(1)这周日10/1/23是最后一次免费试课。 以下是课程表: https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/courses
(2)如果您感兴趣成为您孩子班上的家长代表(homeroom parent),请联系班级老师。家长代表可以获得$40PTA退款。
(4)10/15 学校举行Fire Drill,具体事项随后通知。
(5)一年一度的中文讲故事比赛将于11/12/23 1:00pm 在中文学校大礼堂举办,中文幼儿班至AP中文班的学生都可报名, 请想报名参加的学生们开始准备了!具体报名事项另行通知。
(1) This Sunday 10/1/23 is the last free trial class. The following is the course schedule: https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/courses
(2) If you are interested in becoming a homeroom parent in your child's class, please contact the class teacher. Homeroom parents can receive a $40 PTA refund.
(3) Parents and students are not allowed to use classroom equipment without permission. if you move the chairs during the class, please put them back where they are., Please keep classrooms and bathrooms clean.
(4) The school will hold a Fire Drill on 10/15. Details will be announced later.
(5) The annual Chinese storytelling competition will be held at 1:00 p.m. on 11/12/23 in the auditorium of the Chinese school. Students from Chinese Preschool to AP Chinese classes are welcome to register. Details will be announced soon.
(6) The attachment is the Chinese school calendar.
Chinese school administrative team