
Personal Profile

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My name is Arin Khare, and I am a senior from Niskayuna High School. I have been doing Python coding projects with my friends at the Greater Capital Region Science and Engineering Fair for the last five years. I also have experience in other programming languages from being a lead programmer at the Niskayuna Robotics Club for the last two years. I ran a robotics club at Van Antwerp middle school for the last two years as well. When I am not coding, I like to spend my time solving Rubik's Cubes or running.

The intermediate Python programming course will teach students how to create their own software projects. Prior knowledge of basic Python syntax is recommended, but not required. We will work on projects together as a class, but the students will lead the process of designing and implementing their ideas. This course will cover many of the same concepts as the AP Computer Science A curriculum.


Member for
1 year 6 days