News Update

Title Updated date Body
中文学校一周简讯 10/17 10/23/2015 - 1:55pm









Dear Chinese School Families,

Across the northern country, the fall foliage is at peak. Hope many of you have had chance to enjoy the nature’s grand show of colors.

This weekend we will resume from holiday break. According to the school calendar, we will have first council meeting this Sunday to review school finances and discuss/vote on 2015-16 school budget. This meeting will be held from 2:50PM to 3:40PM at room C206. All council members should be attending this meeting. Therefore, most of school staff will not be available during the third class period. If you have any questions or need help, please stop by school tables earlier.

For parents who have joined badminton club, basketball club, ping pong club, and dance club, please complete your registration at and pay your membership dues to each of the club chair person. The CCC Chinese School is held responsible for facility usage with limited insurance coverage. It is imperative that each of users register and be protected by the umbrella policy in case of emergency.

For last school day, it was found that the copy machine in the copy room was used by someone to copy Chinese School class materials and the machine was left in a jam condition.  I’d like to remind everyone that we are NOT contractually allowed to the copy machines in Junior Shaker High School. We have been equipped with two copy machines in the cafeteria for our own use. Even if the copy room is open, it does not mean we can use it. I appreciate your cooperation.

Lastly, all culture classes need to finish by 3:40PM. There is no exception to this. We must vacate the building by 4:00PM on time. Otherwise additional rental charge may incur and we will need to pay a bigger bill next year. If you need help from School staff after
4PM, please use email or phone to contact us.

See you this weekend.

Feng Chen
Principal, Chinese School 2014-2016


中文学校每周简讯 - 10月10日- No Chinese School this Sunday 10/11 10/17/2015 - 8:34pm

Dear Chinese School Families,

This is a reminder that there is NO Chinese school this Sunday on 10/11 in observance of the Columbus Day. Enjoy the long weekend.

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School

中文学校每周简讯 - 10月2日 10/10/2015 - 10:35am


本周末华社将在学校开办免费流感疫苗注射,从早上11点开始.  详细请看附件。


华社青少年义工团上个星期天进行选举。因为只有一对候选人,Ryan Guo和Jeffrey Shen。所以他们自动当选。在这里我祝贺他们竞选连任成功,并希望他们再接再厉,把青少年义工团的工作上升一个台阶。

除去两个成人中文班,我们共有29个中文语言班。每个语言班,学校要求不论班级大小,必须推选一位家长代表,协助本班级老师工作,包括安排家长值日,作为家长会与家长之间的纽带,传递必需的信息等等。家长代表是学校管理当中核心的一部分,希望大家积极担任。作为家长代表,还可以免除学校PTA 值日,直接领取$20押金。



Dear Chinese School Families,

CCC will be hosting a free flu shot this Sunday at school starting from 11AM in the morning till 3PM in the afternoon. Please refer to the attached flyer for more details.

I hope you have learnt a few things new from last week’s seminar on college planning and admission. Mrs. Rusak likes to thank you for coming, listening, and sharing your questions with her. I have attached her thank-you note below, and you can also find her contact inside if you have follow-up questions.

Registration process quickly drew to an end last week. We have roughly same enrollment as last year for two language curriculum classes combined (Chinese as Heritage Language and Chinese as Second Language).
For culture classes, however, there is a significant increase in enrollment, up by more than 30 students. Overall, we should have a healthy finance budget for this school year, a drastic contrast to the federal government spending that could lead to another shutdown again. That being said, I expect to have an ease time for the council meeting coming up on Oct. 18th, of which the primary topic is school budget and spending.

With that, I’d like to direct your attention to a few highlights of past and coming weeks:

1.      Youth Team Election Results
Since there was only one team, Ryan Guo and Jeffrey Shen, running for the election this year, they are elected by default. Still most of the youth team members cast their votes to show their support of incumbent candidates and acknowledged their contribution in organizing many volunteer events last year.

