News Update

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中文学校一周简讯 School Weekly (01/08) 01/20/2017 - 11:42pm

Dear parents, teachers and students:

Happy New Year and Welcome back!

Classes start at 1PM this Sunday at 475 Watervliet Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110.

各位家长, 老师同学们:


1. 春季学期本周日一点开学。新来的家长和同学,请到475 Watervliet Shaker Road,Latham, NY 12110 来报名上学。

2.上学期获得奖学金的同学, 请到行政桌来领取奖学金支票。



春季学期的家长值日登记现在开始了,如果你的学费交款中还没有退回你的20元PTA押金, 请尽快登记值日。 完成值日后,可得到20元退款。


(1). 登录学校主页 family login 用你的注册账号登录你的帐户。

(2). 在页面左上方点击 “Signup Duty”

(3). 点击“Available”, 选择合适的值日日期,然后 确认。


每次值日一般有四名家长参加,他们的任务分工是打上下课铃,操作 复印机,巡视,清场,以及协助学校各项活动,详见中文学校网站。



(1)如果你是你孩子中文课班级的家长代表并且你的学费中还没有 退还20元PTA押金, 请邮件告诉你的中文学校家庭代号码和班级名。PTA将安排给予退款。

(2)如果你孩子的中文班级没有家长代表并且你愿意志愿当家长代 表,请通知你班老师并且邮件 pta@gmail.com告诉你的中文学校家庭代号码和班级名,如你的学费中还没有退还20元PTA押金,PTA将安排给予退款。


中文学校校长: 张晓清(2016-2017)


中文学校一周简讯 School Weekly (12/18) 01/07/2017 - 1:29am

Dear Parents and Teachers,

As we are busy preparing for the joyful season, please be reminded that this coming Sunday, December 18th, is the last day of school for the fall semester. For those of you who are new to the school, please note that the school holds double sessions on that day. Class starts at 10:00AM and ends at 11:45AM. The holiday party starts at 1pm. There will be a potluck lunch in the school cafeteria, from 11:45pm to 12:45pm, organized by your room parent. To help the school PTA arrange tables, each room parent should have contacted PTA members by now. If not, make
an emergency call.

12月18日,中文学校上午 10点上课, 下午一点召开节日联欢会,三点半结束。

聚餐在孩子上完课后就可以开始。各班家长代表已经和学校的家长会取得了联系,我们会给聚餐的班级安排聚餐桌椅, 并采购餐具和水,饮料主食自备。

Since it’s going to be a fairly busy day, I ask you to read my laundry list before coming to school:

(1)If you cannot find a parking spot, it means the lot is full and your only alternative site is the Shaker Senior High, which is only a 5-minute walking distance. Do not make an attempt to park in the fire lane or block walkway since North Colonie Police is patrolling the school and will be happy to offer you a costly traffic ticket to balance the Colonie town budget. Happy Holiday!


(2)During the morning session, the school PTA will be busy decorating the auditorium stage. If you don’t have much to do, please stop by the auditorium and offer them a hand. We are also asking a few parents to kindly stay late and help us do clean up in the auditorium. Your participation will make a huge difference.

上午学生考试的时候,家长会的成员将忙于布置学校礼堂,我们需要更多人手。如果您有时间,有巧夺天工的才艺,或有一双勤劳的手/腿,请来帮个忙,人多有人气,人多好办事。家长会代表将在现场指挥,想帮忙的找他们, 需要帮忙的别找他们,来餐厅找我们。

(3)With so many people participating in the potluck lunch this Sunday, space in the cafeteria is always an issue. You may find the table assigned to your class is too small, or you may not find the table assigned to your class at all. This happens every year, and when it happens again this year, please be patient; ask around and you will find your destination.


(4)As a school tradition, we ask each room parent to prepare a card with students’ signatures and a small gift for your room teacher. Our teachers have been working very hard throughout the school year, and this is the season in which we express our gratitude to them (suggested price: $5 per student). Some of the classes have also prepared a present for their room TA and I want to thank you for your caring and thoughtfulness.

