News Update

Title Updated date Body
Chinese School Weekly Update (9/8) - SAT II class 09/15/2015 - 10:49am

Dear Chinese School Families,

For students who plan to take the Chinese SAT-II test (a requirement for graduation) next spring, please register the online SAT class (at no cost). Once you are registered, you will be receiving one question a day to help prepare. Please see notes below from the SAT teacher Mrs. Ren.


Feng Chen
Chinese School 2014-2016


Club: Chinese SAT Practice 中文练习
Chinese SAT practice: 我们将使用电邮的方法,从九月到三月,每天发给愿意参加练习的八年级以上学生一道选择题。愿意参加练习的学生必须自己(而不是家长)直接发一个电邮到这个地址: ,并在主题栏写:Chinese SAT,在电邮中写上学生自己的姓名、电子邮箱和班级。
Students who are willing to practice Chinese SAT from September to March must directly send an email to The email should include “Chinese SAT” in the subject line, your name, your email address and your class in the message. We don’t recommend using parent’s email address.


Chinese School Weekly Update (9/8) - TA placement 09/15/2015 - 10:49am

Dear Chinese School Families,

The Teaching Assistant (TA) placement has been completed. Please refer to the attached document for details. I want to thank all the applicants for their enthusiasm and willingness to help out their fellow brothers and sisters.

One thing I'd like to remind all the TAs: no electronic devices (cell phones, computers, etc) are allowed to be used in the classroom without permission of the home teacher.


Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2016

中文学校每周简讯 - 9月8日 09/19/2015 - 1:33pm



在大家欢度Labor Day长周末之际,学校的校务人员、各位老师和家长会成员正在为下个星期开学第一天(九月十三日)做最后的准备工作。整个暑期,尤其是过去的几个星期里,校务人员做了大量的工作,包括课程调整、教师安排,注册,学费登记等等,希望保证新的学年有个顺利的开始,给孩子们提供一个优良的学习环境。


希望大家都已经注册完毕。还没有注册缴费的请抓紧时间,注册表和支票请寄往CCC Chinese School, 11 Avis Drive, Latham, NY 12110。





希望各位家长在开学前通读一遍手册,熟悉一下各自的教室,学校各个岗位的工作人员以及家长会代表。他们将是你们在学校需要帮助时的首选。同时也希望家长和学生一起仔细阅读家长职责以及学生守则。因为学校是租借Shaker Junior High School的场地、教室,希望大家配合各自的任课老师、保持教室的原样以及整洁。这对我们和North Colonie Central School保持良好的合作关系至关重要,也直接影响到我们每位家长所付的学费。学校的一大块财政开支是用于租金以及每次额外的打扫清洁费用。如果我们做不到每次物归原处、清洁整齐,学校就没有办法协商到现在的租金价位,每次的清洁费用也会直线上升。最后都会由我们每位家长承担,这不是学校想看到的。所以请大家务必配合学校的工作,在家里做好准备工作,和自己的孩子强调在中文学校的举止行为。

中文学校今年的开学日期为9月13日(星期天), 请查阅学校手册(见附件)内的教室以及教师安排。如何你对教室不熟悉,请到校务办公处咨询。


学校地址是Shaker Junior High School at 475 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110-4698。









Dear Parents of Chinese School Students,

On behalf of the faculty and staff in Chinese School, I’d like to welcome you to the school year of 2015-2016, particularly the new families to the Capital region. It is great to have you join the big family of Chinese School.

As everyone of you has been enjoying the Labor Day long weekend, the school faculty, staff and PTA members have been busy preparing for the first day of school on September 13th, this coming Sunday. During the summer time, the school staff has been ramping up the effort, especially in past few weeks, on class arrangement, teaching assignment, database and website updates,
registration and finance.  We hope to transition into a smooth start of new semester and provide all students a safe and encouraging setting for their language studies.

As the first day of school is approaching, I want to share a few things with you to help prepare for the first day.

By now I hope everyone has registered on line. If you have not, please do so in the next day or two so we have the latest registration information. Mail your check to CCC Chinese School, 11 Avis Drive,
Latham NY 12110.

-Parent Duty
There will be four parent duty positions each session this school year based on suggestions of PTA. Please take a moment to register a parent duty that fits your schedule. The duty includes ringing bells, copy machine operation, patroller in hallways.
Please see attached file as to how to register parent duty on line. If you still have questions about the instructions, please contact PTA members.

