学校今天照常实体教学-today school is open for in-person teaching


Chinese school is open today December 11 for in-person teaching. Please plan extra time driving to school today.

Clarkson University 纽约州中小学中文教师资格证书联合项目介绍会-2:50pm 12/11/22



Clarkson University教育学硕士的中文教育项目负责人段遐老师本周日会在中文学校,针对该教育学硕士和纽约州中小学教师资格证联合项目进行推广介绍。附件中请见该项目的具体信息。如您感兴趣,请届时参加介绍会。

时间: 2:50pm Sunday December 11th
地点:中文学校一楼 S126教室



Dear Parents,

Have you ever thought about being a Chinese teacher in an American primary and secondary school? So how to obtain the Chinese teacher qualification for primary and secondary schools in New York State? come to see a lecture at a Chinese school this Sunday.

Mrs. Xia Duania, who is in charge of the Chinese education program of Clarkson University's master's degree in education, will be in a Chinese school this Sunday to promote and introduce the joint program of the master's degree in education and the New York State primary and secondary school teacher qualification certificate. Please see the details of the program in the attachment. If you are interested, please join us at:

Time: 2:50 pm Sunday, December 11th
Location: Classroom S126, 1st Floor, Chinese School


Chinese School Administration Team

Important Notice for Chinese School Rule and Code of Conduct

Dear members of the CCC Chinese School,

North Colonie school district recently issued a warning letter to the Chinese School due to a lease violation, which was regarding the missing or broken items in the classrooms in connection with Chinese School’s rental and several unsupervised students entering the area that is not assigned to the Chinese School according to the lease agreement; the latter violation was captured by the surveillance camera. If no corrective action is taken immediately, North Colonie will exert the right to terminate the lease agreement, which will result in Chinese School’s inability to operate.

As we all know, the Chinese School relies on the lease of the facilities of Shaker Middle School for its operation and activities. After a thorough discussion, the admin team of the Chinese School decides to implement the following corrective and preventative actions to address the issues listed in the warning letter:

(1) No entry into the areas and classrooms that are not assigned to the Chinese School. Please find the areas assigned to the Chinese School outlined with red lines in the attached school maps.
(2) No running at any time on Shaker Middle School’s premises, including the hallways and the classrooms.
(3) Do not stay in the hallways or empty classrooms during the classes. Please wait in the cafeteria.
(4) Do not touch or move any items in the classrooms other than the student desks and chairs, whiteboard, and big screens.
(5) Do not touch or use any personal items left by the Shaker Middle School teachers or students in the classrooms.
(6) Do not wipe off any contents left by the Shaker Middle School teachers or students on the whiteboard – Chinese School teachers can get the poster paper from the admin table as a substitute, for the whiteboard if needed; do not use any office supplies left by the Shaker Middle School teachers or students in the classrooms – teachers and TAs can get the office supplies from the admin table as well.
(7) More monitoring staff in orange safety vests will be added to the hallways and other public areas, the cooperation from all personnel is required.

Please emphasize to your students the importance of following the rules of the Chinese School. Serious violations could cause the loss of the venue for good. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to maintain a good relationship with the North Colonie school district and Shaker Middle School. It is the responsibility of every teacher and parent to ensure the safety of the students at the school – see something, say something, and do something.

Attached please also find the warning letter from the North Colonie school district for your reference. Please join us to maintain a safe and sustainable Chinese School community!


Chinese School Admin Team

Important Notice for Chinese School Rule and Code of Conduct

Dear members of the CCC Chinese School,

North Colonie school district recently issued a warning letter to the Chinese School due to a lease violation, which was regarding the missing or broken items in the classrooms in connection with Chinese School’s rental and several unsupervised students entering the area that is not assigned to the Chinese School according to the lease agreement; the latter violation was captured by the surveillance camera. If no corrective action is taken immediately, North Colonie will exert the right to terminate the lease agreement, which will result in Chinese School’s inability to operate.

As we all know, the Chinese School relies on the lease of the facilities of Shaker Middle School for its operation and activities. After a thorough discussion, the admin team of the Chinese School decides to implement the following corrective and preventative actions to address the issues listed in the warning letter:

(1) No entry into the areas and classrooms that are not assigned to the Chinese School. Please find the areas assigned to the Chinese School outlined with red lines in the attached school maps.
(2) No running at any time on Shaker Middle School’s premises, including the hallways and the classrooms.
(3) Do not stay in the hallways or empty classrooms during the classes. Please wait in the cafeteria.
(4) Do not touch or move any items in the classrooms other than the student desks and chairs, whiteboard, and big screens.
(5) Do not touch or use any personal items left by the Shaker Middle School teachers or students in the classrooms.
(6) Do not wipe off any contents left by the Shaker Middle School teachers or students on the whiteboard – Chinese School teachers can get the poster paper from the admin table as a substitute, for the whiteboard if needed; do not use any office supplies left by the Shaker Middle School teachers or students in the classrooms – teachers and TAs can get the office supplies from the admin table as well.
(7) More monitoring staff in orange safety vests will be added to the hallways and other public areas, the cooperation from all personnel is required.

Please emphasize to your students the importance of following the rules of the Chinese School. Serious violations could cause the loss of the venue for good. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to maintain a good relationship with the North Colonie school district and Shaker Middle School. It is the responsibility of every teacher and parent to ensure the safety of the students at the school – see something, say something, and do something.

Attached please also find the warning letter from the North Colonie school district for your reference. Please join us to maintain a safe and sustainable Chinese School community!


