News Update

Title Updated date Body
中文学校每周简讯 - 3月6日 03/18/2015 - 3:44pm







Dear Chinese School Families,

The Daylight Saving Time of 2015 begins at 2AM this Sunday March 8th. Clocks need to be turned forward by 1 hour so there will be more light in the evening. Sunday 1PM would be 12PM before the DST. Please follow the DST and arrive school on time.

This Sunday a lot of senior students will take the Chinese SAT II mock test in room C206. All the students taking the test need to be in classroom by 1PM so the test can start sharply at 1:15PM. The Chinese SAT II test consists of three parts, listening comprehension (30 questions), grammar (25 questions), and reading comprehension (30 questions). Students are allowed one hour to complete all the questions. Students need to bring pencils and erasers.

I’d also like to remind that the year book is due by March 29th. Please work with your home teacher to compile a page or two that are reflecting the best moment of your classroom. Art exhibition work is due by April 19th. Please submit your original art work with theme of “SPRING” to VP Xufeng Sun.


Feng Chen

CCC Chinese School 2014-2015



Hiring Information from CCC for Treasurer Position 03/18/2015 - 3:45pm

Dear Chinese Families,

CCC is looking for a CPA professional to fill the treasurer position starting from March.

Please contact CCC President Binglin Li (lbinglin@gmail.com518-290-6851) if you are interested.


Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 2月27日 03/06/2015 - 12:59pm





三月份还有一个重要事项是每学年的年刊需要在3月29日前汇编成册。这是一项繁重的工作, 今年仍由肖玲老师领衔策划。希望各位家长积极配合老师,共同努力,给我们自己和学生们留下一个美好的记忆。

关于年度的绘画比赛,请同学们在4月19日之前把你们的作品交给孙旭峰副校长,也请你在个人信息标签上填好你的姓名和其它信息(个人信息标签附上)。 今年要求参赛的作品以春天为主题。是否切合主题将是裁判评分的标准之一。我们是鼓励大家重在参与,对于以往出现的一稿多投的情况,请各位家长把把关。





Dear Chinese School Families,

The Lucky Money was so popular that we ran out of red packets in the end. I had to guess most of them was gone no later than the end of day when I saw the mile-long waiting line before the vending machine. A few classes did not get their Lucky Money last week will receive their share this week. Please again sign them off from the PTA members.

The 2015 Chinese New Year Performance hosted by CCC was another event where we celebrate the holiday in a traditional way. There were a few programs conducted and performed by our own talents. Let’s thank the performers and their parents for their time and effort to bring happiness into us.

There was a bit of confusion outside the stage that some of the families mistakenly took the table booth from Globe School for our Chinese School. The Globe School is a Saratoga Spring based school, which leverages the federal StarTalk grant and aims to provide full-time Chinese Immersion Programs for children from K to 5. There are a few parents and teachers of our school who have been involved since the establishment of the Globe School. If you are interested in finding out more information, please go to their website.

As we are still in holiday mode, there are a few important dates quickly approaching.

1.      SAT II Mock Test and YCT 4 Exam
The SAT II Mock test is schedule on March 8th. We have 23 students mostly from Grade 9 and 10 registered this year. The YCT 4 exam is schedule on April 12th. We have 28 students mostly from Grade 5 to take this exam. Detailed arrangement (time and classroom for test) will be sent out to respective teachers soon. The registration fees ($10 for SAT II, $20 for YCT 4) are compensated by the school to encourage participation of these tests but students should pay their deposit to their respective teachers to ensure participation of tests.

2.      Year Book
It’s also time to start designing the Chinese School year book that is due on March 29th. Year book is an important project and carries a lot of memories during a school year. Please work with your home parents and teachers to start the process hopefully right after you receiving this note. A template will be sent out shortly in a separate email to teachers.

3.      Annual Art Exhibit and Competition
The annual Art Exhibit and Competition is coming soon and we are accepting students’ work until April 19th. Please submit your work to Mr. Xufeng Sun, our Vice Principal during regular school hours. Make sure you put your name and class on the label that is attached in this email.  This year we request that student's work has a theme related to SPRING season, which will be important aspect considered by a team of judges.

Most of the teachers joined the teacher’s conference on February 15th at CCC. We spent half day together to talk about how we can encourage students to learn Chinese. The teacher’s conference is also a platform where the school administrative team collects feedback from the teachers and exchanges ideas. A lot of teachers shared with the group their best practices and experiences. The group discussion covered a lot of topics of interests and inspiration was everywhere. In the end a common observation is that the key differentiation in Chinese language study lies in how the parents are interacting with the kids and engaged in their child’s study. This is probably true for everything; however, I feel as a first generation immigrant, this is particularly important to us. A lot of us learnt Chinese as our native language, but our kids mostly have English their native language. How to motivate our kids to learn Chinese, how to set the right expectation for their progress, etc, are
 questions we probably do not have right answers to now. But I hope we can seek the best answer together as long as you keep sending kids to Chinese School. That will make my wish of Chinese New Year of 2015.


Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 2月20日 02/28/2015 - 11:26am








Dear Chinese School Families,

Wish every one of you has enjoyed the celebration of Chinese Spring Festival, which is the most important holiday in our tradition. Gathering together with family members and friends in the evening preceding the first day in Chinese New Year marks the start of the two-week long Spring Festival. We will also celebrate the Chinese New Year by handing out Lucky Money in red packets to students during this week’s class. Home parents of all classrooms need to get the red packets from PTA members in the beginning of the class. It is important that every class has a representative to distribute the Lucky Money if no home parent is available.

The CCC Chinese New Year Performance is going to take place in SUNY Albany this Saturday. Do not miss the opportunity to check out local shows. It is a fun gathering to see new and old faces. We also have a booth there so stop by and say:

Happy New Year!

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015


中文学校每周简讯 - 2月13日 02/20/2015 - 11:50am



骏马奔驰辞岁去,吉羊起舞报春来。首府区华社在此给您拜个早年,祝大家羊年三‘羊’开泰,喜气‘羊羊‘。 新春佳节是我们华人最重要的传统节日,为了让首府区华人能够欢聚一堂共庆新年,华社和孔子学院为您精心准备了一台华人春节联欢晚会 欢迎大家来观赏。


时间:2/21/2015 (Saturday), 3-5 PM
地点:Performing Arts Center at SUNY Albany Campus
3:00 - 4:30PM Performance
4:30 - 5:00PM Networking and other activities





Dear Chinese School Families,

Since next week is the winter break for most of schools in Capital region, there is no Chinese School this Sunday (2/15). We will resume school on 2/22, after the Chinese Spring Festival.

The SAT registration has been closed. The YCT registration is still open till end of this weekend.

There will be a performance to celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival at Clifton Park Public Library on Saturday afternoon, organized by VP Xiaoqing Zhang. Please see attached flyer for details.

Happy Valentine!

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015
