CS Weekly: Last call for donation/ Art exhibit at cafetiere/ Graduation application due on 4/7



1. 投影屏幕事件上周日共筹得$1161.01元,衷心感谢照片上孩子的家长带头捐款和诸多乐捐家长给学校的鼎力帮助!

本周日将做最后一次筹款,欢迎大家任何金额的捐赠,以协助学校分担费用,不足以抵扣屏幕赔偿款的部分将由学校填补,超出部分将设专款只用于学期末field day学生活动。



- 捐款箱将固定摆放在学校餐厅进门口,大家可以自愿匿名捐赠。

- 如果愿意实名捐赠,请带支票交给学校财务处陈蓬或陈昱,并领取收据。


2. 画画比赛本周日最后一周接收投稿,请到行政桌交给PTA。作品也将在餐厅展出,欢迎大家品鉴。


3. 中文教师培训本周日将于第三节课在教室B208举行,由莫琳老师分享《汉语教材分析、评价与使用》。学校长期诚招老师,请有意应聘老师的电邮联系刘大卫副校长i6liu@yahoo.com。也欢迎有意应聘老师的参加教师培训。






1. Last call for your general donation for Shaker screen payment to help us cover the cost:

- Please feel free to donation any amount at the donation box at the entrance. 

- Please write a check to CCC Chinese School and pass it to Mr Peng Chen or Ms Yu Chen. They will pass a donation receipt to you. 

We sincerely thank you for all your help.


2. Annual art exhibit: My life. All art works will be displayed at cafetiere. Please submit your art work to PTA at admin table by this Sunday.


3. Chinese teacher training will be hold on 2:50-3:40pm at B208.


4. The graduation application is due by April 7th. Please submit it to Vice Principal Dawei Liu. 







CS Weekly: School as usual on 3/31, Call for fundraising and volunteers


1. 本周日3/31学校恢复正常上课。

2. 礼堂投影屏幕筹款活动将在本周日进行,学校倡议全校家长自愿捐款,协助学校分担费用,最终捐款金额将于4/7之前向大家公布,不足以抵扣屏幕赔偿款的部分将由学校填补,超出部分将设专款只用于学期末field day学生活动。我们衷心感谢大家任何金额的资助,捐款方式有两种:


3. 中文学校年度画画比赛,交稿截止日是本周日3/31。今年的主题是:我的生活。请填好交稿label,一起交给PTA 孙鹏博。

4. School council 孙旭峰主席以提名委员会的名义诚邀自荐或广荐人才加入学校服务团队,请详见附件。

5. 中文教师培训本周日将于第三节课在教室B208举行,由莫琳老师分享《汉语教材分析、评价与使用》。学校长期诚招老师,请有意应聘老师的电邮联系刘大卫副校长i6liu@yahoo.com。也欢迎有意应聘老师的参加教师培训。

6. 毕业申请截止日是4/7,填好申请后请交给刘大卫副校长,并把单人大头照片电邮发给本班老师,注明中英文名字,照片将收录在2019 Yearbook。

1. The school will resume on this Sunday 3/31.

2. Call for fundraising. There were a group of our students playing on the stage at the auditorium and then the projector screen was found damaged on the corners of the both sides. Chinese School has paid $6200.59 to replace the screen. Now we call for your general donation to help us cover the cost on next Sunday 3/31:

- Please feel free to donation any amount at the donation box at the entrance.
- Please write a check to CCC Chinese School and pass it to Mr Peng Chen or Ms Yu Chen. They will issue a donation receipt to you.

We will announce the total amount by 4/7. Any surplus will be fully used for the students activity on the last of day of school. We sincerely thank you for all your help.

3. Annual arts exhibit topic: My life, submission due by 3/31.

4. Please see the attached volunteer recruitment letter from School Council Chair Mr Xufeng Sun.

5. Chinese teacher training will be hold on 2:50-3:40pm at B208.

6. The graduation application is due by April 7th. Please submit it to Vice Principal Dawei Liu. Please send your personal photo and both Chinese and English names to your teacher for the yearbook.



