11/19 Lockdown Drill


按照计划,明天(11/19)中文学校会进行lockdown drill。演习预定于1:30PM开始,预计进行20-30分钟。演习结束后,学生会留在教室继续上课至第二节课结束。请留在餐厅和体育馆的家长配合工作人员完成演习。谢谢大家配合!请见附件演习流程。

Chinese school will hold a lockdown drill at 1:30pm on November 19th. It will take about 20-30 minutes. All students will resume the class after the lockdown. We will appreciate all your cooperation. Please see attached procedure

Chinese School Administration Team

中文学校青少年义工Food Bank 报名


为了提供青少年回馈社区的机会,中文学校将组织学生于12月10号上午到 Regional Food Bank 义工。

✅时间:周日,12月10号 9:00am-10:30am
✅地点:Regional Food Bank, 965 Albany Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110


❗️这次义工活动将负责食品分类工作和仓库所需工作。建议着穿comfy clothes, 鞋子必须是Closed Toed Shoes.


⚠️因Food Bank 规定,这次义工活动只招募15个学生,先报先得。请务必确认您的孩子能于12月10号上午参加活动,因名额有限,如您孩子不能参加,不要占用名额。





讲故事比赛获奖名单 Storytelling Contest Winners





Dear parents, teachers, and students,

Please see the attached Chinese storytelling contest winners! Congratulations to the winners!


Chinese school administration team

中文学校奖学金申请- 截止日期 12/3/23

1. 引言

华社中文学校设立的奖学金,是用来奖励在中文学校就读的高中生,奖励他们学习汉语和中国文化所取得的优异成绩,表彰他们在当地学校所取得的优异成绩,以及对社区的义务贡献。奖学金颁发对象为中文学校就读三年以上, 毕业后即将上大学的高中生。

2. 奖学金简介:

中文学校董事会于 2003 年 7 月 18 日,设立奖学金基金。每年度颁奖一次。设立奖学金的目的是为了帮助高中生支付部分大学开支,包括学费,书费和其他勤杂费用。奖学金定于每年秋季颁发,金额为$150。每年授予奖学金名额视奖学金金额多少而定。学生在校期间只允许获得一次奖学金。奖学金面向每个学生,不论其种族,肤色,宗教信仰和国籍。

3. 奖学金评审委员会

中文学校奖学金评审委员会负责评审和颁发奖学金。评审委员会委员由中文学校董事会任命。委员由两名教师,两名家长代表和一名校方行政人员组成。中文学校董事会每年春季任命奖学金评审委员会委员。任期一年。候选人如果有亲属申情奖学金,或者与申请奖学金有任何利益冲突,均不能入选奖学金评审委员会委员。奖学金评审委员会主席由奖学金评审委员会委员选举产生。委员会必须将当年的奖学金评审过程 (参照本章条例 4) 在本学年五月十五日之前提交校董事会。委员会对奖学金候选人有最后决定权。奖学金获得者由委员会通过多数投票产生。


4.1 符合中文学校毕业条件。

4.2 用中文撰写一篇申请论文。

4.3 在校三年里,学习成绩达本班前三分之一优秀学生之列。

4.4 至少完成当地学校 9 年级学业。

4.5 高中平均分数在 3.5 或 3.5 以上。

4.6 拥有 25 小时社区服务记录,包括至少 10 小时中文学校或华社服务记录。




申请人需在 12/03/2023之前网上填写申请表并附上一下材料。



5.1 一篇中文撰写的申请论文

5.2 本校教师或校务人员推荐信一份

5.3 中文学校毕业证书复印件

5.4 所在学校成绩单一份



Book Drive on Every School Day


欢迎参加中文学校每周的Book Drive活动。请看附件活动介绍。



学校每教学日的周日会在行政桌附近举办BOOKDRIVE, 欢迎您捐赠的维护良好的旧书,交换同样数量的书籍, 或者购买所需书籍,以下是图书捐赠门类:




The school will hold a BOOK DRIVE every Sunday near the administrative desk. Donate your old books, exchange them for the same number of books, or purchase the books. The following are the book donation categories:

children's books
Young adult fiction and nonfiction
English-language reference books
Natural sciences
Social Sciences
Chinese textbook and teaching materials (Ma Liping Chinese)
Other books for children and teens


Chinese School Administration Team

Updated flyer for online English teaching and tutoring volunteer opportunities


Please refer to the attached updated flyer for online English teaching and tutoring volunteer opportunities, a collaboration between CCC Chinese School and My Culture Connect (MCC).

