CS Weekly: Schedule for the last 2 weeks


1. 中文学校最后两周安排如下:

1) 5/19 正常上课 @1-4pm

   2:50-3:40pm School Council meeting@C205

2) 5/26 Memorial week 放假,没有中文学校

3) 6/02 本学年最后一天@10am-4pm

- 10:00-11:30 连堂上课,只有中文课和Coding by Mr. Rennie,没有文化兴趣课

- 10:00-11:00 @Auditorium 新老师和新课程介绍会

- 11:40-12:30 中午聚餐,聚餐后欢迎大家参加以下活动

- 12:30-3:30 @Gym A 由Youth team 组织Field Day 玩游戏赢奖品

- 12:30-2:00 @Gym B石云峰教练组织篮球罚篮比赛,欢迎大人和8岁以上小孩参加

- 02:00-3:30 @Auditorium 石云峰教练组织看电影未来机器城Next Gen 


2. 6/2聚餐报人数

如你的班级决定6月2日聚餐,请班级老师或家长代表统计班级参加聚餐学生数(不包括大人数)。务必于5月30日(周四)晚12:00把统计人数发给PTA工作人员尹邦胜先生的邮箱ybs273@hotmail.com 邮件中请注明班级名,老师名和参加聚餐孩子数。因学校食堂桌位有限,学校只能根据各班参加聚餐的孩子数来给各班级预留座位。最后一天聚餐由各班级志愿参加并自己组织食物,学校免费提供各班级饮用水,一次性餐具和餐巾纸。


3. 旧书交换和捐赠

由Youth team组织,欢迎大家5/19和6/2把家里的闲置书籍拿到学校来交换或捐赠。您捐赠书籍后将得到一张记录您捐赠书本数的票据,6/2您可以凭票换回同等本数的书。欢迎任何适合学生阅读的书或考试用书,请本周日带书到学校餐厅,6/2凭票换回您捐赠本数的其他书籍。


4. 请参加绘画比赛的同学,如果还未领回自己作品和奖品的,请到PTA处领取。


5. Yearbook请各班尽快领取,每年只出版一次,记录和纪念过去一年的学校和班级人员和活动。 是一本很好的给孩子的回忆录。每本5元,还有少量供现场购买。


6. 中文学校夏季活动通知:6/30 ValleyCats的职业棒球比赛,请详见附件. 






1. Schedule for the last 2 weeks:

1) 5/19 As usual @1-4pm

   2:50-3:40pm School Council meeting@C205

2) 5/26 Memorial weekends, NO Chinese School

3) 6/02 Last day@10am-4pm

- 10:00-11:30 ONLY Chinese classes and Coding by Mr. Rennie, NO cultural classes

- 10:00-11:00 @Auditorium Meet with new teachers

- 11:40-12:30 Lunch gathering

- 12:30-3:30 @Gym A, Field day games and rewards organized by Youth team 

- 12:30-2:00 @Gym B, Basketball shooting game by Coach Yunfeng Shi, open to adult and kids 

- 02:00-3:30 @Auditorium, Movie Next Gen organized by Coach Yunfeng Shi 


2. 6/2 last of CS, lunch gathering head count

Please email the head count number (students only) to PTA Mr Bangsheng Yin ybs273@hotmail.com by 5/30 @12am. Please indicate the class name, teacher name and number of students. 


3. Used book exchange

The Chinese School Youth team will be hosting a book drive and book trade throughout the next two weeks. We invite everyone to bring in old books that they are willing to donate to Chinese school this week. For each book donated, you will receive a ticket which can be used to get a book the week after during Chinese school. Any and all forms of books are appropriate, from novels to test-prep books. Please bring them to the cafeteria this week during Chinese school, where each book will be exchanged for a ticket worth one book the week after. Thanks! 


4. Students who are participating in the drawing competition, please come to get back your art works.


5. Yearbooks have left limited quantity available for purchasing from PTA, $5 each. 


6. Chinese School Summer Group Outing - ValleyCats Baseball Game 6/30. Please see the attachment.

Reservation Link:







CS Weekly: YCT exam/ Graduation/ College seminar


1. YCT考试
2019春季YCT考试将于本周日5月12 日在学校举行,五六年级和CSL参加YCT考试的学生请自带两只2B铅笔和橡皮于@12:50pm,准时进入考场,
   主监考老师:翟文怡, 监考老师:杨遇春,朱磊

2. Congratulations to graduation 2019 @1-1:15pm Auditorium

3. 大学申请经验交流会(由华社和中文学校合办)@1:15-2:45pm Auditorium
   内容: 由今年高中毕业生介绍申请大学的经验和教训。

    我们很幸运邀请到下面八位应届毕业生:(名字按照last name字母顺序排练)
    Lisa Dong:University of Chicago
    Zachary Huang,:Brown University
    Robert Kang: University of Michigan
    Evanna Peng:University of Chicago
    Margaret  Sui:Caltech
    Jing Tong:Notre Dame University
    Emily Wang:MIT
    Willow Yang:University of Connecticut

