中文学校12月的课程活动 School December schedules


12/3/23: 照常上课
-Food Drive:食品捐赠活动,请看附件。
-Book Drive: 旧书交换活动,请看附件。
12/10/23: 照常上课
12/17/23: 只上第一二节课。没有第三节兴趣课,以下是当天时间安排:

-10:00am 开始上课。
-10:00am-11:30am 两节课连堂上, 中间不休息
-11:30am-12:30pm 在学校餐厅举行班级聚餐
-12:30am-3:30pm 在学校大礼堂举办颁奖典礼及圣诞新年晚会
班级聚餐将由各班自行组织食物,可以是potluck的形式, 也可是班级集体定外卖。请各班老师或家长代表统计班级聚餐的人数, 在12月14日之前上报PTA主席王艳丽pta@cccalbany.org,学校将根据人数预留桌位,免费提供水及餐具。
12/24/23: 不上课
12/31/23: 不上课



The following is the Chinese school’s schedule of course activities in December:

12/3/23: school as usual
Food Drive: Donate and Make a Difference. Please see the attachment for the details.
Book Drive: Bring used books to share. Please see the attachment for the details.
Scholarship application is due on 12/3.
12/10/23: school as usual
12/17/23: Only the first and second periods classes will be held. There is no third-period class. The following is the schedule for the day:

The class starts at 10:00 am
10:00 am-11:30 am: 1st & 2nd periods classes, no recess in between
11:30 am-12:30 pm: class luncheon will be held in the school cafeteria
12:30 am-3:30 pm: The award ceremony and Christmas and New Year show will be held in the school auditorium from
For the class luncheon, each class will organize its own food, which can be in the form of a potluck or takeout ordered by the class. Teachers or parent representatives of each class are asked to count the number of people attending the class luncheon and report it to PTA Chairman Yanli Wang at pta@cccalbany.org before December 14. The school will reserve tables based on the number of people and provide free water, napkins, and utensils.
12/24/23: No school
12/31/23: No school


Chinese school administrative team

bookdrive_flyer new.pdf933.55 KB
CCC Chinese School Food Drive.pdf519.3 KB