News Update

Title Updated date Body
Trial class for intermediate Python and registration 09/29/2022 - 8:31pm

📣这周日还可以试课及报名中文学校的Python 中级编程班

You’re welcome to come for a trial for Python intermediate before registering!

【 Intermediate Python Programming】

⌚️Class Schedule: Sundays 2:50 PM -3:40 PM

📍Location: Shaker Middle School, Classroom# S105

👨‍🏫Teacher: Jason Zhang
• Officer of Coding Club at Shaker High School since 10th grade
• USACO Silver Medalist
• RPI Summer Game Development Producer and Lead Programmer (2021) and Teaching Assistant (2022)
• Robotics Team Design Lead, Animation Lead, and Assistant Project Manager
• Introductory Python teaching assistant at Chinese School (2021-2022)
• Intermediate Python teacher at Chinese School (2021-2022)
• Programming experience in Python, Java, C#, HTML, CSS
• Experience with VSCode, Python IDLE, BlueJ, PyCharm, IntelliJ Idea, and Eclipse programming environments

📚Course Objectives:
The Intermediate Python Programming class is intended for students with some prior experience with programming and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). Knowledge of Python is not required but is highly recommended.
We will be covering the Python language and a useful set of Python modules while utilizing the Python IDLE Programming Environment. We will discuss important concepts in programming as well as what is meant by a good programming style. By the end of the term, each student may program some simple video games using the concepts we have learned. The student should finish the class with the capability of writing well-formatted and functional Python programs. There will be time for programming labs during class, but the student is expected to work outside of class as well if they wish to progress.

✔️Course Requirements:
Personal Email Address
Laptop running Windows, MacOS, or Linux that can install software
Python compatible IDE

如有问题,可到学校行政桌咨询。Stop by School Administration Desk if you have any questions.

首府中文学校行政团队 Chinese School Administration Team

国际象棋初级班试课 Trial class for Beginner Chess 09/29/2022 - 8:16pm

♟ ♟♟♟♟♟♟

You’re welcome to come for a trial for Beginner Chess before registering!

🗓Class schedule: Sundays 2:50pm-3:40pm

📍Class location: Shaker Middle School
Classroom A226

Teacher: Jeff Young

Jeff Young is a retired IT specialist who has BS and MS degrees in computer sciences. He has years' experience in chess competition and tutoring; played in my his adult tournament in 2004, and have playing and studying chess consistently since then. U.S. Chess Federation rating about 1500:
His ICC profile:
Besides playing, He is also very interested in and has studied chess theory (including openings) and computer chess. He has a mention in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences for some of this work:

Stop by School Administration desk if you have any questions.

中文学校行政团队 Chinese school administration team

School Newsletter-Oct schedule/Community Services Award/Parent Duty 09/28/2022 - 9:37pm

Dear parents, teachers, and students,
各位家长, 老师及同学们,

(1) October schedule and events (十月时刻表):

10/2: School Open; Fire Drill 正常上课, 消防演习
10/9: No School 不上课
10/16: School Open 正常上课
10/23: School Open; Halloween parade; Trick or Treat 正常上课, 万圣节游行及发糖。
10/30: No School; Storytelling Contest 不上课, 讲故事比赛

(3) 祝贺以下高中学生获得我校Community Services Award!

Congratulations to the following recipients for Community Services Award!

Katherine Conjalka
Lauran Zhu
Darren Duan
Ivyann Shen
Toby Zheng
Kevin Mcleod
Andrew Kang
Harry Shen
Tereasa Zhang
Jason Zhang
Coco Luo

This award is given to the high school student who best exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism through participation in teaching, assisting teaching and helping out in our school community.

(3) 更多的家长值日日期已公布,请登陆以下网页注册家长值日获得$60押金退款。
More dates are available for parents to sign up for duties to receive a $60 reimbursement.
Please log in to the Chinese community homepage, click program, then click school, then click PTA Duty Signup to register. Or click this link to sign up directly:


Chinese school administration team

消防演习 Fire Drill 10/2/22 09/28/2022 - 8:17pm

这周末10/2中文学校会进行防火演习fire drill,预计1:30开始,持续20-25分钟,取消第一二节课中间的休息,演习结束后,学生会回到教室继续上课至第二节课结束。

请见附件fire drill的步骤,注意事项和floor plan上标注的疏散信息。请届时在cafeteria和gym活动的家长听从conductor指挥,有序疏散。



Chinese School will conduct the fire drill this Sunday, October 2. The fire alarm will go off at 1:30 PM and the whole drill will last 20-25 minutes.

The students will be grouped and then evacuated by class under the organization of the teachers and conductors.

The break between the first and second periods will be canceled; all the students will be returned to the classrooms and proceed to the second class after the drill.

For all the parents staying in the cafeteria and the gyms, please follow the conductors' guidance and evacuate through the closest exit.

Please find the fire drill procedure and the floor map attached for your reference.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Chinese School Administration

Chinese School 2022-23 handbook 09/27/2022 - 7:21pm

📢Dear parents, teachers and students,

Chinese school 2022-23 handbook is available on the school website.

Here is the direct link for the handbook:

You can also get in the school homepage, click”about us 关于我们” ,the click “Handbook 学校手册 2022-23”.

👇The handbook contains the following information:

▶️ Introduction
▶️School Programs
▶️Registration Policy for School Year 2022-2023
▶️纽约首府华社中文学校校历 Chinese School Calendar (2022-2023)
▶️纽约首府中文学校校务人员名单 (School Administration Directory)
▶️纽约首府中文学校董事会成员名单 (School Council Directory)
▶️ 纽约首府中文学校教师名册 (School Teacher Directory)
▶️ 纽约首府华社中文学校中文继承语教学大纲 (Chinese Language Curriculum)
▶️中文学校新冠防疫安全措施 (COVID Safety Protocols)
▶️学生守则 (Student Conduct)
▶️ 家长责任 (Parent Responsibility)
▶️教师职责 (Teacher Responsibility)
▶️家长会职责 (PTA Responsibility)
▶️值日家长职责 (Parents on duty Responsibility)
▶️中文学校毕业条例 (Graduation Requirement)
▶️ 华社中文学校奖学金颁发条例 (Scholarship Award Program)
▶️火警及紧急疏散的有关步骤 Emergency/Fire Evacuation Procedures
▶️ 因天气原因学校停课 school closing Inclement Weather
▶️School Map
▶️School Organization Chart


Chinese School Administration Team