in school duties.

Wish you all have a good weekend and see you on Sunday again.


Feng Chen
Principal, Chinese School 2014-2015
