News Update

Title Updated date Body
中文学校2021-22 学年手册 Chinese School 2021-2022 Handbook 10/12/2021 - 12:19pm


请大家仔细阅读附件中文学校2021-22学年手册。 这份手册为您提供关于中文学校程序和学习行为要求等的重要信息。





 School Programs

 Registration Policy for School Year 2021-2022

 纽约首府华社中文学校校历 Chinese School Calendar (2021-2022)

 纽约首府中文学校校务人员名单 (School Administration Directory)

 纽约首府中文学校董事会成员名单 (School Council Directory)

 纽约首府中文学校教师名册 (School Teacher Directory)

 纽约首府华社中文学校中文继承语教学大纲 (Chinese Language Curriculum)

 中文学校新冠防疫安全措施 (COVID Safety Protocols)

 学生守则 (Student Conduct)

 家长责任 (Parent Responsibility)

 教师职责 (Teacher Responsibility)

 家长会职责 (PTA Responsibility)

 值日家长职责 (Parents on duty Responsibility)

 中文学校毕业条例 (Graduation Requirement)

 华社中文学校奖学金颁发条例 (Scholarship Award Program)

 火警及紧急疏散的有关步骤 Emergency/Fire Evacuation Procedures

 因天气原因学校停课 Inclement Weather

 School Map

 School Organization Chart




Dear parents, teachers, and students,

Please read the attached Chinese School 2021-22 School Year Handbook carefully. This handbook provides you with important information about Chinese school procedures and conducts.

The following is the weblink for the handbook:

The handbook contains the following:


 School Programs

Registration Policy for School Year 2021-2022

 纽约首府华社中文学校校历 Chinese School Calendar (2021-2022)

 纽约首府中文学校校务人员名单 (School Administration Directory)

 纽约首府中文学校董事会成员名单 (School Council Directory)

 纽约首府中文学校教师名册 (School Teacher Directory)

 纽约首府华社中文学校中文继承语教学大纲 (Chinese Language Curriculum)

 中文学校新冠防疫安全措施 (COVID Safety Protocols)

 学生守则 (Student Conduct)

 家长责任 (Parent Responsibility)

 教师职责 (Teacher Responsibility)

 家长会职责 (PTA Responsibility)

 值日家长职责 (Parents on duty Responsibility)

 中文学校毕业条例 (Graduation Requirement)

 华社中文学校奖学金颁发条例 (Scholarship Award Program)

 火警及紧急疏散的有关步骤 Emergency/Fire Evacuation Procedures

 因天气原因学校停课 Inclement Weather

 School Map

 School Organization Chart

Thank you!

Chinese School Administration Team


中文学校故事会比赛 Chinese School Storytelling Contest 10/12/2021 - 12:13pm

《2021-2022 孔院杯中文学校故事会比赛》


---时间: 2021 年10 月31 日星期天 1:00PM – 4:00PM
---地点: 华社, 11 Avis Dr. Latham, NY 12110
---宗旨: 培养和激发广大学生学习汉语和中国文化的兴趣, 提高中文口语表达能力。
---参赛资格:在校 5 年级以下学生(包括 5 年学生), CLS 班。 ,参赛者请向所在班老师报名。
---故事题材:故事必须与中国文化有关, 包括成语故事,历史故事,谜语故事,古代诗歌故事,以及童谣故事等。也可以挑选课堂上学到的故事。
---每班推选 4 个故事参赛,可以按个人, 小组, 或者集体(班级)报名。每个故事时间限制在3分钟以内。

**报名截止时间为:2021 年10 月24 日 11:59PM。
**由于时间限制,故事总数限制在 50 之内,鼓励尽早报名, 50 之外会上waiting-list。

     《UAlbany Confucius Institute Cup Chinese School Storytelling Contest》

Purpose: The goal of this Chinese Storytelling Contest is to stimulate students’ interests in learning Chinese language and culture, to improve their abilities of oral presentation in Chinese, and to express themselves in Chinese fluently and accurately.

Participants: Students in language class grade 5 and lower, CLS (Please contact your language teacher for guidance if you want to participate).

