中文学校毕业申请 Chinese School Graduation Application- Due 4/15/23

各位老师, 家长和学生,

今年的中文学校毕业申请开始了。如学生在中文学校完成八年级的学业,并且现是当地美国学校八年级或更高年级的学生,可以考虑申请。 关于具体毕业条件要求,请看附件中文学校毕业申请条例。

🔗符合毕业申请条件并需要申请今年五月份毕业的学生需要填写下面的Google Form。

(1) 一张学生正面大头照 (学校将用于年刊)
(2) 中文老师填写好的学生中文水平评估表 (见附件)


如有具体问题, 可电邮school.events@cccalbany.org 雷奕副校长


Dear teachers, Parents, and Students,

It is time for this year's graduation application. If the students who completed 8th-grade Chinese language instructions at the Chinese School and are currently in 8th grade or higher in the local US school, they should consider applying. Please see the attached Chinese school graduation requirements.

🔗Students who meet the graduation requirements and would like to graduate this May, please fill out the following Google Form.


When you fill out the application form, please upload the following two documents:

(1) One student portrait (the school will use it for the yearbook)

(2) Student Chinese proficiency assessment form filled out by the Chinese teacher (see attachment)

⏰ The deadline is April 15, 2023. After the school receives the student's application, it will be reviewed by the Graduation Assessment Committee for approval.

If you have any questions, please contact the Vice Principal - Mrs. Yi Lei at school.events@cccalbany.org.


Chinese School Administration Team

校庆老照片征集活动 Old Chinese school photos and memories are needed

📷🎉📷🎉📷🎉📷🎉 📷🎉📷🎉📷🎉📷🎉








📷🎉📷🎉📷🎉📷🎉 📷🎉📷🎉📷🎉📷🎉
Chinese School will celebrate its 50th anniversary this year, and we are now collecting old school photos and memories from all alumni, teachers, and students!

It is not limited to photos of staff, teachers, students, volunteers, and activities, any historical old photos of Chinese schools are welcome.

🔗 Please click the link below to upload photos:

⏰ Deadline: 4/23/23

During the 50th anniversary celebration, the collected photos will be displayed and published on multiple channels.

Thank you for your support!

Chinese school administration team

中文学校50周年校庆活动系列 (2)-喜迎50年校庆原创艺术作品征集 "Artworks for the Chinese School 50th Anniversary Celebration"

🎉中文学校50周年校庆活动系列 (2)-喜迎50年校庆原创艺术作品征集








ℹ️所有作品会在中文学校网站展出, 另外,收集到的非电子作品会在中文学校实体展出。

⏰截止日期: 4/16/2023

🔘参赛者: 中文学校家庭(曾经和正在就读的学生及其家庭成员)


▶️电子作品,请email school.events@cccalbany.org



🔘颁奖典礼: 5/28/2023

📧如有任何问题,请联系雷奕副校长 school.events@cccalbany.org



2023 marks Capital Region Chinese Community Center Chinese School’s 50th year! The school is celebrating by hosting "Artworks for the Chinese School 50th Anniversary Celebration"

All artworks will have the opportunity to participate in the 50th anniversary exhibition.

Based on the different forms of the participating works, the first, second and third prizes will be awarded in each category.

The form of the artwork is not limited, it can be:

✅videos (within 2 minutes): sing or dance, short film or video, etc.

✅Painting, calligraphy, photography, etc.

✅Literary works (essays, poems, etc)

✅knitting, paper cutting, models, etc.

✅Other works of art

All artworks will be exhibited on the Chinese school website, in addition, the non-electronic artworks will be exhibited in Chinese School’s Cafeteria.

🔘Who can participate: Chinese school teachers, students, parents, and alumni

How to submit:

▶️For electronic works, please email school.events@cccalbany.org

▶️For non-electronic works, please submit to Vice President Lei Yi.

▶️When submitting your work, please indicate your name, email and mobile phone number.

⏰Deadline: 4/16/2023

ℹ️Awards Ceremony: 5/28/2023

📧If you have any questions, please contact Vice Principal Mrs. Yi Lei at school.events@cccalbany.org


Chinese School Administration Team

中文学校50周年校庆活动系列 (1) Chinese School 50th Anniversary Logo Contest

2023年是首府华社中文学校建校50周年。为回顾学校发展历程,扩大学校社会影响,学校决定举行建校50周年庆祝活动。现面向全校师生,家长, 校友征集建校50周年校庆标识(LOGO)设计。



🔘参赛者: 中文学校家庭(曾经和正在就读的学生及其家庭成员)

⏰截止日期: 4/02/2023

一等奖: 1名,$50 礼卡
二等奖: 1名,$25 礼卡
三等奖: 5名,各$5礼卡

▶️电子作品,请email school.events@cccalbany.org,

📧如有任何问题,请联系雷奕副校长 school.events@cccalbany.org


2023 marks Capital Region Chinese Community Center Chinese School’s 50th year! The school is celebrating by hosting a 50th Anniversary Logo Design Competition.

✅The LOGO design is required to be an original work, either a paper or digital version is accepted.
✅The logo’s design should reflect the values of the Chinese School. This includes creating school-appropriate design content. The logo must be appropriate for a professional setting. The submitted logo must be easy to use, handle, resize, and manipulate for all reproduction purposes.

