中文学校一周简讯 School Weekly (02/05)

1.2017 年全美SAT中文模擬考試现在开始报名,七年级及以上的班级向本班中文老师报名。报名截至日期:2017年2月6号.详情请参看今天有关SAT专发的信件。班级老师请用附件表向王洁副校长统一报名。

2.本周日开始,中文学校有家长志愿利用空余教室,开辟一个瑜伽禅修的尝试空间,欢迎大家参加。教室号码是C208; 时间是第一课时开始。每次参加活动时,请带一张瑜伽垫和一个沙发上用的小靠垫。请愿意参加的家长把你的姓名和家庭号码电邮给我,学校帮你注册。


4.2月5日2:30PM,在学校的大礼堂,请到SUNY和RPI教务处的两位资深专家,给家长和老师讲申请大学的注意事项。 下面是讲座的简介:

Enrollment Management at colleges and universities includes the processes and activities that influence the size, shape, and characteristics of a student body by directing institutional efforts in marketing, recruitment, admissions, pricing, and financial aid. Institutional Research is an office within higher education that plays an essential role in providing data to Enrollment Management professionals. In the seminar two Institutional Research professionals from local universities will provide a view from the institutional perspective to help prospective students better understand the admissions and financial aid processes. Details to be discussed include application timelines, how to use data to compare different institutions, where to go to find information about institutions, what college rankings really mean, and an overview of how financial aid is typically determined.

Presenters will be,

Jack Mahoney
Assistant Vice Provost for Academic and Resource Planning
University at Albany

Jasmine Yang
Institutional Research Analyst, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


2017 SAT报名表.docx86.39 KB