感恩节祝福-Happy Thanksgiving


感恩节到了,让我们共同感激这个美好的时刻。在这个特殊的日子里,学校行政向全体师生家长致以衷心的祝福。感谢你们的辛勤努力,为创造一个积极学习和成长的环境而付出了很多。你们的支持和奉献是我们共同成就的关键。 愿这个感恩节充满温暖和欢笑,愿大家在这个团结的大家庭里找到更多的快乐和满足感。感激有你们的陪伴,让我们携手共创更美好的明天。



Dear parents, teachers and students,

Thanksgiving is here, let us be grateful for this wonderful moment together. On this special day, the school administration would like to extend our heartfelt wishes to all the teachers, students and parents. Thank you for all your hard work and time in creating an environment of positive learning and growth. Your support and dedication are key to our collective achievements.
May this Thanksgiving be filled with warmth and happiness.

Wishing you all a happy Thanksgiving!

The school administration team