Please join me in congratulating Ryan and Jeffrey being elected to the leadership positions again. Parents of interested members, please have your child forward contact information to Ryan Guo at at your earliest convenience. Don’t miss the opportunity to work with your peers and help the needed.

2.      Classroom Home Parent
By now I hope every classroom has identified a home parent no matter the size of the classes. Home parents serve a few critical functions and share the responsibilities with teachers for classroom maintenance such that the teachers can focus on teaching and education. All the home parents should send their contact information to PTA chair Jian Xu ( If your classroom has not found a home parent, please consider volunteer this role. And you will be exempt from PTA duty assignment. As we encourage our children to participate in the Youth Volunteer Team,
we can also act as a role model by participating in school duties.

See you this weekend.

Feng Chen
Principal, Chinese School 2014-2016


中文学校每周简讯 - 9月25日 10/02/2015 - 10:40pm







1.      青少年义工团选举

2.      讲座:大学入学及准备
针对大学入学的热点话题,我们邀请到一位资深的家长, Michal Rusak, 这个周末和大家分享一下她在自己三个孩子成长学习、大学申请的一些经验和教训。希望能给大家带来一些启发。请看附件详细介绍。

讲座在大礼堂举行,时间是1:15PM 到 2:30PM。最后15分钟是答疑时间。希望大家听讲座的同时注意保持安静,中途离开时尽量从后门走,避免打扰其他人。

3.      学校时间表

4.      家长兴趣活动俱乐部


5.      家长值日及退款



Dear Chinese School Families,

I wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

This weekend marks another spectacular event - a lunar eclipse coinciding with a supermoon on Sunday around 9PM.
I suggest you have a Chinese mooncake while observing the moon waning and waxing. You could use the mooncake to explain the eclipse to your children if you think like me. Or, just enjoy the moment with your family.

Going into the third week of Chinese School, I hope most of you now have finalized registrations. There are a dozen families who have balance due probably due to changes of classes. Please make your final decisions and have the balance paid full before the third class. Beginning the next class (10/4), all teachers will start to check roster and confirm enrollment.

I’d also want to remind everyone that no food and beverage is allowed in the classroom or hallway. Cafeteria is always open if you or your child needs to have a snack. If you happen to see someone having a snack in classroom or hallway, please give him/her a friendly reminder. It takes all of us to be thoughtful to keep school as neat and in order as it can be.

A few other things to share with you regarding coming events.

1.      Youth Team Election
The Youth Team election will happen this Sunday 2:30PM to 3PM at room A207. The members of youth team need to notify their teachers for earlier dismissal to be able to participate in the election. The deadline for candidacy is end of this Saturday 9/26. If you plan to run for a position in the executive team, please send me resumes of you and your running mate if you have one. A sketch of 2015-2016 plan is also recommended. If you need help to put together a plan, I can share with you activities organized by previous committee.

2.      Seminars on College Planning and Admission
College planning can be a lengthy and nerve wracking process. This week we are fortunate to have a parent, Michal Rusak, to share with us her extensive experience on how she was involved in college admission process for three of her children in the past ten years. Please refer to attached seminar flyer for more details.

Seminar will be held in the auditorium from 1:15PM to 2:30PM. The first one hour will be seminar, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session. For parents who need to leave during the seminar, please try your best not to distract the audience by exiting from the back door.

3.      School Operations
I’d like to remind everyone of school operation time. School opens its door at 12:45PM and needs to close by 4PM sharply. If you need help from School staff after 4PM, please use email or phone to contact us. We must vacate the building by 4:00PM on time. Otherwise additional rental charge may incur and we will need to pay a bigger bill next year. All classes need to end by 3:40PM so there is enough time to clean and re-organize the classroom back to original state.

4.      Clubs for Parents
For parents who join badminton club, basketball club, ping pong club, dance club and drum club, please complete your registration at The Chinese School is held responsible for facility usage with certain insurance coverage. It is imperative that each of users register and be protected by the umbrella policy in case of emergency.