4. 6/2聚餐报人数
6月2日是本学期最后一天,中文课于上午10:00am开始,11:30am结束。聚餐时间是11:40am -12:30pm。各班级自己志愿参加并组织食物,学校免费提供各班级饮用水,一次性餐具和餐巾纸。

如你的班级决定6月2日聚餐,请班级老师或家长代表统计班级参加聚餐学生数(不包括大人数)。务必于5月30日(周四)晚12:00把统计人数发给PTA工作人员尹邦胜先生的邮箱ybs273@hotmail.com 邮件中请注明班级名,老师名和参加聚餐孩子数。因学校食堂桌位有限,学校只能根据各班参加聚餐的孩子数来给各班级预留座位。

5. 中文教师培训2:50-3:40pm @B208,由林艳玲老师分享《游戏学中文》。

6. 请参加绘画比赛的同学,如果还未领回自己作品和奖品的,请到PTA处领取。

7. Yearbook请各班尽快领取,每年只出版一次,记录和纪念过去一年的学校和班级人员和活动。 是一本很好的给孩子的回忆录。每本5元,还有少量供现场购买。


Dear all,

1. 2019 YCT exam will be held on this Sunday 5/12. Students who will take the YCT exam, please bring two 2B pencils and erasers and enter the assigned room @12:50pm
(1) YCT Level 4: Classroom B202
(2) YCT Level 3 Examination: Classroom B203

2. Congratulations to graduation 2019 @1-1:15pm Auditorium
18 Graduates, please arrive at the auditorium at reserved seats before 1pm this Sunday!

3. 5/12 @1:15-2:45pm, college seminar at Chinese School Auditorium.
Students will give application tips. 
We have Eight presenters:
Lisa Dong, University of Chicago
Zachary Huang, Brown University
Robert Kang: University of Michigan
Evanna Peng, University of Chicago
Margaret Sui: Caltech
Jing Tong, Notre Dame University
Emily Wang, MIT
Willow Yang: University of Connecticut

4. 6/2 last of CS, lunch gathering head count
Please email the head count number (students only) to PTA Mr Bangsheng Yin ybs273@hotmail.com by 5/30 @12am. Please indicate the class name, teacher name and number of students.

5. Chinese language teacher training @2:50-3:40pm ,B208. Ms Nia Lin will share how to use game to teach Chinese.

6. Students who are participating in the drawing competition, please come to get back your art works.

7. Yearbooks have left limited quantity available for purchasing from PTA, $5 each.


CS Yearbook is ready for pickup




CS yearbook is ready for pickup!The classroom parents, please come to PTA to collect your yearbook and make payments. We would like to take this chance to say THANK YOU to photographer Yu Wang and Biao Fang, editor Yin Zhang,Jie Gao, Jiangbo Tang and Ling Xiao! 



CS Weekly: Schedule of the last few weeks


1. 经过与Shaker协商,中文学校6/2将补一次课。剩余几周安排如下:

1)  5/05 正常上课 @1-4pm

2)  5/12 正常上课 @1-4pm


        1:00-2:40pm 5年级YCT 考试

        2:50-3:40pm B208中文教师培训,由林艳玲老师分享《游戏学中文》

3)  5/19 正常上课 @1-4pm

        2:50-3:40pm School Council meeting@C205

4)  5/26 Memorial week 放假,没有中文学校

5)  6/02 本学年最后一天@ 10am-4pm. 

        早上10:00开始上课,只有中文课和Coding by Mr. Rennie,没有文化兴趣课;中午聚餐之后,下午在Gym 由Youth team 组织Field Day. 


2. 生物奥赛班陈海军教授本周六5/4 @7:30-9:30在华社举行一个简单的生物奥赛说明会。请参考附件Flyer.新的USABO课程是以获奖为目标,需要相应级别的时间和财力投入。抱着试试看的家长,请慎重考虑是否花时间来参会。


3. 请参加绘画比赛的同学,本周到PTA处领回自己的作品和领取奖品。


4. 请看附件- 陆群老师分享美国数学竞赛的PPT。谢谢陆老师!




Hello everyone!