If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up per the instructions on the flyer. 

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Jie Gao, Vice Principal of the Chinese School, at school.academic@cccalbany.org.

Chinese School Administration Team 

Online English teaching and tutoring volunteer Opportunities with MCC

1. MCC是什么样的组织?怎么和中文学校建立的合作关系?

MCC,全称My Culture Connect, 又名台湾彰化县人师教育协会。成立于98年1月1日,是以培养学识和品德兼具的志愿者老师,提升彰化地区教育与文化水准为宗旨的非盈利社会团体。华社中文学校ESL老师Eric Berman就是MCC的志愿英语老师,感谢他的热心帮助,促成中文学校和MCC的合作。通过以下MCC中英文网站可以了解更多信息。



2. 为什么要和MCC展开合作?对中文学校的学生有什么益处?

华社中文学校作为非盈利组织,致力于华人子女的中文教育和文化传承,以服务社区,回馈社会为宗旨。学校行政团队一直希望拓宽志愿服务范围,为中文学校的学生寻求更多 的志愿服务机会。同样作为NGO组织的MCC是我们目前能找到的契合学校服务宗旨的 合作伙伴。通过MCC的志愿项目,中文学校的学生



开阔眼界,促进语言和文化交流。台湾也是中华文化的传承人,对于生长在美国的 ABC来讲,与台湾学生的互动可以了解地球村中其他华人的生活和文化,也可以提高自己的中文水平和兴趣。


3. MCC英文教育志愿项目对志愿者有什么要求?

本次志愿项目没有年龄限制,我们相信有爱心,耐心,责任心,当然还要有时间(大概每周30分钟-1小时)的学生都可以胜任这项志愿工作。为帮助你做出适合的决定,请看以 下相关视频。


Introduction to the CCC Chinese School Volunteer Partnership with MCC详情请看视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvQm_n2ozSI志愿项目详细信息请看以下视频:

1-on-1 MCC Tutoring Orientation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZKOMadDzKM MCC Co-Teaching Orientation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SUWF7AVTuk

4. MCC英文教育志愿项目申请流程



第二步:请联系Mr.Quentin Gooch,MCC Program Manager。 quentin@fdps.chc.edu.tw


如有任何问题, 可联系中文学校教务副校长高杰school.academic@cccalbany.org

1. What is MCC? How do we know MCC?

MCC, My Culture Connect, also known as Taiwan Changhua County People‘s Teacher Education Association, was founded on January 1, 1998. It is a non-profit social organization with the purpose of training volunteer teachers to help in areas that lack educational resources, and improving the English education and global understanding of the Changhua area. Eric Berman, an ESL teacher of the Chinese Community Chinese School, is a volunteer English teacher of MCC. Thanks to his enthusiastic help, the Chinese school got to establish a connection with MCC. More information can be found on the following MCC Chinese and English websites.

Chinese Version: https://www.twrses.org/RS English Version: https://www.mycultureconnect.org/

2. Why do we establish the volunteer service partnership with MCC? What are the benefits for Chinese school students?

Being a part of the Chinese Community Center (CCC), CCC Chinese School is dedicated to the Chinese language education and cultural heritage of Chinese American’s young generation, the ultimate goal of Chinese school is serving the community and giving back to the society. As of that, the school administration team wants to seek more volunteer service opportunities for Chinese school students. MCC, which is also an NGO organization as CCC, is the partner we can find that fits the school's commission. Through MCC's voluntary program, Chinese school students will

Have the opportunity to use their English background and bilingual advantages to help the students in need, gain satisfaction and happiness in helping others.

Improve social skills, problem-solving skills, perseverance and the sense of responsibility when teaching and tutoring others in need.

Promote language and cultural exchanges. Taiwan is also the inheritor of Chinese Culture. For ABCs who grew up in the US, this volunteer opportunity will give them chances to know the life and culture of Chinese in “Global Village”. Furthermore, it may also boost their interest in Chinese language and culture as well.

Enrich their life experience by bringing a positive impact to others, which is a good plus to the future college application as well.

