中文学校一周简讯 (4/28)



(1)大学申请经验交流: 5月1日下午 2点在学校礼堂,中文学校优秀毕业生董子青,黄晨洋,郭岩,池明浩,朱粲,曲晨,王易威和家长董刚,陆群,郭立明,缪薇薇,池涵,孙东宁,冯晋哲给大家分享大学申请经验。

(2)年刊预定: 本学年年刊每本售价$5, 需要订购的家长,请在5月8日之前向本班家长代表订购,各班家长代表将本班级的预定数额和付款统一交给学校家长会,由徐建负责汇总。徐健联系方式:电话:961-1531, 邮箱:jxuonline@gmail.com.

(3)数学班考试选拔:5月15日下午第三节课,我们将分年级举行下学年数学班考试选拔。现在已经在上课的同学也要参加考试。 请家长用以下的连接报名
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1358kGXIlYAUZ_cfVEcRwr559bspJK_vF... 有问题问陆群老师 (shen4@yahoo.com)。
2nd and 3rd grade exam in C104
-4th grade exam in C101
-5th grade exam in C102
-6th grade exam in C103
-7th and 8th grade exam in C105


(5)学校正在招聘语文老师,如果您有爱心,愿意奉献中文学校,请与我联系。Qingagency@yahoo.com, (518)899-3387。

How to sign up PTA duty? Signup using the web site (preferred) or contact School PTA members
1. 使用家庭Primary用户(一般是第一个注册用户) 登录 http://dreamschool.com/albany/
2. 点击 “Signup Duty”
3. 选择 “Available signup” (每一个 Signup 需要 2-4 个值日家长)然后确认。
联系人 (Contact):旷建坤 jiankun2011@yahoo.com


As we are approaching the end of school year, allow me to remind you of the following events in the Chinese School:

(1) College Application Seminar: This coming Sunday (May 1th) at 2PM, the school will host a college application seminar with panelists from recently graduated students. They are: Bill Dong, Michael Huang, Ryan Guo,Patrick Chi, Frank Miao, Jerry Qu and William Wang. Their parents, Gang Dong, Qun Lu, LiminGuo, Weiwei Miao, Han Chi, Dongning Sun and Jinzhe Feng will also be present to answer your questions.

(2) School yearbook head count is due on May 8th. Please give your class order to PTA Chair Jian Xu. Mr Xu can be reached at jxuonline@gmail.com

(3) Math entrance test will be held on May 15th, in the third session.  All students including the ones already enrolled this year have to be retested.   Please pre-register for the exam on the following link:
2nd and 3rd grade exam in C104
-4th grade exam in C101
-5th grade exam in C102
-6th grade exam in C103
-7th and 8th grade exam in C105Please contact Qun Lu at shen4@yahoo.com if you have questions.

(4) Next year, the school will offer four new courses, including Basketball, Advanced Drawing, Chess and China Today. Teachers who are offering new courses will present course syllabus and answer questions in school auditorium at 10:30AM, May 22th.  

(5)Need PTA duty for the next four Sundays.  Please follow the following steps:
1. Login from http://dreamschool.com/albany/
2. Click “Signup Duty"
3. Select “Available signup” and confirm. (Every signup need 2-4 parents)
If you have questions please Contact:Jiankun Kuang at jiankun2011@yahoo.com
Xiaoqing  Zhang, Vice Principal