No School on 12/24 & 12/31

2023年12月24日 和12月31日中文学校放假。




No Chinese School on December 24th, 2023 December 31st, 2023.

The classes will resume on January 7th, 2024

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday!

Chinese School Administration Team

颁奖典礼暨迎新年晚会节目单 Award Ceremony and New York Show Program


The 2023 Chinese School Award Ceremony and New Year Show Program is attached

12月17号最后一天教学及活动安排 (December 17 Class and Show schedules)



🔸10:00am 开始上课。

🔸10:00am-11:30am 两节课连堂上, 中间不休息

🔸11:30am-12:30pm 在学校餐厅举行班级聚餐


🔸12:30am-3:30pm 在学校大礼堂举办颁奖典礼及新年联欢晚会 。






📢Fall Semester Last day of School December 17th Schedule 📢

Only the first and second periods will be held on December 17th. There is no third-period class,

🔸The class starts at 10:00 am.

🔸10:00 am-11:30 am Two periods of classes are held consecutively, with no breaks in between

🔸11:30 am-12:30 pm Class lunch will be held in the school cafeteria, The school provides free water and utensils.

Each class must clean the table after lunch.

🔸12:30 am-3:30 pm The award ceremony and New Year’s show will be held in the school auditorium.

🎟️In addition to the wonderful performances by the children, there will also be a raffle with prizes.

📎Please see the attached list of awards and performances.

📎please refer to the attached audience seating chart for the show.

Everyone is welcome to come and watch the show!

Chinese school administrative team

Thank you for your donation & Youth Voluteering at Food bank (with attachment)

学校在此感谢社区的热心人士慷慨捐献的食品, 中文学校的青少年志愿者已将食品捐献到Food Bank.


再次感谢大家的参与与付出, 为社区带来了无尽的正能量。


A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to the food drive donations and the dedicated youth volunteers at the food bank. Thank you for coming together and making a meaningful impact on those in need. Please see the attached pictures.

Chinese School Administration Team

Thank you for your donation & Youth Voluteering at Food bank

学校在此感谢社区的热心人士慷慨捐献的食品, 中文学校的青少年志愿者已将食品捐献到Food Bank.


再次感谢大家的参与与付出, 为社区带来了无尽的正能量。


A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to the food drive donations and the dedicated youth volunteers at the food bank. Thank you for coming together and making a meaningful impact on those in need. Please see the attached pictures.

Chinese School Administration Team

12/3/23 公益活动 Book Drive & Food Drive



时间:1:00 pm-3:30 pm Sunday, December 3rd
地点:Shaker Middle School Cafeteria, 475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110

(1) 旧书捐赠,交换及义卖活动 (Book Drive):

中文学校PTA团队协办捐赠旧书,交换书籍, 低价购买书籍,义卖所有收益将用于中文学校教学活动.

Donate Books, Exchange Books, Buy Books, All Proceeds go to Chinese School Academic Activities.

(2)食品捐赠活动 (Food Drive):

Suggested donated items:
--Peanut Butter* 急需
--Canned Tuna & Chicken*急需
--Soup & Canned Meals
--Canned Fruit & Vegetables
--Pasta & Rice
*items most needed

中文学校的青少年志愿者们会将捐赠的食品送到当地Food Bank

中文学校12月的课程活动 School December schedules


12/3/23: 照常上课
-Food Drive:食品捐赠活动,请看附件。
-Book Drive: 旧书交换活动,请看附件。
12/10/23: 照常上课
12/17/23: 只上第一二节课。没有第三节兴趣课,以下是当天时间安排:

-10:00am 开始上课。
-10:00am-11:30am 两节课连堂上, 中间不休息
-11:30am-12:30pm 在学校餐厅举行班级聚餐
-12:30am-3:30pm 在学校大礼堂举办颁奖典礼及圣诞新年晚会
班级聚餐将由各班自行组织食物,可以是potluck的形式, 也可是班级集体定外卖。请各班老师或家长代表统计班级聚餐的人数, 在12月14日之前上报PTA主席王艳丽,学校将根据人数预留桌位,免费提供水及餐具。
12/24/23: 不上课
12/31/23: 不上课



The following is the Chinese school’s schedule of course activities in December:

12/3/23: school as usual
Food Drive: Donate and Make a Difference. Please see the attachment for the details.
Book Drive: Bring used books to share. Please see the attachment for the details.
Scholarship application is due on 12/3.
12/10/23: school as usual
12/17/23: Only the first and second periods classes will be held. There is no third-period class. The following is the schedule for the day:

