Miss Festival of Nation Contest 2021 Registration

一年一度的FON (Festival of Nations) 即将到来,我们将推荐一名14-18岁的华裔女孩代表Miss China参加FON的Miss Festival of Nations Contest 2021,具体时间详情请看海报(初选9月23日,决赛10月28日)。感兴趣想要报名的朋友请在9月7日前发bio到wonderivy@gmail.com,欢迎大家广而告之!










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Parent Duty Sign Up test - Internal Test only!!!

This is for test only !

Parent Duty sign up test - for SY20-21

This is for test only.

SY20-21 Parent Duty Signup test

This is only for school year parent duty sign up test. 

2019/06/02 School PTA duty - Sunday (Class starts at 10:00am)

Last day of school ! The
duty includes ringing bells (before and after each class), operating
printer/copy machine, ,patrolling hallway (keep hallway quiet and organized
during breaks or at all time) , stopping any misconducts, helping the potluck
and Field Day activities etc. Login and use the "Signup Duty" tab to
signup if you can help. Thanks.

2019/05/19 School PTA duty - Sunday

There are  regular parent duty positions in each school session. The duty includes ringing bells (before and after each class), operating printer/copy machine, ,patrolling hallway (keep hallway quiet and organized during breaks or at all time) and stopping any misconducts etc. Login and use the "Signup Duty" tab to signup if you can help. Thanks.

2019/05/12 School PTA duty - Sunday

There are  regular parent duty positions in each school session. The duty includes ringing bells (before and after each class), operating printer/copy machine, ,patrolling hallway (keep hallway quiet and organized during breaks or at all time) and stopping any misconducts etc. Login and use the "Signup Duty" tab to signup if you can help. Thanks.

2019/05/05 School PTA duty - Sunday

There are regular parent duty positions in each school session. The duty includes ringing bells (before and after each class), operating printer/copy machine, ,patrolling hallway (keep hallway quiet and organized during breaks or at all time) and stopping any misconducts etc. Login and use the "Signup Duty" tab to signup if you can help. Thanks.

2019/04/14 School PTA duty - Sunday

There are four regular parent duty positions in each school session. The duty includes ringing bells (before and after each class), operating printer/copy machine,

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