We expect the enrollment to grow again this year. As we are all pleased to see this uptrend, it also poses unique challenges to daily school operations. Safety is always a top priority to all school personals. As we strive to provide a safe and secure environment, we need every parent to assist and help keep school well organized. School safety can only be enhanced if everyone is well aware of the safety and emergency
protocols. Please stress to your children that they need to be conscious of the traffic when going to and from school, avoid rushing and dashing in the hallways, keep conversation at an indoor level, etc. If everyone is participating, school can only be better organized for everyone to enjoy a Sunday afternoon.

PTA is one of the primary communication bridges between parents and school. We hope every parent can be supportive of their work by signing up parent duty, be a role model in your circles. Together, we will be able to build a better learning environment for our children and help them exhibit better and proper behaviors.

A limited number of handbooks will be distributed in the first day of school, mostly for new families, and families that have no access to internet. In future, we will be adopting more use of electronic versions instead of paper versions.

We encourage every parent should go through the handbook to get familiar with the school classroom layout, classroom assignment of your children, school staff and PTA members as they will be your first contact and resource in need of help. The students need to read through the student conduct section together with their parents to be aware of
requirement by the school on proper conduct and behavior.

We need every parent, every student in cooperation to maintain the school in a clean and organized fashion and avoid any damages. The Chinese School is renting the classrooms and other facilities from North Colonie Central School District under a contract. We are obligated to keep the facilities as it is. Any damage or extra cleaning need may
incur a bigger rental bill in the coming year that will directly affect the tuition we are paying, which is not the desired situation everyone likes to see. We are doing far better than we used to be, and I believe we can still do better in a few areas, particularly the high traffic places such as restrooms, cafeteria.

-First Day of School
The first day of Chinese School is scheduled on September 13th. Please make sure you and your children aware of the classroom assignment. If you do have questions, please reach out to school staff
for help.

School opens door around 12:45PM
The first class is from 1PM to 1:45PM
The second class is from 1:55PM to 2:40PM
The third class is from 2:50PM to 3:40PM
School ends by 4PM

Chinese School operates at Shaker Junior High School at 475 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham NY 12110.

If you have questions first day, please reach out to the following personal:
Registration: Jianhua Chen, Xufeng Sun
Tuition: Ling Wang, Frank Li, Xia Li
Classes: Xiaoqing Zhang
Textbooks: Yinghui Shan
Parent Duty: Jian Xu

-Language and Culture Classes
On first day of school, there might still be minor changes to some of the classes depending on actual number of enrollment. There might be cancellation or combination of culture classes due to low enrollment. We will try to do best to meet the diversified needs of our students.

Please make sure your contact in school database is current. If a class change does arise, we can notify you promptly.

There is always huge inbound and outbound traffic on first day of school. Please remind your children of watching out for vehicles, staying on safety side when coming to and from school.

We recommend you to arrive to school 5 to 10 minutes earlier before first class so there is no rush to find a parking spot. Parking in front of school door and along the fire lane is prohibited.

Lastly, I wish the best to you and your family and thank you for your trust on us to work with your children. I hope the coming school year is another successful and prosperous year as we work together toward the common goal.

Feng Chen
Principal, Chinese School 2014-2016


中文学校每周简讯 - 8月29日 09/09/2015 - 9:35am

Dear Chinese School Families,

I’d like to remind you that there will be an open-house registration at CCC on Sunday from 1PM to 3PM tomorrow. We accept cash or check for tuition payment.

CCC is located at 11 Avis Drive, Latham NY 12110. Accounts not fully paid after August 31st will incur a late fee of $10.

The school council has recently approved two policy updates regarding Teaching Assistant and Youth Team respectively. The primary change on TA policy is making all TA roles  volunteered based without compensation. The change on Youth Team policy is on leadership structure, simplifying dual leadership to solo leadership (two presidents to single president). Please refer to the latest policies attached for more details.

Enjoy the remaining of summer days.


Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2016


中文学校每周简讯 - 8月22日 08/29/2015 - 8:29pm


8月30日下午1点到3点中文学校的校务人员将在华社举行2015-16学年现场注册。如果你需要注册帮助或交费(现金或支票),请下个周日到华社(地址: 11 Avis Drive, Latham NY 12110)。带上您的学校注册号(family ID)将会帮助我们加快注册流程。




Dear Chinese School Families,

The Chinese School staff will host an open-house registration at CCC on August 30th Sunday from 1PM to 3PM. Having your family ID handy will help facilitate the registration process.

CCC is located at 11 Avis Drive, Latham NY 12110. We only accept cash or check for tuition payment.

If you are not sure which class to take, particularly the enrichment class, you can go to the course list under Registration tag on school website. Click on the course you are interested in signing up, it will lead to the curriculum page. I have attached an example of the Art and Craft class for your reference. Hope you find it helpful.

Enjoy the remaining of summer days.


Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2016
