中文学校新学期中文课本订购-更新!(Chinese School Textbook Order-update!













1. 登录华社网站https://cccalbany.org

2. 华社会员请登录自己的账号;非华社会员不用注册账户直接进入下一步。

3. 点击“Program”然后“School”再点击“Order Textbook”,进入购书页面。

4. 选择要购买的教材。如需要购买两个或两个以上不同年级的课本,请返回购书主页面选择。选完所以需要的教材后进入购物篮(cart)。

5. 在Contact页面,华社会员Email栏会自动显示您注册的Email。非会员需要填写您的Email。

                注意: 请务必确认Email是否正确。付款后此邮箱将收到确认Email和Invoice Letter。在您取书时将以此Email为凭证。

6. 在完成Contact后是Delivery, 直接Continue到下一页。

7. 接下来是Billing and shipping information。请务必在Comments里填上您的Family ID,class name, teacher name and student name 以方便学校在取书时能快速找到您的记录。请看附件样本。

8. 通过PayPal完成支付。

9. 在收到学校通知后,打印Invoice letter,开学当天(9月19日),在学校以班级为单位取书





Chinese textbooks will be ordered online and picked up at the Chinese school on the first day of school (September 19).

On the first day of school, the school will organize textbook pick up  as a class unit and deliver them to the students. Please pay attention to the specific notice!

In order to ensure that the ordered textbooks can be delivered to students in a timely and accurate manner, parents must fill in your contact information, course name, teacher name and student name when ordering online!

The school will order textbooks from publishers according to the number of parents ordered. School will follow first come first served till all the stock textbooks sold out. In order to ensure that students can have textbooks on the first day of school, please register for courses and order textbooks as soon as possible!

Dear Parents,

Because of pandemic, textbooks can be purchased online only starting from August 29. School currently only accepts online payment, such as PayPay. Cash and check will not be accepted. On the first day of 2021-2022 semester (September 19), you can get your textbooks in your classroom. School will not provide delivery service.

School will follow first come first served till all the stock textbooks sold out.

Steps of online purchase:

1. Go to https://cccalbany.org

2. Logon if you are member of Chinese Community Center. If you are not member, go to next step.

3. Click on "Program" then "School" and then "Order Textbook" and get into page of textbooks

4. Choose textbooks you want to purchase. If you need more than one textbook, go back to textbook list and choose another one. After you select all textbooks you want to purchase, click on "Cart".

5. In Contact page, if you are member of Chinese Community Center, the Email address will be auto populated. If not, please fill in your email address, name and phone number. Please carefully check your email whether you are member of Chinese Community Center or not. The confirmation email and invoice letter will be sent to this email you provide. And you will use this email to pickup your order.

6. Next is Delivery information. Go and click "Continue".

7. In "Billing and shipping information" page, please add your family ID, class name, teacher name and student name  in "Comments". School will use your family ID to track your order and distribute the textbook. please see attached comment sample.

8. Logon PayPal to finish your purchase.

9. After receive confirmation letter, please print invoice letter and pickup your order at Chinese School on September 19.

 If you have question during textbook purchase, please contact vice principle Lei Zhu (school.communication@cccalbany.org).

 Thank you for your understanding and cooperate!

Chinese School Administration Team

Textbook Purchase Comment 2021.pdf149.02 KB