2022-23 学年奖学金 scholarship




💵奖学金金额:2022-2023学年中文课全部学费 + 课本费

1. 申请材料一份(中英文均可),表明对中文学习的热情。
2. 中文学校老师的推荐信一封。
3. 中文学习成绩优异,需提供中文学校成绩单。
4. 家庭收入证明。
5. 有参加华社义工服务的优先考虑。



Chen's Scholarship

Mary Ling Chen and her family established Chen's Scholarship in 2022. This scholarship is open to all Chinese Community Center (CCC) Chinese School students, who must have passionate about Chinese language learning, be excellent in Chinese courses, and demonstrate financial need.

💵Amount Awarded: 2022-2023 academic year full tuition of Chinese classes + textbook fees
ℹ️Application Eligibility: Households with annual income less than $100,000 before taxes
Number of Awards: 6
🗓Application deadline: August 20, 2022

✏️Applicants need to provide the followings:
1. One application essay (in Chinese or English), showing enthusiasm for learning Chinese.
2. A recommendation letter from a Chinese school teacher.
3. Excellent grades in Chinese class, Chinese school transcripts are required.
4. Proof of household income.
5. Those who have participated in volunteer services in the Chinese Community Center are preferred.

📧Submit application to principal@cccalbany.org

Scholarship Review Committee: The Chen family, the Principal of the Chinese school, and two senior teachers are jointly responsible for the review.

中文学校年刊预购- Chinese School Yearbook Order - only $10/ea


2021-2022学年中文学校年刊预购已经开始,每本售价$10。有两种预购方式:1. 学期结束前到中文学校行政桌直接付款,付款方式现金、支票。 2. 于七月三十一日之前到华社网站网上购书付款,付款方式 Paypal。下学年开学后,请到中文学校取书。希望各位家长支持学校工作同时也为您留下美好回忆。


1. 登录华社网站https://cccalbany.org

2. 华社会员请登录自己的账号;非华社会员不用注册账户直接进入下一步。

3. 点击“Program”然后“School”再点击“Order Textbook”,进入购书页面。

4. 选择2021-2022年刊。点击购物篮(Add to cart),再点击 View cart 进入 Cart 页面。

5. 在 Cart 页面,点击 Proceed to checkout。

6. 在 Contact 页面,华社会员Email栏会自动显示您注册的 Email。非会员需要填写您的 Email。然后 Continue 到下一页。

注意: 请务必确认 Email 是否正确。付款后此邮箱将收到确认 Email 和 Invoice Letter。在您取书时将以此 Email 为凭证。

7. 在完成 Contact 后是 Delivery。 在此已经选好了中文学校取书,直接 Continue 到下一页。

8. 接下来是 Billing and shipping information。请务必在 Comments 里填上您的 Family ID 以方便学校在取书时能快速找到您的记录。

9. 通过 PayPal 完成支付。

10. 在收到学校 Email 通知后,打印 Invoice letter,于下学年开学到中文学校取书。


Steps of online purchase:

1. Go to https://cccalbany.org

2. Login if you are a member of the Chinese Community Center. If you are not a member, go to the next step.

3. Click on "Program" then "School" and then "Order Textbook" and get into the page of textbooks.

4. Choose 2021-2022 yearbook. click on "Add to Cart", then click on "View Cart".

5. In Cart page, click "Proceed to checkout".

6. In the "Contact "page, if you are a member of the Chinese Community Center, the Email address will be auto-populated. If not, please fill in your email address, name, and phone number.

Note: Please carefully check your email. The confirmation email and invoice letter will be sent to this email you provide. And you will use this email to pick up your order.

7. Next is Delivery information. It has been preset. Click "Continue".

8. In the "Billing and shipping information" page, please add your family ID in "Comments". The school will use your family ID to track your order.

9. Logon PayPal to finish your purchase.

10. After receiving a confirmation letter, please print the invoice letter and pick up your order at school after new semester starts.

If you have questions about purchases, please contact vice principal Lei Zhu (school.communication@cccalbany.org).

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

2022-23 学年中文学校招聘启事 (We’re hiring for school year 22-23)

🍎 👩‍🏫🍎👨‍🏫🍎👩‍🏫🍎👨‍🏫🍎
📣2022-23 学年中文学校招聘启事📣

2022-23 学年将于9月开始,为满足日益增长的需求,中文学校现招聘:



📧有问题请联系校长 principal@cccalbany.org 或教务副校长school.academic@cccalbany.org


Only 5 available dates to sign up parent duty

Dear parents,

This school year will end on May 22. If you pre-paid $40 PTA deposit in the tuition, please register the Chinese school parent duty to get a refund. The school will not refund the deposit if you haven’t performed the parent duty by the end of the school year.

🗓There are only 5 available dates to sign up:



✏️Please log in to the Chinese community homepage cccalbany.org, click program, then click school, then click PTA Duty Signup to register. Or click this link to sign up directly: https://cccalbany.org/PTASignup

💰After complete the duty, Ms. Hui Jin (phone #401-588-2940) will arrange a refund.