3. What kind of volunteer does the MCC English tutoring program need?
There is no age limit for this volunteer program. We believe that students who are caring, patient, responsible, and of course have a little free time (about 30 minutes to 1 hour per week) are qualified for this volunteer work. You can choose either 1-on-1 tutoring or co-teaching whichever fits for you. The videos below provide more information about this volunteer program, and will help you make the right decision.

For this partnership, MCC specially made an English video for Chinese schools. Introduction to the CCC Chinese School Volunteer Partnership with MCC Please watch the video for details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvQm_n2ozSI

Please watch the video below for more information regarding MCC volunteer program: 1-on-1 MCC Tutoring Orientation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZKOMadDzKM MCC Co-Teaching Orientation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SUWF7AVTuk

4. How to apply for the MCC volunteer program?
Step1:Please click the link below or scan the QR code on the first page to complete the signup of CCC Chinese School. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxvU0zqQk4DJSYbPMxVWpka_5sECQy...
Step2:Please contact Mr.Quentin Gooch,MCC Program Manager via email quentin@fdps.chc.edu.tw, providing your name, age, grade in both American school and Chinese school.

If you have any question, please contact Chinese School Vice Principal Mrs. Jie Gao at school.academic@cccalbany.org

11/12 中文讲故事比赛节目单 Storytelling Contest Program

11月12日中文学校放假, 但学校在大礼堂举办年度中文讲故事比赛, 欢迎大家前来观看选手的精彩比赛,同时小观众们可以参加有奖趣味识字游戏。

时间:11/12/23 Sunday 1:00 pm-3:30 pm
地点:Shaker Middle School Auditorium

The Chinese school will not be in session on November 12, but the school will hold the annual Chinese Storytelling Competition in the auditorium. Everyone is welcome to come and watch. Young audiences can participate in fun spelling bee games with prizes.

Time:11/12/23 Sunday 1:00 pm-3:30 pm
Location: Shaker Middle School Auditorium
The program brochure is attached.

Python Beginner/Kungfu/beginner/ESL I 11/5 class are cancelled


Tomorrow 11/5, The following three courses are canceled due to special circumstances. The teacher will send make-up notices to students later.

⏺️Beginner to Python programming, teacher-William Rennie
⏺️ESL I , Teacher-Eric Berman
⏺️Chinese Kungfu, Teacher-Lucas Geller

Chinese School Administration Team

中文学校周讯- School Newsletter 11/2/23

(1) 11/5/23 : 冬令时开始,请大家不要忘了把时钟拨慢一小时。

(2) 11/5/23 因学校 Auditoriun 有Shaker MiddleSchool 表演,需要场外保持安静。请师生在课间休息时间不要奔跑喧哗.

(3) 学校每周日会在行政桌附近举办BOOK DRIVE, 捐赠你的旧书,交换同样数量的书籍, 或者购买所需书籍给您的孩子($2.以下是图书捐赠门类:


联系人: PTA 张琳, 吴慧勤


(4) 11/12/23: 不上课,但是中文讲故事比赛在学校的Auditorium 举行 (1:00pm-3:30pm),欢迎非参赛选手来观看,不仅可以欣赏参赛选手的精彩表演,观众还可以参加有奖趣味识字游戏。

(5) 11/19/23: 学校举行lockdown drill

(6) 11/26/23: 感恩节假期,不上课



(1)11/5/23: Daylight Saving ends, please turn the clocks backward 1 hour

(2)11/5/23 Due to there is a performance by Shaker Middle School in the school auditorium which requires no disturbance. Teachers and students are asked not to run or make too much noise in the Hallway during breaks.

(3) The school will hold a BOOK DRIVE every Sunday near the administrative desk. Donate your old books, exchange them for the same number of books, or purchase the books ($2). The following are the book donation categories:

children's books
Young adult fiction and nonfiction
English-language reference books
Natural sciences
Social Sciences
Chinese books and teaching materials (Ma Liping Chinese)
Other books for children and teens

Time: 1:00 pm-3:30 pm
Contact person: PTA Lin Zhang &Huiqin Wu

Please see the attached BOOK DRIVE flyer

(4) 11/12/23: There will be no classes, but the Chinese storytelling competition will be held at the school auditorium from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to watch. Not only can they enjoy the wonderful performances of the contestants, but the audience can also participate in fun games with prizes.

(5) 11/19/23: The school held a lockdown drill

(6) 11/26/23: Thanksgiving holiday, no classes


Chinese School Administration Team

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