中文学校一周简讯 School Weekly (10/29)


1.讲故事比赛报名截止时间为本周日10 月29 日。请欲参加者向所在班级老师报名。 限于时间限制,总人数限制在50之内。
Storytelling deadline is 29th Oct. Please register with your classroom teacher.

2.Youth team 第一次全体大会将于本周日10月29号12:30pm召开,

地点:Teacher’s lounge, 不知道地方的请在学校礼堂门口,请全体成员务必参加。
The first meeting of all Youth team members@ 12:30pm on 10/29 at Teacher’s lounge.

3.华社2017 免费流感预防注射将于今年本周日在中文学校举行。时间从早上11点到下午两点半。Please mark the calendar: Sunday October 29 from 11:00am to 2:30 pm will be the time and date for the 2017 CCC Free Flu Clinic. The Clinic will be held at the CCC Chinese School at the Shaker Junior High School.