Chinese School Admin Team



最近,Shaker Middle School (以下简称Shaker) 经由North Colonie学区给中文学校发出了一封关于中文学校违反租赁合同条例的警告信。有三个低年级小朋友在没有任何成人看管之下,进入到非中文学校租用的教室里面去,被Shaker学校的监控录像拍下。再加上最近几次Shaker教室不断有老师投诉东西被挪动位置。如果中文学校无法立即做出针对性的改进,North Colonie学区有权直接终止我们的租赁合同,最终会造成中文学校无法运作。

众所周知,中文学校没有属于自己的教学楼,而是租用North Colonie学区的Shaker Middle School 的部分教室进行教学工作及举办活动。 针对这次警告,中文学校行政团队经过充分讨论后,决定实施以下一些改进措施::

1. 学生和未成年人禁止进入未租给中文学校的教室和区域。除上课教室及附属走廊,餐厅和gym及附属走廊以外的其他Shaker区域,请不要在中文学校上课期间进入。具体请见附件里的Shaker地图--禁止进入红线以外的区域;

2. 禁止学生和未成年人在任何时间于教室,走廊或其他公共区域奔跑;

3. 家长在接送孩子之后,请不要在走廊或者空置的教室滞留,请移步至cafeteria等候或至gym参加体育活动;

4. 教室里除课桌椅,白板和投影屏幕以外的其他物品请不要使用和移动;请不要使用和触碰Shaker的老师和学生遗留在教室的任何物品;课桌椅移动后及电脑连接线使用后均须归复原位;白板上Shaker老师和学生留下的任何内容都请不要擦除,如白板上使用面积不足,请至行政桌领取大张白纸做板书用;请老师和助教至行政桌领取您需要的文具;如需特殊文具,可以和朱磊校长联系,学校可以购买;

5. 学校会增加走廊和其他公共区域的巡逻人员,请各位学生,家长及老师配合身着橙色马甲的巡逻人员的工作。

请各位家长向您的孩子强调遵守中文学校纪律的重要性,如发现严重违纪现象,除中文学校会有处罚措施外,其后果可能会导致整个中文学校失去上课的地点,整个华人社区失去我们的精神家园。因此与Shaker Middle School和North Colonie学区保持良好关系,对于整个中文学校以及华人社区极其重要。所有的家长和老师作为成人,我们都有责任和义务保护每一个孩子在校的安全,如果您看到任何学生有不适当的行为,您都有权制止或及时通知学校行政处理。

附件里请见North Colonie学区的警告信。请各位家长,学生和老师配合学校的工作,帮助我们一同建立一个安全和可持续的学校社区。



12月课程表及活动 December schedule and events


12/4/22: 照常上课

12/11/22: 照常上课


• 10:00am 开始上课。
• 10:00am-11:30am 两节课连堂上, 中间不休息,
• 11:30am-12:30pm 在学校餐厅举行班级聚餐。
• 12:30am-3:30pm 在学校大礼堂举办圣诞新年晚会。

班级聚餐将有各班自行决定组织举行,食物可以是每家带吃的,也可以是集体定外卖。请各班的家长代表或热心家长联系各班老师来协助班级聚餐活动。 学校会根据各班上报的聚餐人数安排餐厅桌子及提供免费水和餐具。

12/25/22: 学校放假,不上课



Dear Parents,

12/4/22: Classes as usual

12/11/22: Classes as usual

12/18/22 is the last day of fall semester, there is no third period class, here is the schedule of the day:

• Classes begin at 10:00am.
• 10:00am-11:30am 1st & 2nd period classes, no break in between,
• 11:30am-12:30pm Class luncheon in the school cafeteria.
• 12:30am-3:30pm Christmas and New Year's performance in the school auditorium.

Class luncheon will be organized by each class at their own discretion, and the food can be brought by each family or ordered as a group. Homeroom parents or parents volunteers of each class should reach out to the teacher to offer assistance on coordinating the food. The school will reserve the tables in the cafeteria and provide free water and utensils according to the number of people participating the luncheon.

12/25/22: No school


Chinese school administration team

11/27/22-No School 不上课

11月27日 中文学校不上课。

12 月4日继续上课。


No Chinese school on November 27.

Classes will resume on December 4th.

Wish you and your family have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

CSL-1B class & Knitting/Crochet Club room changes



🔸CSL Level 1B(罗倩伊老师) 换到教室W104

🔸毛线编织俱乐部 换到 教室H203



Dear parents and students,

Staring from November 19th, The following courses’ classrooms are changed:

🔸CSL Level 1B (Teacher: Coco Luo) is moved to Room# W104

🔸The Knitting & Crochet Club is moved to Room# H203


Chinese school administration team

CSL-1B class & Knitting/Crochet Club room changes

Parents and students,

From November 19th, classrooms for the following courses have changed:

🔸CSL Level 1B (Mr. Luo Qianyi) is transferred to classroom W104

🔸The Yarn Knitting Club has moved to Classroom H203


Chinese school administration team

中文学校圣诞新年晚会节目征集 (Performers Wanted for Christmas & New Year Show)


中文学校一年一度的圣诞新年晚会将于12月18号1:00pm 在Shaker Middle School Auditorium 举行。

如何报名:填写此链接 https://forms.gle/EYbhNKKa3kVaNT6LA



Dear Teachers, Parents, and Students,

Chinese School Annual Christmas & New Year show is coming, Performers Wanted!

Time: 1:00 pm-3:30 pm Sunday, December 18th
Location: Shaker Middle School Auditorium.

Who should participate: All talented students from Chinese School
How to Sign up: fill out the form https://forms.gle/EYbhNKKa3kVaNT6LA
Sign-up deadline: 12/1/2022

Questions: Please contact vice principle Yi Lei at school.events@cccalbany.org


Chinese School Administration Team

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