The class starts at 10:00 am
10:00 am-11:30 am: 1st & 2nd periods classes, no recess in between
11:30 am-12:30 pm: class luncheon will be held in the school cafeteria
12:30 am-3:30 pm: The award ceremony and Christmas and New Year show will be held in the school auditorium from
For the class luncheon, each class will organize its own food, which can be in the form of a potluck or takeout ordered by the class. Teachers or parent representatives of each class are asked to count the number of people attending the class luncheon and report it to PTA Chairman Yanli Wang at before December 14. The school will reserve tables based on the number of people and provide free water, napkins, and utensils.
12/24/23: No school
12/31/23: No school


Chinese school administrative team

中文学校奖学金申请- 截止日期 12/3/23

1. 引言
华社中文学校设立的奖学金,是用来奖励在中文学校就读的高中生,奖励他们学习汉语和中国文化所取得的优异成绩,表彰他们在当地学校所取得的优异成绩,以及对社区的义务贡献。奖学金颁发对象为中文学校就读三年以上, 毕业后即将上大学的高中生。

2. 奖学金简介:

中文学校董事会于 2003 年 7 月 18 日,设立奖学金基金。每年度颁奖一次。设立奖学金的目的是为了帮助高中生支付部分大学开支,包括学费,书费和其他勤杂费用。奖学金定于每年秋季颁发,金额为$150。每年授予奖学金名额视奖学金金额多少而定。学生在校期间只允许获得一次奖学金。奖学金面向每个学生,不论其种族,肤色,宗教信仰和国籍。

3. 奖学金评审委员会

中文学校奖学金评审委员会负责评审和颁发奖学金。评审委员会委员由中文学校董事会任命。委员由两名教师,两名家长代表和一名校方行政人员组成。中文学校董事会每年春季任命奖学金评审委员会委员。任期一年。候选人如果有亲属申情奖学金,或者与申请奖学金有任何利益冲突,均不能入选奖学金评审委员会委员。奖学金评审委员会主席由奖学金评审委员会委员选举产生。委员会必须将当年的奖学金评审过程 (参照本章条例 4) 在本学年五月十五日之前提交校董事会。委员会对奖学金候选人有最后决定权。奖学金获得者由委员会通过多数投票产生。


4.1 符合中文学校毕业条件。

4.2 用中文撰写一篇申请论文。

4.3 在校三年里,学习成绩达本班前三分之一优秀学生之列。

4.4 至少完成当地学校 9 年级学业。

4.5 高中平均分数在 3.5 或 3.5 以上。

4.6 拥有 25 小时社区服务记录,包括至少 10 小时中文学校或华社服务记录。




申请人需在 12/03/2023之前网上填写申请表并附上一下材料。


5.1 一篇中文撰写的申请论文

5.2 本校教师或校务人员推荐信一份

5.3 中文学校毕业证书复印件

5.4 所在学校成绩单一份



感恩节祝福-Happy Thanksgiving


感恩节到了,让我们共同感激这个美好的时刻。在这个特殊的日子里,学校行政向全体师生家长致以衷心的祝福。感谢你们的辛勤努力,为创造一个积极学习和成长的环境而付出了很多。你们的支持和奉献是我们共同成就的关键。 愿这个感恩节充满温暖和欢笑,愿大家在这个团结的大家庭里找到更多的快乐和满足感。感激有你们的陪伴,让我们携手共创更美好的明天。



Dear parents, teachers and students,

Thanksgiving is here, let us be grateful for this wonderful moment together. On this special day, the school administration would like to extend our heartfelt wishes to all the teachers, students and parents. Thank you for all your hard work and time in creating an environment of positive learning and growth. Your support and dedication are key to our collective achievements.
May this Thanksgiving be filled with warmth and happiness.

Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving!

The school administration team

食品捐赠活动 FOOD DRIVE-12/03/23

📢纽约首府中文学校携手当地Food Bank,共同举办食品捐赠活动!热切期待您的加入,共同展现关爱之心,助力首府地区有需求的家庭!


***CCC Chinese School FOOD DRIVE***

⏰Drop off time: 1:00 pm-3:30 pm Sunday, December 3rd

📍Location: Shaker Middle School Cafeteria, 475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110

Suggested donated items:
✅Peanut Butter* 急需
✅Canned Tuna & Chicken*急需
✅Soup & Canned Meals
✅Canned Fruit & Vegetables
✅Pasta & Rice
*items most needed

⚠️Low-sodium and low-sugar items are preferred. All items must be in original packaging (unopened, not expired). No glass jars and no pet food, please.

🚗Chinese School Youth Volunteer Team will collect all the donations and deliver them to the Food Bank.

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