家长代表及所有家长,请你们各班准备一张节日卡,由学生签名,准备一分小小礼物(建议每学生五元), 联欢会上举行谢师礼的时候,每班派一名学生代表上台献礼。有些班级还为助教准备了小礼, 感谢你们的周全考虑。

(5)During the ceremony, the CCC Youth Volunteer Team members will help us keep the stage and auditorium in good order. These are our high school students volunteering their hours. Please follow their instructions and directions.


(6)Many classes have submitted programs for the school. To give everyone a chance to perform onstage, and to encourage students to learn from and support each other, We ask you to stay in the school if your kids finish their performances, to support their friends from other classes. We add on raffle drawing this year at the end of performance.


一等奖 四名现金每人$10,
二等奖 八名现金每人$8,
三等奖 十六名现金每人$5

大家在节目结束之前请勿离场,奖金现场发放,不在现场的人将无法获得奖金!另外,学生表演需要人气,需要大家捧场喝彩。我们知道大家都很忙,但在18日这一天,请大家都参与把演出办好,不要提早离开。 否则,演出尾声,人去楼空,摇旗呐喊者锐减,岂不冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。

(7)The school is also looking for a few parents who have some medical background to serve as a “school nurse”. Given the amount of people packed into the auditorium, safety is always important. If you have a medical background or know someone who works in medical field, please step forward and help us out.


Finally, on behalf of the Chinese School, I would like to extend our congratulation to the following high school students who, after 10 years of Chinese learning and many hours of public services, won the 2016 Chinese School Scholarship Award. These students are: Kevin Sui, Qian Lin Li, Kevin Lin, Ryan Wei. By winning the scholarship award, each student will get a check of $150.

I would also like to proudly announce that the recipients of the 2016 Chinese School Excellence in Teaching Award. They are: Ling Xiao, Miao Zhou, Qiongfei Yu, Chunlan Zhao and Wei Zhang. In addition, Gang Dong, Ling Wang, and Feng Chen will receive the Chinese School 2016 Distinguished Service Award. Our congratulation to all of them!



附件一:联欢会程序, 附件二:节目单。


Xiaoqing Zhang 张晓清校长

Principal, Chinese School (2016-2017)


中文学校一周简讯 School Weekly (12/11) 12/16/2016 - 9:25am


1.管好你的物件,及时领走孩子。There have been ongoing incidents of lost items.  Please keep track of your personal items and be aware of where your children




中文课10:00AM开始。 12:00PM在学校餐厅聚餐, 各班自己决定聚餐食物。学校提供桌子,纸盘,叉子,纸杯和水。 聚餐后,请各班清理自己桌上的垃圾。

1:00PM, 在Auditorium 举行圣诞节目表演。 在节目开始前,有一个给老师献花的节目,需要每个班选出一名学生代表,上台给本班老师献花。


如果你的班级没有家长代表,请老师在12月12日之前回复邮件注明您班级名,老师名,聚餐学生总人数(不要计算家长人数)和献花学生代表名字。过了12/12, 就不能保证有桌子。



张晓清 校长 2016-2017


中文学校一周简讯 School Weekly (12/04) 12/09/2016 - 7:37pm

家长,老师,同学们, 大家好!


2.本周日第十八届华人学生作文大赛截稿, 每班汇总到七三班李莉老师处, 作文格式样品,请看附件。


12/18 Sunday at 7:00 pm, Senior Pointe Senior Living Center
Address is: 1 Bell Tower Dr, Watervliet, NY 12189

1/8 Sunday from 10am-12pm, Regional Food Bank
Address is: 965 Albany Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110

如果有问题, 请email Bryan Zhou at

谢谢大家的关注, 周日见!



中文学校一周简讯 School Weekly (11/27) 12/09/2016 - 7:37pm




My name is Bryan Zhou, and I am the president of the CCC Youth Volunteer Team this year. I am currently a junior at Niskayuna High School, and have been involved in this team for many years.

This year, my co-president Zach Huang and I along with our team of officers have planned many fun and rewarding activities for the kids to participate in -- but first, we need some contact information and information about dates and conflicts. I have attached a quick survey, please give this to your kid(s) and have them fill it out as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me
