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Chinese School Weekly Update (9/8) - SAT II class
Dear Chinese School Families,
For students who plan to take the Chinese SAT-II test (a requirement for graduation) next spring, please register the online SAT class (at no cost). Once you are registered, you will be receiving one question a day to help prepare. Please see notes below from the SAT teacher Mrs. Ren.
Feng Chen
Chinese School 2014-2016
Club: Chinese SAT Practice 中文练习
Chinese SAT practice: 我们将使用电邮的方法,从九月到三月,每天发给愿意参加练习的八年级以上学生一道选择题。愿意参加练习的学生必须自己(而不是家长)直接发一个电邮到这个地址: zhongwenquiz@gmail.com ,并在主题栏写:Chinese SAT,在电邮中写上学生自己的姓名、电子邮箱和班级。
Students who are willing to practice Chinese SAT from September to March must directly send an email to zhongwenquiz@gmail.com. The email should include “Chinese SAT” in the subject line, your name, your email address and your class in the message. We don’t recommend using parent’s email address.