CS Weekly: 礼堂投影屏幕筹款/ Mathcounts 好成绩/ 画画比赛

1. 本周日3/24没有中文学校,下周3/31恢复正常上课。
2. 关于礼堂投影屏幕事件,请您看附件。
学校已经支付礼堂屏幕$6200.59赔偿款,作为一个非盈利性组织确实是一笔不小的开支。现在我们倡议全校家长自愿捐款,协助学校分担费用。捐款活动日期是下周日3/31 ,方式有两种:
- 学校餐厅进门口将摆设捐款箱,大家可以自愿匿名捐赠。
- 如果愿意实名捐赠,请带支票(Payable to: CCC Chinese School)交给学校财务处陈蓬或陈昱,并领取收据。
最终捐款金额将于4/7之前向大家公布,不足以抵扣屏幕赔偿款的部分将由学校填补,超出部分将设专款只用于学期末field day学生活动。
3. 重大好消息:我校学生在MATHCOUNTS竞赛中取得优异成绩!
MATHCOUNTS是一个有着36年历史的全国性的数学竞赛,目标是以有趣的方式提高美国学生的数学技能。 服务目标主要是正处于发展和保持数学兴趣和能力关键阶段的中学生。
3月9日在Troy RPI MATHCOUNTS竞赛,有来自纽约州各地的200多名学生切磋数学。我们中文学校有几位学生参加,其中有三名学生强势进入纽约州个人前12名;Forest更是取得了个人组第二名的优异成绩并赢得参加全国比赛的机会。
4.中文学校年度画画比赛,今年的主题是:我的生活。交稿截止日3/31,请填好交稿label,一起交给PTA 孙鹏博。
1.There is NO Chinese school on this Sunday 3/24.  The school will resume on next Sunday 3/31.
2.Call for fundraising. Please see the attachment for the details. There
were a group of students playing on the stage at the auditorium and then the projector screen was found damaged on the corners of the both sides on 9/30/2018. Chinese School has paid $6200.59 to Shaker to replace the screen. Now we call for your general donation to help us share the cost on next Sunday 3/31:
- Please feel free to donation any amount into the donation box at the entrance. 
- Please make a check payable to CCC Chinese School and pass it to Mr Peng Chen or Ms Yu Chen. They will issue a donation receipt to you. 
We will announce the total amount by 4/7. The donation will be used to cover the screen cost. Any surplus will be fully used for the students activity on the last day of school. We sincerely thank you for all your help. 
3. In its 36th year, MATHCOUNTS is a nationwide program designed to improve math skills among U.S. students in a way that’s fun and engaging. Sponsors target middle school students, who are at a critical stage in developing and sustaining math interest and ability.
More than 200 students from all over New York state, including New York City, put their problem-solving skills to the test Saturday in the MATHCOUNTS competition at RPI in Troy on March 9th. Our Chinese school had quite a few students competed for local middle school. We have three students scored in the top 12 individuals in the state. Forest scored a 2rd place in individuals and win a spot to compete in National Competition. Those students have been studied math with our Chinese math class since first grade. They are our first group math class students. We are very proud of them! We would like to extend our thanks to the math program leader Ms Qun Lu too!
4. Arts exhibit topic: My life, submission due by 3/31.



CS Weekly: Daylight saving/Art exhibit/PTA duty


1. 本周日3/10 时间调回夏令时,提前一个小时。注意上课请勿迟到。

2. 年度画画比赛,主题:我的生活,交稿截止日3/31

3. 中文学校是以义工为基础运行的,需要每一位家长的参与和帮忙,到学期结束现在还有值日空位,请参考附件sign up. 值完日当天领回PTA

4. 中文学校logo大赛, 参赛者都有奖状,请周日到行政桌找PTA孙鹏博领取。

5. 由于shaker 有音乐会,所以3/173/24两周没有中文学校。


1. Daylight saving will start this Sunday 3/10. Please
adjust your clocks 1 hour back.

2. Arts exhibit topic: My life, submission due by 3/31.

3. Please refer the attachment and sign up the PTA duty
ASAP if you haven’t done yet. You will only get your $50 PTA deposit back after
you do so.