5.      PTA duty and refund
We will start to have PTA refund this week. For school staff, teachers, PTA members, home parents, and parents who have fulfilled their PTA duties, you can come to PTA member Youqin Huang for PTA refund ($20). She is seated in the cafeteria next to the school table.

See you this weekend.

Feng Chen
Principal, Chinese School 2014-2016


中文学校每周简讯 - 9月19日 09/25/2015 - 10:13am





(1)     注册和学费
希望各个家庭上完第一节课后都已经作出相关决定,是否换课或退课。请及时登陆学校网页修改你的注册信息。学校才能知道每个班的准确人数。谢谢你的合作。若有问题,请联校长或陈建华先生 (。

(2)     家长代表

(3)     青少年义工团


(4)     注册情况

(5)     教材

(6)     华社会员




Dear Chinese School Families,

Welcome back to Chinese School!

Our school is off to a great start and we were so delighted to see old acquaintance and new faces in the first day of school. I hope everyone now starts to settle into school routines, and your child may have made one or two new friends. A special welcome is offered to our new
students, new families and new teachers, who just began their journey in Chinese school.

Now we are moving onto the second week, there are a few things I’d like to share with you in a hope to help you assimilate quicker into the Chinese School routines and culture.

(1)     Registration and Tuition Payment
Registration will be closed by end of this Sunday 9/20/2014. Any registration change request after 9/20 will have to be handled by a school staff. Tuition needs to be paid full before and during the second school session. According to school registration policy, if full
payment is not received after two school sessions, school reserves the right to cancel associated registration to allow students on the waiting list to register.

I hope after the first class most families have settled and made their decisions. Please take a moment to log into your account to update your enrollment information. We are relying on your prompt actions to have an accurate count of class enrollment. If you have problem in updating enrollment, you can always reach out to me or Mr. Jianhua Chen (

(2)     Classroom Home Parent
As we are getting to know each other, each classroom needs to have a home parent to help the teacher organize classroom parent duty assignment. Just like in public school, being a classroom parent is a privilege to serve the classroom and be a role model for your child to
follow. Please consider volunteering the role, particular for classrooms of new teachers. They will need you to step up and work together for your children’s education. Please contact PTA chair Jian Xu ( to register as home parent.

I can’t stress more for the importance of keeping the classroom clean and neat. No food and beverage is allowed in the classroom and hallways. We have had a good record last year with just a few complaints. Sustaining and improving the record will require each one of us to pay attention to what we do everyday. The first day is a good example that I’ve not heard any complaint from North Colonie School District. Thank you for your effort and please keep the good work up.

(3)     Youth Team Election
The Youth Team election is planned on the 3rd week of school 9/27. To help guide the election and clarify responsibilities, the school has published an updated Youth Team Election Policy as attached. The deadline for candidacy is end of next Friday 9/25. Please email me resumes of you and your running mate if you decide to run for a position in the executive team. Having a draft
activity plan will also be helpful. If you need any help or have questions, please reach out to me directly. We welcome all senior students to participate and demonstrate a good sense of citizenship.

(4)     Enrollment Update
As of September 13th, we have 354 students enrolled in Chinese language classes, 29 students enrolled in Chinese as Second Language classes, and 255 students enrolled in culture/enrichment classes. Thank you all for your commitment to your child’s education. We all wish it is another fruitful year.

(5)     Textbook
Textbooks are available for purchase at school at the same cost as online purchase. The school makes no profit out of textbook sale. Please do not copy textbook, which violates the copyright rule. The copy machines at school can only be used to make copies of excerpts for class use.

(6)     CCC membership
CCC membership refund will start from 3rd week of school. For those of you making a separate donation to the CCC, please stop by the CCC table and ask for more information.

Lastly, I’d like to extend many thanks to parents on PTA duty in the first day of school. They did a wonderful job in keeping many things in order amid a huge crowd and allowing school staff focus on what they should be doing.

Thank you all for your attention.

Feng Chen
Principal, Chinese School (2014-2016)
