11/12 中文讲故事比赛节目单 Storytelling Contest Program

11月12日中文学校放假, 但学校在大礼堂举办年度中文讲故事比赛, 欢迎大家前来观看选手的精彩比赛,同时小观众们可以参加有奖趣味识字游戏。

时间:11/12/23 Sunday 1:00 pm-3:30 pm
地点:Shaker Middle School Auditorium

The Chinese school will not be in session on November 12, but the school will hold the annual Chinese Storytelling Competition in the auditorium. Everyone is welcome to come and watch. Young audiences can participate in fun spelling bee games with prizes.

Time:11/12/23 Sunday 1:00 pm-3:30 pm
Location: Shaker Middle School Auditorium
The program brochure is attached.

2023-story_telling_program_handout.xlsx - Hand_Out_Final (1).pdf381.55 KB