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中文学校一周简讯 School Weekly (10/14)
各位家长,老师,同学们, 大家好!
1.本周第三节课学校行政,家长会和老师代表要开这学期第一次理事会。如果有问题, 请家长们在第二节课前到行政桌来办理。
2.青少年义工队的竞选活动于10月2日在热闹欢快的气氛中进行。今年的青少年队阵容庞大,初高中生共有百十人,有六位高中同学参与竞选。黄霄, 周博远当选为总统, 康庆超,林宇鹏,隋艳珠为副总统,隋东明为秘书长。 他们会根据竞选时的演说和纲领,代表学校到社区举行送温暖活动。
3.需要参加学校青少年义工队的同学, 由于网上已经关闭注册,请把你的家庭号码和名字发邮件给我或课间来行政桌, 学校会帮你注册登记。
4. 下周10/23 下午1:10-2:40在大礼堂举行家长中文辅导交流会。请家长们把问题提前用邮件发给我。 希望大家踊跃提问和参与。
6. 作文大赛截至日12/4, 请同学们积极投稿。
谢谢大家关注, 星期天见!
1.First council meeting will be held third class session this Sunday. Please come to administration table before the end of second class for school related issues.
2.Youth Election results: Zachary Huang and Bryan Zhou are the presidents. Robert Kang, Kevin Lin, and Maggie Sui are the VPs, Kevin Sui is the secretary.
3.Students wanting to serve on Youth Team need to provide their family ID and name to school. School will register for them.
4.There will be a seminar on helping kids Chinese language on 10/23 from 1:10-2:40. Please submit your questions to me ahead of time.
5.Chinese School Annual Storytelling Contest will be on 11/6 from 1-4PM at CCC. Participants are 5th grader and lower. Please see the attachment for details.
6.Oversea Chinese Essays submission deadline is 12/4.
Xiaoqing Zhang, Principal 2016-2017
Attachment | Size |
2016.pdf | 213.99 KB |