4th Week of Chinese School


1. 本周waiting list全部清完,如果您的孩子的课程需要调整,请周日到学校行政桌办理。

2. 这几周老师都会点名,如果您还未交学费,您的孩子将不允许坐在教室里上课。关于交费问题,请到行政桌找会计陈蓬办理。

3. 这周是学费退款的最后一周,从下周开始学校将不办理任何退款。

4. 10/7 是公共假期,中文学校不上课。

5. 本周开始PTA组织我的规则我制定有奖征文活动,恳请每一位同学、家长和老师的配合!希望我们一起把投诉率降到0.


1. All the names on Waiting list will be cleared by this week. If you need help, please come to admin table.

2. If your tuition is past due, your child will not be allowed to sit in the class. Please come to admin table for any help.

3. This week will be the last week for tuition refund. 

4. 10/7 is public holiday, NO Chinese School.

5. All of you are invited to participate "Let's make the rules"!