ℹ️If you have any questions about parent duty, please contact PTA Chair Mrs. Yanli Wang at pta@cccalbany.org Phone# 201-892-2698


Chinese School Administration Team






五月份:5/1/22;5/8/22;5/15/22; 5/22/22

✏️请登录华社主页cccalbany.org,点击program,然后点击school, 然后点击PTA Duty Signup 注册登记。

💰完成值日后,PTA金辉女士(phone #401-588-2940)将会安排退款。

ℹ️如有任何关于家长值日问题,请联系PTA主席-王艳丽 pta@cccalbany.org Phone# 201 -892-2698





(1) 比赛时间: 2022年5月1日 → 2022年8月31日(即日起可以报名、购书)
(2) 比赛阅读材料
高级《三国演义》- 原著前40回
(3) 比赛方式: 首先阅读文章,然后在网上答题。比赛初级99篇短文,中级95篇短文,高级原著前40回。 每篇有10个问题,每题有4选1的答案。请让学生 先试样品。
(4) 适合参赛人员: 世界各地凡是以中文为外语,学习了几年中文的学生均可以参赛。 然而,凡是已经获得过初、中级一等奖、二等奖合计两次的学生 应该参加中、高级水平的比赛。
(5) 中文水平: 初级至少要认识 500 个汉字,中级至少 1000 个汉字,高级至少 1800 个汉字。请用 Character Game http://www.ewritechinese.com/evaluation/ 查字。如得了1000分,相当于500字(每字2分)。
(6) 参赛费: 每人$25,网上报名 http://www.ewritechinese.com/registration/网上提供初级书本$10
注意 : 报名时一定要用学生本人的姓名,以免奖状或证书上出现家长的名字。
(7) 奖励和奖金:
初级与中级一等奖各 1 个,奖金各 $50 ;
初级与中级二等奖各 2 个,奖金各 $25 ;
初级三等奖 10 个,中级三等奖 3 个,奖金各 $15 。
成绩凡是达到 70% 的学生将获得奖状证书。
(8) 组织单位:北美黄河杯中文有奖阅读竞赛委员会,总部在美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀
(9) 合作者: 北美各地的中文老师或家长。5人集体报名可获免邮寄费(同一地址)。
(10) 联系人: 湘老师:ewrite.chinese@gmail.com ;Telegram : @eWriteChinese 微信 : @eWriteCh

本学年最后两个月时间安排 (school schedules for the last two months)


🟩4/10/22: 照常上课
🟥4/17/22: 放假
🟩4/24/22: 照常上课
🟩5/01/22: 照常上课
🟩5/08/22: 照常上课
🟩5/15/22: 照常上课
🟩5/22/22: 本学年最后一天。安排如下👇
🔘上午10:00-11:30 上第一二节课,没有第三节课。
🔘 班级聚餐
🔘Field Day
Dear Parents,

Below is the school's schedule for the last two months:.
🟩4/10/22: School is open
🟥4/17/22: No school
🟩4/24/22: School is open
🟩5/01/22: School is open
🟩5/08/22: School is open
🟩5/15/22: School is open
🟩5/22/22: Last day of school. The schedule is as follows👇
🔘 10:00 am-11:30 am Language class and python intermediate class. No other enrichment classes.
🔘 Graduation Ceremony
🔘 College application seminar
🔘 Class potluck
🔘Field Day
Chinese School Administration Team


各位老师, 家长和学生,


请看附件中文学校毕业具体申请条例。符合毕业申请条件并需要申请今年五月份毕业的学生需要填写下面的Google Form。


(1) 一张学生正面大头照 (学校将用于年刊)
(2) 中文老师填写好的学生中文水平评估表 (见附件)


如有具体问题, 可电邮school.events@cccalbany.org 雷奕副校长


Chinese School Newsletter-March

⏰这周日(3/13)daylight saving, 请把时钟往前拨一小时,我们就少了一小时,请大家注意上课不要迟到。

🎨中文学校绘画比赛【比赛主题:疫情与生活】 将于3月13日 1:30pm截止交稿,请将作品交至中文学校行政桌-雷奕副校长。


🔘3月26日:AP 中文模拟线上考试。

🔘3月27日: 中文学校照常上课。
YCT 3级&4 级实体考试。
AP 中文模拟线上考试。


⏰ This Sunday (3/13) is daylight saving, please move your clock ahead one hour and don’t be late for Chinese school.

🎨Chinese School Art Contest Competition submission will be ended at 1:30pm on March 13th. Please submit your work to the Chinese School Administration Desk - Vice Principal Yi Lei.

🔘March 20: No Chinese school.

🔘March 26: AP Chinese Mock Online Test.

🔘March 27: Chinese school will resume as usual.
YCT Level 3 & 4 Exam.
AP Chinese Mock Online Exam.


Chinese School Administration Team

Chinese School Mask Mandate Lifted 解除室内口罩令


中文学校遵照North Colonie学区防疫政策,解除室内口罩令,大家可自行选择是否戴口罩。

这次新冠疫情让我们每个人有了不同的经历和持不同观点。 毫无疑问,我们将有许多学生和教职员工会继续在一些特定场合或一直在校佩戴口罩。 我们也会有很多人选择不戴口罩。 作为学校社区,请大家尊重这些个人决定,不要判断或质疑。



Hi Everyone,

Following North Colonie School District guidance and protocol, masking in Chinese School will be optional.

As we have all had different experiences through this pandemic, with different perspectives and personal connections, this change brings about a variety of emotions for each of us. Undoubtedly, we will have many students and staff who continue to wear masks in specific spaces or throughout the school. We will also have many who choose to not wear masks. As a school community, we accept these personal decisions without judgment or question.


Chinese School Administration Team

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