4. All logo contest participants will have a
certification, please come to admin table to collect it from PTA Ms. Pengbo

5. There is NO Chinese school in next 2 weeks on 3/17 and
3/24 as Shaker will have musical events.





CS Weekly: SAT/ YCT/ Graduation application/ Essay contest

1. SAT考试本周日3/3@1-2:40pm 在教室C205和C204进行,请考生自带铅笔和橡皮提前十分钟进入考场。
2. 五年级和六年级同学请注意YCT报名截止是本周日3月3号。如果要参加考试,请通过本班老师报名。
3. 毕业申请截止日是4/7,请看附件。填好申请表后请交给刘大卫副校长,并在3/5之前把单人大头照片发给老师,照片将收集放在Yearbook上。
4. 2019 “华文创想曲”海外华裔青少年 暨港澳台青少年创意作文大赛征稿启事,详见附件。只接收集体报名,有意参加者,请于4月20日之前发作品给刘大卫副校长i6liu@yahoo.com,邮件主题请注明:2019 年“华文创想曲”作文大赛投稿.
SAT test is scheduled at 1-2:40pm on this Sunday 3/3 at C204 and C205.
Please bring your own pencil and easer and get ready 10 mins earlier
before the test starts. 
2. YCT registration deadline is 3/3 for 5th and 6th graders. Please register with your classroom teacher. 
For senior students who plan to graduate this semester, the deadline
for graduation application is April 7th. Please submit the application
to Vice Principal Ms Dawei Liu. The graduation application form is
attached. Please send your personal photo to your teacher for the
yearbook by 3/5.
4. Please see the 2019 Chinese essay contest as per attached. 

CS Weekly: NO School on 2/17, Logo Contest Winner List


NO Chinese School on 2/17.


Logo Contest Winner list
Logo21(Jade Sun)
Logo29(Joel Wong)
Logo36(Alice Zhang)

CS Weekly: Congratulations to Chinese School Math Team!


open at Andover(MOAA), 一月份去的是Math open at Exeter(EMCC).


3.对话当代画家季云飞活动25人已经报满,感谢PTA,特别是主席鲁娜的帮忙,订车发通知和组织都是她和PTA团队在做。收到报名成功确认信的家长,如果临时有变化,请及时通知学校和PTA,以便waiting list的人可以补上。
4.我们鼓励大家参加本周六的华社春晚 CCC Chinese New Year Celebration
Date and time: Sat 2/9 @2-5pm
Address: The egg @1 Empire State Plaza, S Mall Arterial, Albany, NY 12203
5.请注意2/17 winter break, NO Chinese School.

CS Weekly: Happy Chinese New Year

Dear all,

Happy Chinese New Year!

1. Welcome Ms Yu Chen to join us and be our bookkeeper!

2. 2/3 CNY celebration in Chinese school
- Red Envelopes are gifts presented at social and family gatherings such as such as Chinese New Year. The red color of the envelope symbolizes good luck and is a symbol to ward off evil spirits. PTA will send the red envelopes to each classroom based on the registered head count.
The students only registered for culture classes, please come to School Admin table to get your red envelope.
- PTA invites all the students to come to cafeteria to watch a short Chinese New Year video during the break at 1:45-1:55pm.
- CNY classroom activity. We encourage the language teachers to organize the CNY activities in their classroom, parents are welcome to help and join.

3. Meet with artist Yun-Fei Ji on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 1:00-3:00pm. Please see the attachment for details.
You will have the unique opportunity to meet talk with Yun-Fei Ji! After the artist talk, we will work on our own art project, inspired by our conversation with Ji using a variety of media! Here is some information about the artist:

Yun-Fei Ji was born in Beijing, China, and now lives and works in New York, Ohio, and Beijing. Using traditional Chinese painting techniques and addressing contemporary social, environmental, and political issues, Ji’s work marries history with the present. As Ji states, “I use landscape painting to explore the Utopian dreams of Chinese history, from past collectivization to new consumerism.”