---Competition date: October 31, 2016 (Sunday)
---Time: 1:00PM – 4:00PM
---Location: CCC building (11 Avis Dr., Latham, NY 12110)
---Suggested topics: Short Chinese culture-related stories such as Chinese idiom story, short Chinese history story, Chinese riddle story, Chinese ancient poem or children folk song (for young students), or something you learn from the class.
---Each class is recommended to select up to 4 stories for participation. Please limit the presentation time for each story within 3 minutes.

***Participation registration deadline: October 24 11:50PM , 2021
***Due to time limit, the number of participating stories will be limited to 50. So please register early. Once reach 50 stories, later registration will be put on waiting-list.

For more details please contact: Yi Lei, Vice Principal Email:

中文学校登记家长值日开始了! Chinese School Parent PTA Duty Registration Now Open ! 10/12/2021 - 12:12pm


注册家长值日现在开始了,请登陆华社主页,点击program,然后点击school,  然后点击PTA Duty Signup 注册登记。


值日时间是12:50pm 到4:00pm。

目前开放的值日日期是:9/26, 10/3, 10/17 和10/24。

如您本学年已交$40 PTA duty 押金,完成值日后,PTA金辉女士将会安排退款。






Dear parents,

The registration for Parent PTA duty has now started. Please log on to  Chinese Community Center homepage, click on "program", then click on "school", and then click on " PTA Duty Signup" to register.

Or click this link to register directly:

Duty hours are from 12:50pm to 4:00pm.

Current available duty date are : 9/26, 10/3, 10/17 and 10/24.

If you have paid a $40 PTA duty deposit this school year, PTA Mrs. Hui Jin will arrange a refund after your duty is completed.

If you have any questions about parent PTA duty,  please contact PTA Chair-Mrs. Yanli Wang at

More duty date will be announced soon!


Chinese school administration team

开学第一天注意事项!! 9/16/2021 09/17/2021 - 11:26am



1. 提前了解教师名,课程时间和教室号。请参阅附件的课程信息及地图

2. 开学两周可以试听感兴趣的课程,两周后确定并更新注册的课程。

3. 如您预定了中文课本,提前打印出课本订单凭证,开学第一天可将凭证交给本班中文老师以班级为单位统一领取。如有问题可携凭证到行政桌(副校长朱磊)寻求帮助。

4. 争取来校前吃完午饭。

5. 上课提前 5-10 分钟到达学校。

6. 戴上口罩。


8. 不要擦掉Shaker Middle School 老师在白板上写的任何东西。

9. 不允许在老师白板上乱涂乱画。

10. 如果您挪动桌椅,请在课堂结束时将它们放回原来的位置。

11. 不允许使用属于 Shaker middle school 老师的任何东西。

12. 不允许在教室或走廊用餐(允许水和饮料)。允许在餐厅用餐。

13. 上课后10 分钟后,家长不允许在走廊里逗留。PTA 会进行清场工作。

14. 家长可以在课间休息时间协助孩子换教室。

15. 建议家长除接送孩子外,最好不要在学校内聚集逗留。如有需要,可以在餐厅里等候。

16. 学校所有课程将于3:40pm 结束,请家长不要迟到接孩子放学。




中华文化兴趣课 (Chinese School Culture Classes) - School Year 2021-22 09/17/2021 - 11:21am

首府华社️中文学校在传授汉语语言同时,同时开设以下课程传播中华民族的文化, 活跃孩子们的课外生活。

Capital Region Chinese School offers the following culture courses:

 Chinese Kungfu 武术功夫班
 Youth Badminton 少儿羽毛球
 Youth Ping-Pong 少儿乒乓球
 Youth Dance 少儿舞蹈
 Youth Basketball 少年篮球班

课程时间 (class time):周日Sundy 2:50pm-3:40pm

一共25个周日课时 (total 25 lessons)

开学第一天(First day of school):9月19日 (September 19th)

课程地点 address:Shaker Middle School, Latham,NY

开学前两周可以试听课程 (you can try out the first two lessons)。

如感兴趣(if you are intersted):

登录中文学校帐号登记 (log in your school account to register):

如何设置帐号及注册 (how to set up school account):