🔘Who can participate: Chinese school teachers, students, parents, and alumni

⏰Deadline: 04/02/2023

🔘How to submit:
▶️Interested persons should note that their electronic or paper submission must include their name, telephone number, email address, and a brief explanation of the design and the main ideas represented.
▶️Electronic version submission: email school.events@cccalbany.org
▶️Paper version submission: to Vice-principal - Mrs. Yi Lei

First place: 1 winner- $50 gift card
Second place: 1 winner $25 gift card
Third place: 5 winners- $5 gift card each

📧If you have any questions, please contact Vice-principal - Mrs. Yi Lei at school.events@cccalbany.org.


Chinese School Administration Team

二月和三月时间表 (School Calendar - Feb & March)

以下是中文学校二月和三月的时间表:The following are school Feb & March schedules:

二月份 February:
🔴2/19/23: 放假 No School
🟢2/26/23: 照常上课 School Opens

三月份 March:
🟢3/5/23: 照常上课 School Opens
🔵3/11/23: AP 中文模拟线上考试 AP Mock Online Test
🟢3/12/23: 照常上课, AP 中文模拟线上考试 School Opens, AP Mock Online Test
🔴3/19/23: 不上课,在华社举行YCT 考试 No School, YCT test at CCC
🟢3/26/23: 照常上课 School Opens

🗓️若需知道更多学校的时间表,请登陆学校网页查看校历. For more school schedules, please check out the school calendar:


中文学校行政团队 Chinese School Administration Team

Sign up the parent duty to get refund

Dear parents,

The school tuition includes a $60 PTA deposit per family. You can register the Chinese school parent duty to get a refund.

New opening dates for parent duty are

February:  02/26/23
March: 03/05/23;03/12/23;03/26/23
April: 04/02/23;04/16/23;04/23/23;04/30/23
May: 05/07/23; 5/14/23;5/21/23; 5/28/23

Parent duty time is 12:50 pm to 4:00 pm except for 05/28/23 which is from 10:00 am to 4:00pm。

Please log in to the Chinese community homepage cccalbany.org, click program, then click school, then click PTA Duty Signup to register. Or click this link to sign up directly: https://cccalbany.org/PTASignup

After completing the duty, Ms. Hui Jin (phone #401-588-2940) will arrange a refund.

If you have any questions about parent duty, please contact PTA Chair - Ms.Yanli Wang at pta@cccalbany.org Phone# 201-892-2698

Chinese School Administration Team



如果您在学费中预交了$60 PTA押金,欢迎您注册中文学校家长值日获得退款。


5月份:05/07/33;5/14/23;5/21/23; 5/28/23

除05/28/23外,所有的值日时间都是12:50 pm 到4:00 pm。05/28/23的值日时间是10:00 am到4:00 pm。

✏️请登录华社主页cccalbany.org,点击program,然后点击school, 然后点击PTA Duty Signup 注册登记。

💰完成值日后,PTA 金辉女士(phone #401-588-2940)将会安排退款。

ℹ️如有任何关于家长值日问题,请联系PTA主席-王艳丽 pta@cccalbany.org Phone# 201 -892-2698



New Safety Procedure-Magnetic Lockdown Strips

Dear parents, teachers and students,

‼️Starting from this Sunday February 12, the magnetic strips will be used on the door of every classroom by school staff.

📹Please find the detailed information of the magnetic strips from this video: https://youtu.be/DQ6snpfsJX0

This is a very important measure we are implementing to increase the safety of the students and teachers.

⚠️Please tell your child(ren)/students that the strips should not be removed during the school hours because the doors cannot be opened from outside once locked. The magnetic strips can only be removed during emergency and lockdown drills.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Chinese School Administration Team

新安全措施-Magnetic Lockdown Strips

各位老师, 家长和学生们,


📹具体信息请见这个YouTube video: https://youtu.be/DQ6snpfsJX0





中华文化推广活动 Chinese Culture Outreach Events

请看以下中华文化推广活动录像链接, Please See the below Chinese Culture Outreach Events Video link

华社和中文学校合作举办了兔年中华文化推广活动!我校行政,PTA,教师,学生及家长们与其他志愿者前往以下当地学校及市中心举行舞龙,歌舞,手工,武术,学汉字,游戏等生动有趣的活动, 弘扬中华民族文化,颇受大众喜爱!

Chinese Community Center is partnering with Chinese School to conduct several successful Chinese culture outreach events during the Lunar New Year! Our school staff, PTA, teachers, students, parents, and other volunteers went to the following local schools and Empire State Plaza to create cultural connections including dragon dance, folk dance, music, crafts, martial arts, Chinese characters learning, games, and more.

🏮Jan 31st, 2023- North Colonie School District Forts Ferry Elementary School
For Kindergarten to 5th Graders

🏮Feb 1st, 2023- Empire State Plaza Lunar New Year Celebration
For Public

🏮Feb 3rd, 2023- Guilderland School District Pine Bush Elementary School
For all 4th graders

Wei Qin, Luna Zhang, Yi Lei, Dandan Chen, Joanna Huang, William Cooney, Angelica Cooney, Micah Juman, Shuyi Guan, Mary Chen, Jianling Yue, Xingyi Xu, Amy Zeng, Yingjiang Wen, Li Li.

Chinese School Administration Team

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