绘画比赛延期到9月份- Art Contest is posted to this September




不限工具和形式:素描、水彩画、蜡笔画、油画, 笔画等均可。


The Chinese School Art Contest, originally scheduled for the March deadline, was postponed to September this year.

The competition is free of charge and all Chinese school students can participate.

[Contest Theme: I Love Chinese School]

It can be any form: such as sketch, watercolor, crayon, oil painting, etc.

中文学校周讯-Chinese School Newsletter 3/19/20








Dear teachers, parents and students,

According to the school calendar, there are no classes on Sunday (March 22).

Online lessons will continue from March 29.

In view of the current epidemic situation, the school decided to continue online teaching this semester. If there are any changes, the school will inform everyone in a timely manner.

Thank you.

Chinese School Administration Team

中文学校周讯 CS Newsletter-03/13/20


(1) 据于当前疫情情况,原定3月22日中文YCT考试将延期,具体时间学校会及时通知大家。

(2)从3月15日起,以下课程开始网络授课,上课时间是周日下午2:50 到3:40。老师会给家长发放网络课程的链接和ID。如果上课前您还没有收到,请直接联络老师。  

     (i) 绘画1B班

     (ii) 辩论(debate)班

     (iii) 数学班





Dear teachers, parents and students,

(1) According to the current epidemic situation, the Chinese YCT test originally scheduled for March 22 will be postponed. The school will inform you of the specific time.

(2) From March 15th, the following courses will be taught online, and the class time is  from 2:50 to 3:40 on Sunday afternoon. The teacher will send parents link and ID of the online course. If you have not received it before class, please contact the teacher directly. 

    (i) Drawing Class 1B

    (ii) Debate  Class

    (iii) Math Class

**Please note that math classes do not provide recording and make-up services. Due to the limitation for black-boarding and first time on-line teaching for those high school students, the results may not meet the optimal expectation.Your understanding and support would be appreciated.

In this particularly difficult time, we would like to thank all teachers, parents and students for their joint efforts to create a good online learning environment with limited resources.

Chinese School Administration Team

CS Weekly: 中文学校周讯— Chinese School Newsletter 2/27/20

各位老师, 家长,和学生,


     感谢大家参加学校的问卷调查,共收到192份有效问卷, 81.25% 的家庭选择网上教学. 学校根据调查结果和当前疫情形势, 决定3月1日,3月8日和3月15日为网上教学。各语言课老师会通知家长网上上课的链接。 学校不能保证所有第三节课能网上教学, 如有问题,可以直接联系您的老师。

(2) 3月22日中文学校放假,没有课程. 

(3) 3月8日将在华社举办中文SAT模拟考试:

      ***2020年全美SAT中文模拟考试 ***
      地点:11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110


     !!学生自愿报名参加考试,如有选手放弃参加考试,请提前一周通知学校教务,邮箱 albanychineseteaching@gmail.com


     ***《侨报》》 第八届美国少年儿童中文大赛奥尔巴尼地区复赛 ***
     时间:3月14日上午10 -11:30
     地点:11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110

(5) 3月22日将在华社举办YCT四级考试:

      地点:11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110


      学生自愿报名参加考试,如有选手放弃参加考试,请提前一周通知学校教务,邮箱 albanychineseteaching@gmail.com


Dear Teachers, Parents and Students.

(1) Online classes will be held on March 1, March 8 and March 15.

     Thank you for participating in the school's questionnaire. A total of 192 valid questionnaires were received. 81.25% of families voted to online classes for March 1st, 8th and 15th. Based on the survey results and the current epidemic situation, the school decided to have online classes on March 1, March 8, and March 15. Teachers of each language class will inform parents of the link to the online class. The school cannot guarantee that all non-language lessons will be delivered online. If you have any questions, you can contact your teacher directly.

(2) The Chinese school is closed on March 22 and there are no lessons that day.

