2/6/22 记者照相,舞龙和学剪纸 newspaper photo, dragon parade & learn paper cutting



(1)🏮Chinese New Year Spirit Day One -1🈷️30日

以下是spirit day的照片:

(2)🏮Chinese New Year Spirit Day Two-2🈷️6日

🟥周日(2月6日),Times Union 报社记者将会来中文学校拍摄春节花絮并报道春节。请家长,学生和孩子们穿上中国传统衣饰或红色衣服来校。

📷1:30pm :报社记者将在大厅拍照,请感兴趣的孩子,家长及老师们穿上传统装饰或红色衣服来大厅照相!

🐲1:45pm: 学校大厅将举行舞龙游行,请感兴趣的学生或家长们穿上中国传统衣服或红色衣服前来加入舞龙游行!




Dear parents, teachers and students,

Happy Chinese New Year!

(1)🏮Chinese New Year (CNY)Spirit Day One -January 30th

Please see below photos of January 30th CNY spirit day taken by photographer-Mr.Haibo Liu

(2)🏮Chinese New Year Spirit Day Two-February 6th

🟥Sunday (2/6), a reporter from Times Union is coming to Chinese School to take pictures of celebrating CNY. We would like to ask everyone wearing either red or traditional Chinese clothes.

📷1:30pm: Everyone is welcome to come to the cafeteria to take photos taken by a Times Union reporter. Please dress your best in red or traditional clothes.

🐲1:45pm:Everyone is welcome to join the dragon parade at cafeteria

✂️1:30pm-3:00pm: stop by cafeteria anytime between 1:30pm and 3:00pm
to watch Chinese Paper Cutting by artist Jianling Yue, bring your own scissors to learn the art of paper cutting.


Chinese School Administration Team