Please Event Timing: Wednesday February 20th 1:00pm~3:00pm
Event Address: Skimore College, Tang Museum, 1632, 815 N Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Age Requirement: 3rd grade and up
Registration Deadline: February 10th 2019 or registration is full.
Bus Departure & Return Location: Chinese Community Center, 11 Avis Drive, Latham, NY 12110
Bus Departure Time : Wednesday February 20th 11:45pm

4. Clifton Park Library CNY celebration co-organized by Xiaoqing Zhang.
Date and time: Sat 2/2 @11-12pm
Address: 475 Moe Rd, Clifton Park, NY 12065

5. UAlbany Confucius Institute invites you and your family to join 2019 Chinese New Year Fair.
Date and time: Sat 2/2 @2-5pm
Address: UAlbany Campus Center Ballroom
2:00-3:00 pm: CNY Celebration Performance
3:00-4:30 pm: Display and Activities (Paper-cutting, Chinese calligraphy,
Couplet writing, Chinese chess and guessing lantern riddles and games etc.)
4:30-5:00 pm: Chinese Food

6. CCC CNY Celebration, you may buy tickets at cafeteria.
Date and time: Sat 2/9 @2-5pm
Address: The egg @1 Empire State Plaza, S Mall Arterial, Albany, NY 12203

Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year!
Emily Wang
Principal of Chinese School

CS Weekly: 新年快乐!




- 领新年红包啦!
PTA会在第一节课把新年压岁红包按注册人数送到各班, 由各班上课老师发放给本班学生。
只上第三节课的学生, 可以来学校行政桌领红包。
- 为了弘扬中华传统文化,PTA将于课间时间1:45-1:55pm在餐厅播放春节介绍短片,欢迎孩子们过来观看。
- 春节班级活动:学校拨出专款鼓励语言班老师在班内组织春节庆祝活动,欢迎家长们帮忙和参加,具体听从各班老师安排!

3.对话当代画家季云飞,由Tang Museum 邀请和PTA组织,详见附件
- 日期:周三2/20 @1-3pm(during the winter break)
- 地址:Tang Museum at Skidmore College
- 活动形式:先与画家季云飞面对面交谈,然后画家指导现场每人完成一幅自己的作品。
- 年龄要求:三年级及以上
- 报名要求:只有25个名额,只限已注册的中文学校学生参加,请点击链接注册goo.gl/zvR2d7,先到先得。
- 报名截止:2月10日或报满为止。如果报名后去不了,请及时通知学校,可以把名额让给别人参加。
- 交通安排:
* 家长可以自己送孩子去Tang Museum参加活动,结束后自己接回家
* 集体搭乘bus, 请家长于11:45之前送到华社,4pm之前从华社接孩子回家

- 画家季云飞简介,当代艺术家及水墨画家。他的水墨画在美国、英国、意大利和巴西等将近10个国家展出过,得过16个奖项。2005年,他成为第一个获得美国罗马学院罗马奖的中国人。


4. Clifton Park Library CNY celebration 前校长张晓清已经连续16年组织这个活动,欢迎大家参加。
Date and time: Sat 2/2 @11-12pm
Address: 475 Moe Rd, Clifton Park, NY 12065

5. 孔子学院黄友琴院长和帅建林院长邀请大家春节逛庙会!大家可以在周六下午2-5pm三个小时任何时段到达参加,形式灵活,欢迎走走逛逛!
Date and time: Sat 2/2 @2-5pm
Address: UAlbany Campus Center Ballroom
2:00-3:00 pm: 看:春节庆祝表演
3:00-4:30 pm: 玩:庙会活动(剪纸、写对联、画脸谱、品茶、棋艺、猜灯谜、夹弹珠、套圈……趣味游戏妙趣横生)
4:30-5:00 pm: 吃:中华美食品尝

6. 华社春晚
Date and time: Sat 2/9 @2-5pm
Address: The egg @1 Empire State Plaza, S Mall Arterial, Albany, NY 12203


CS Weekly: Back to normal on 1/27

1.Back to normal on 1/27.
本周日1/27 中文学校照常上课。
2. Logo online voting:
3. Special CNY classroom fee: 
4.SAT Mock registration deadline by 1/27 for 8th grader and above
8年级及以上学生请向所在班级老师报名参加SAT Mock考试,报名截止日期本周日1/27,报名费用由学校统一支付,如果报名的未参加考试,需补交10元报名费。
5. Chinese language teacher training at B208@2:50-3:40pm.
6.中文学校现在急需几位志愿者家长,帮忙online保存学校的照片和制作yearbook! 有意者请联络曹洪波副校长apollocao@gmail.com
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