(3) The Chinese SAT mock exam will be held at Chinese Community Center on March 8th:

      *** National SAT Chinese Practice Test 2020 ***
      Time: March 8th at 1pm
      Location: 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110

      {On the day of the test, parents are not allowed to stay at the test site after picking up/dropping off students}

     !! Students voluntarily sign up for the exam. If student cannot make the test, please notify the school one week in advance by email albanychineseteaching@gmail.com

(4) On March 14th, the 8th “Qiao Bao” American Junior Chinese Contest Albany Regional Rematch will be held at Chinese Community center:

     Time: 10am-11: 30am on March 14th
     Location: 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110

(5) YCT Level 4 Exam will be held at Chinese Community Center on March 22:

      *** YCT Level 4 Test for Primary and Middle School Students ***
      When: March 22, 1pm
      Location: 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110

      {On the day of the test, parents are not allowed to stay at the test site after picking up/dropping off students}

     !! Students voluntarily sign up for the exam. If student cannot make the test, please notify the school one week in advance by email albanychineseteaching@gmail.com


Chinese School Administration Team

如何查询您的家庭代号how to look up Chinese School Family ID (FID)

各位家长, Dear Parents,

Chinese School Family ID is an unique number assigned to each registered family.

如您不记得您的中文学校家庭代号, 请看附件如何查询的步骤。
If you don't remember your Chinese school family ID, please see attached file for instruction.

Click below link to log into your Chinese school account:

Once you log into your account, click “My Family” tab, you should see “Family ID”.

If you have trouble to locate your family ID, you can 如您有困难查询您的家庭代号,请
⦁Contact your homeroom teacher 联系本班级老师
OR 或者
⦁Contact  School Registration & Database Administrator 联系学校注册及资料库主管jxuonline@gmail.com


中文学校行政团队 (Chinese School Administration Team)

调查问卷Chinese School Survey截止日 Due Wednesday 2/26 7PM



1. 调查方式:实名调查,调查问卷链接:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHDirbEmhfKZU76c7DnSNvx4KhB5YjCkZFKmBB0Bj2UjftrQ/viewform?uspsf_link 

***每一个Family ID限填一份调查表。
***不符合条件的调查表视为无效,比如Family ID与名字不符,或电邮地址不符,或无法确认您中文学校家长身份等。 

2. 调查人群:中文学校的付费注册家庭和中文学校的全体老师。以家庭为单位,每个Family ID仅限填一份调查表。 

3. 调查时间:截至到周三2月26日7pm

4.如您需查询您的中文学校家庭代号(Family ID), 请看附件关于如何查询家庭代号的步骤.



Dear parents and teachers,

The Chinese School Council decided to conduct a survey among parents and teachers regarding teaching format for the next three weeks (3/1, 3/8, and 3/15). The survey results will directly reflect the decision making by the school council on the teaching format for those three weeks. We encourage every family to participate in this survey, carefully read the options, and make careful selections.

1. Survey Method:Real-name survey. please click below survey link:


***Each family ID can only fill in the survey once.
***No response or responses after the deadline will be considered abstentions. 
***Unqualified survey (e.g.  invalid Family Id,unmatched email address)will be excluded from the final result. 

2. Survey Population:All currently registered families and all teachers of Chinese school. This survey will be responded by family units, and each family can submit only one form.  

3. Survey Time: due by 7pm, Wednesday 2/26

4. If you have trouble to look up your family ID. please see attached instruction.


Chinese School Administration Team





Yes:in class + limited online class if teachers are available. 学校按原计划在shaker正常开展实体上课,同时学校将根据老师的availability在其他时间提供网课。No:online class only. 学校不上实体课,只提供网课。


根据此次投票结果,本周中文学校将继续网课,取消在Shaker Junior High的实体课教学。

所有中文课将提供网络授课,时间为2/23 上课时间1:00-2:50pm,各班网课链接由任课老师设置发送。






Dear teachers, parents and students,

After taking parent's feedback along with many factors into consideration, the board of Chinese school has re-voted through conference call last night and decided on-line teaching for February 23 lessons.

A total of 15 board members participated in voting the following:

Yes: in class and  limited online class based on teacher's availability.

No: online class only.

The motion passed with 3 votes Yes, 9 No, and 3 abstentions.  

February 23rd language lessons ( 1st & 2nd classes) will be held on-line, your homeroom teacher should send out notice regarding how to log in on-line class. If you have any questions, please reach out your teachers.

The school can not guarantee all third classes (non-languages classes) will be delivered online. Please reach out to your homeroom teachers. 

