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注册家长值日,获得押金退款 (Sign up parent duty to get refund)
您在学费中预交了$60 PTA押金,现在有机会通过注册中文学校家长值日,获得$40的退款!其余$20将用于年刊制作、学校活动以及其他费用。每个家庭在学年结束时都会收到一本精美的年刊。
值日时间为12:50 PM 到 4:00 PM。
此外,目前还需要6位家长帮忙选择年刊照片,这项工作可以在家完成(Choosing pictures for yearbook (Remote))。
1. 登录华社主页 cccalbany.org,点击Program > School > PTA Duty Signup,完成登记。
2. 或直接点击此链接:https://cccalbany.org/PTASignup
每次课间,PTA成员也会在餐厅现场协助您完成注册。完成值日后,PTA李娜将为您安排退款。她的联系电话是 (518) 698-1079。
Dear Parents,
You have prepaid the $60 PTA deposit with your tuition, you now have the opportunity to register for parent duty at the Chinese school and receive a $40 refund! The remaining $20 will go toward the yearbook, school activities, and other expenses. Every family will receive a yearbook at the end of the school year.
Here are the available dates for parent duty:
—January: January 12 (3 spots left), January 26
—February: February 9, February 23
—March: March 2, March 16, March 23, March 30, as well as other dates from March 2 to April 27
Parent duty hours are 12:50 PM to 4:00 PM.
Additionally, we are looking for 6 parents to help select photos for the yearbook. This task can be done remotely (Choosing pictures for yearbook ).
To register, please:
1. Visit the CCC Albany website at cccalbany.org, click on Program > School > PTA Duty Signup, and complete your registration.
2. Or directly use this link:https://cccalbany.org/PTASignup
During recess, PTA members will also be available in the cafeteria to assist you with on-site registration. After completing your parent duty, PTA member Mrs. Na Li will arrange your refund. You can reach her at (518) 698-1079.
If you have any questions regarding parent duty, please contact PTA Chair Mrs. Lin Zhang at Email: pta@cccalbany.org Phone: 443-538-8430
Thank you for your support and participation!
Chinese School Administration Team