5/13 or 5/20 电影播放《SCREENAGERS》


 -  5月13日星期日下午4:30在华社大楼(11 Avis Dr, Latham)胡文胜主持观后讨论
 -  5月20日星期日中午12点10分在中文学校(Shaker Junior High Auditorium)陈峰主持观后讨论

观看电影是免费的,PTA将在门口准备捐款箱,欢迎大家自愿捐款。捐款将全部用于电影版权费用($650)和下周日下午的Field Day。

欢迎所有10岁及以上的学生在父母陪同下观看。因为座位有限, 请选择两次播放中的一次。这部电影探讨了数字时代对青少年的影响,以及如何帮助他们最大限度地减少有害影响并找到平衡。强烈建议初中生和高中生及其父母观看这部电影。 (电影介绍:https://www.screenagersmovie.com/


注册链接(Registration Link): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ONT0yvhbZFSLbbaqgki6d8ek0Aapx727_Cy97qLn-zU/edit?uspsharing

School PTA will host a free viewing of SCREENAGERS movie at the following two time/place: 

- Sunday, May 13 at 4:30 p.m in CCC building (11 Avis Dr, Latham)
- Sunday, May 20 at 12:10 p.m in Chinese school (Shaker Junior High Auditorium)

The Movie is free but a donation to the school PTA is encouraged. Donations will be used to cover the movie rental fee ($650) and Field Day in the next Sunday afternoon.
All students 10 and older accompanied by their parent are welcome to attend one of the viewings. The film explores the impact of the digital age on children and how to help them minimize the harmful effects and find balance. Middle school and High school students and their parents are highly recommended to watch this movie. (Introduction: https://www.screenagersmovie.com/

Following the film, parents can participate in a 30-minute moderated discussion with event administrators.

Registration is required for the first viewing. Number of the seats in CCC building is limited. please register to Secure your seats. the remaining unregistered seats will be open to walk-in family on first come first serve basis.

注册链接(Registration Link): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ONT0yvhbZFSLbbaqgki6d8ek0Aapx727_Cy97qLn-zU/edit?uspsharing