We will keep you updated how next Sunday class will be delivered.

Thanks for your understanding. 

Chinese School Administration Team



因Shaker Junior High school 学校扩建施工,一楼B区和C区现在已封闭在重新装修,所以原来一楼B区和C区的所有教室及生物奥赛班已搬到二楼新装修好的教室。




(1) 教室C106: 学前二班 & 数学1年级班➡️换到教室H228.

(2) 教室C105: 一年级二班 & 数学2年级A班➡️换到教室H227.

(3)  教室C104: 二年级一班 & 数学3年级班➡️ 换到教室H226.

(4)  教室C103: 二年级二班 & 数学4年级班 ➡️换到教室H225.

(5)  教室C101: 三年级三班 & 数学5年级B班➡️换到教室H203.

(6)  教室C102: 三年级二班 & 数学5年级A班➡️换到教室H204.

(7)  教室C108: 四年级一班 & 数学2年级B班➡️换到教室H206.

(8)  教室A209: 化学奥赛班➡️换到教室H201.



(1)  教室B102: 三年级一班 & 3D 打印课➡️换到教室A222.

(2)  教室B103: 二年级三班 & iPad 绘画课➡️换到教室A223.

(3)  教室B104: 一年级三班 & Art 2 课➡️换到教室A224.

(4)  教室B105: 一年级一班 & Art 1A 课➡️换到教室A225.

(5)  教室B106: 学前一班 & Dance 1 班➡️换到教室A226.

(6)  教室B108: CSL-kids 2 & 葫芦丝课➡️换到教室A206.

(7)  教室B107: CSL-kids 1 & Art 1B 课➡️换到教室A204.







Dear teachers, parents and students,

Due to the expansion construction of Shaker Junior High school, classroom number starts with B and C on the first floor are now closed for renovation, so all those lessons held in room number starts with B or C before are now moved to the newly renovated classrooms on the second floor.

**** Please read carefully the attached classroom relocation plan (second floor). The new classroom number on the second floor is marked in red.  The course name and the original classroom number are marked in green. In other words, the courses in the green number classroom are switched to the red number classroom. The following are the specific changes in classrooms and courses:

Classroom number starts with C: 
(1) Classroom C106: Kindergarten 2 & Math 1 ➡️ Switch to classroom H228. 
(2) Classroom C105: Chinese 1st Grade class 2 & Math 2A ➡️ Switch to classroom H227. 
(3) Classroom C104: Chinese 2nd Grade class 1 & Math 3 ➡️Switch to classroom H226. 
(4) Classroom C103: Chinese 2nd Grade class 2 & Math 4  ➡️ Switch to classroom H225. 
(5) Classroom C101: Chinese 3rd grade class 3 & Math 5B ➡️ Switch to classroom H203.
(6) Classroom C102: Chinese 3rd grade class 2 & Math 5A  ➡️Switch to classroom H204. 
(7) Classroom C108: Chinese 4th grade class 1 & Math 2B ➡️ Switch to classroom H206. 
(8) Classroom A209: Chemistry Olympiad class ➡️ Switch to classroom H201.

Classroom number starts with B:
(1) Classroom B102: Chinese 3rd grade class 1 & 3D printing class ➡️ Switch to classroom A222.
(2) Classroom B103: Chinese 2nd grade class 3 & iPad drawing class ➡️ Switch to classroom A223. 
(3) Classroom B104: Chinese 1st grade class 3 & Art 2 class ➡️ Switch to classroom A224. 
(4) Classroom B105: Chinese 1st grade class 1 & Art 1A class ➡️ Switch to classroom A225. 
(5) Classroom B106: Kindergarten 1 & Dance 1 class ➡️ Switch to classroom A226. 
(6) Classroom B108: CSL-kids 2 & instrument Hulusi Lesson ➡️ Switch to classroom A206. 
(7) Classroom B107: CSL-kids 1 & Art 1B class ➡️ Switch to classroom A204.

In order to better assist everyone to locate new classrooms, the school will post relocation map on each classroom door and the dining room area on Sunday, February 23. School administration staff, PTA, and on duty parents will be on site to help as well. 

At the same time, you can also check out the updated classroom map on the school website.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Chinese School Administration Team

中文学校家长值日 Chinese School PTA Duty Signup 2/23/2020

Dear Parents,

中文学校将从2020年2月23日起继续在Shaker Junior High School上课,如果您想报名参加2月23日的家长值日,请点击以下链接:

Due to Chinese School resumes teaching at Shaker Junior High School starting from 2/23/2020, If you would like to sign up for February 23rd parent duty, please click below:

中文学校家长值日 Chinese School PTA Duty Signup 2/23/2020

你可点击此链接登记其他值日日期 You also can click below link for more parent duty sign up dates:


Chinese School Administration Team  

CS Weekly: 中文学校周讯— 2月20日


(1) 2月23日学校将恢复在shaker Junior high school 的教学工作。请老师和学生2月23日准时到校上课。




(5) 2020年全美SAT中文模拟考试将于2020年3月8日在中文学校进行。

(6) YCT将于2020年3月22日(周日)在华社1:00pm举行。

(7) 请看附图, 2月23日学校体育馆右区因装修不能使用。




    (8.1) 2020年人口普查讲座.



     主讲人:Zoe T Bevelle, Partnership Specialist, US Census

     美国会会在2020年4月1⽇开始进行人口普查。普查针对住在这个国家的每⼀个⼈,包括公⺠,非公⺠以及临时居⺠。您的问卷回复是简单而且安全的。⼈⼝普查数据影响每年超过 6750亿美元的联邦资金分配。社区依赖⼈⼝普查数据规划交 通设施,学校和紧急救援服务。商业利⽤⼈⼝普查决定在哪⾥建造工厂,办公楼和商业中⼼。亚太裔公共事务联盟联合普查机构为华人社区提供这次关于2020人口普查的解答讲座。


     时间:3月15日 具体时间地点待定

     主讲人: Alan Wang





Dear teachers, parents and students,

(1) The school will resume teaching at the Shaker Junior high school on February 23. Please attend school on time on February 23.

(2) Thank you for your participation in the school's recent survey. The school received 235 valid questionnaires, please see the statistical results in the attachment.

(3) With reference to the statistical results of the questionnaire, the school board voted to resume normal classes on February 23. Parents should decide for themselves whether to send their children to attend school.

(4) Those who have recently returned from China are required to quarantine for 14 days. During the quarantine period, please do not come to the school. Whoever violates this order will be suspended from the school.

(5) The 2020 Chinese SAT Mock Exam will be conducted in Chinese school on March 8, 2020.

(6) YCT will be held on March 22, 2020 (Sunday) at 1:00 pm at the Chinese Community Center.

(7) Please see the attached map. On February 23, the right section of the school gymnasium could not be used due to renovation. Therefore
 ******* Mr. Shi Yunfeng's basketball class and Mr. Luke's Kung Fu class will share teaching space in the left section of the gymnasium.
 ******* However, badminton clubs and adult dance classes will be cancelled.

(8) Upcoming Lectures:

    (8.1) Lecture on census 2020
     Time: March 1st  1:15 pm-2:15pm
     Location: School classroom M110
     Keynote Speaker: Zoe T Bevelle, Partnership Specialist, US Census

     The 2020 Census is quickly approaching! The 2020 Census provides an opportunity for everyone to be counted. The federal government uses census results to distribute approximately $675 billion in federal funding annually. New York State receives billions dollars of those funds each year— more than half a trillion dollars over the life of the census count—to support education, health care, infrastructure, and other programs. Census results also determine the number of congressional representatives for each state and for state legislative redistricting.In partnering with Capital District Chinese Community Center, APAPA Albany Chapter is organizing an information and Q & A session to inform our local Asian Community and address any questions related to this important activity in 2020.

     (8.2) Topic: How to protect your personal data?
     Time: March 15th Specific time and location TBD
     Speaker: Alan Wang
Abstract: Identity theft has become an increasingly prevalent issue in recent years. According to the National Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2018 alone, more than 3 million fraud reports with $1.48 billion total fraud losses to fraud complaints, an increase of $406 million from 2017.  Identity theft can take a number of forms, from a stolen wallet to a store-wide data breach. To protect yourself, discover more facts about identity theft, common causes, warning signs, and prevention tips.

Thank you.

Chinese School Administration Team

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