1. After discussed with Shaker, Chinese school will add 6/2 as the last day. Please see the schedule for the last few weeks:

1)  5/05 As usual@ 1-4pm

2)  5/12 As usual@ 1-4pm

        1:00-2:45pm Graduation Ceremony and college seminar @Auditorium

        1:00-2:40pm YCT exam for 5th graders

        2:50-3:40pm Teacher training by Ms Nia Lin @B208

3)  5/19 As usual@ 1-4pm

        2:50-3:40pm School Council meeting@C205

4)  5/26 Memorial week holiday, no Chinese school

5)  6/02 The last day of the school year 10am-4pm.

        School will begin at 10:00am, language classes and Coding class by Mr. Rennie only, NO culture classes. After lunch, the Field Day activities will be organized by Youth team in Gym.


2. 5/4 @7:30-9:30pm US Bio-Olympic info night. by Prof Haijun Chen @ CCC building. Flyer is attached. 


3. Students who are participating in the drawing competition, please come to collect your art works and prizes from the PTA this Sunday.


4. Please see the attached US Math competition PPT by Ms Qun Lu. 







CS Weekly: 4/28 恢复正常上课 / 绘画比赛获奖名单


1. 春假结束了,本周日4/28中文学校恢复正常上课。

2. 请看附件:2019绘画比赛获奖名单。请各位同学本周日到学校PTA处领回自己的作品并领取奖品。


1. Chinese school will resume on this Sunday 4/28. 

2. 2019 Art contest award list is attached. Please collect your art work and the reward from PTA this Sunday.


CS News: CS 2019-20 Biology Club Survey / Gauss Mathematics Contests


1. 中文学校生物兴趣班陈海军教授要求所有计划参加2019-2020 学年生物兴趣班的学生必须填写所附调查表,否则不能报名,并于4/22之前电邮发回给陈教授: haijun.chen2016@gmail.com 本周日陈教授也将在礼堂讲解生物奥赛,欢迎大家参加和当场询问。

Any high school students is interested to Chinese School biology club,
please fill out the attached survey and email to Prof Haijun Chen: haijun.chen2016@gmail.com
Capital Region Chinese School, Glenmont, NY (中文学校注册名)来注册报名参赛。



2. 数学班主管陆群老师将组织7和8年级学生参加Gauss Mathematics Contests, 详见附件
CS Math director Ms Qun Lu is organizing Gauss Mathematics Contests, please see the attachment for details.

- 报名截止日期:4/20/2019
- 报名方式:直接电邮陆群老师shen4@yahoo.com


CS Weekly: US Math/Chess/Bio competition Info 本周礼堂数学/象棋/生物竞赛介绍, Yearbook 年刊

1. 本周1:00pm在礼堂有以下活动,欢迎有兴趣和有意参加下学期学校有关课程的家长务必参加,本年度相关讲座只此一次。
- 美国数学竞赛和中文学校数学班介绍—陆群
- 美国Chess tournament 和中文学校国际象棋班介绍 – 王洁
- 美国生物奥赛和中文学校生物Club介绍—陈海军
2. 数学班主管陆群老师将组织7和8年级学生参加Gauss Mathematics Contests, 详见附件
- 报名截止日期:4/20/2019
- 报名方式:直接电邮陆群老师shen4@yahoo.com
3. 投影屏幕事件第一周筹得$1161.01元,第二周筹得$285.24,两次共计$1446.25 . 衷心感谢所有乐捐家长给学校的鼎力帮助!
4. Yearbook 预订
- 年刊价格:一本5元 (一本约80页左右)
- 付款方式:现金或支票(check pay to CCC Chinese school)
- 订购方式:请在4月20号之前预定:
  * 如您孩子的班级有家长代表,请向班级家长代表预定,并交款给家长代表。
  * 如您孩子的班级没有家长代表,请向班级老师预定,并交款给老师。
  * 如特殊原因以上两方式都不方便的话,可以直接电邮cccalbany.school.pta@gmail.com 预定(附上孩子名字,班级、所在班级老师和联系电话)
- 各班级家长代表或老师务必于4月20日之前将班级年刊预订总数报到 cccalbany.school.pta@gmail.com  学校将根据班级预订数量去印刷。
5. 4/21 春假期间,故而没有中文学校,祝大家复活节节日愉快!
1. There will have a few of talks at 1pm @ Auditorium this Sunday 4/14:
- Mathematics contests and CS math classes by Ms Qun Lu
- Chess tournament and CS chess classes by Ms Jie Wang
- Biology Olympiad and CS bio club by Mr Haijun Chen
2. Ms Qun Lu is organizing Gauss Mathematics Contests, please see the attachment for details.
3. The total donation for Shaker screen payment is $1446.25. We sincerely thank all of you.
4. Yearbook 
- Price: $5 each, please pay by cash or check (payable to CCC Chinese School)
- Due by 4/20 
  * Please order with your class PTA  parent 
  * or order with your class room teacher 
  * or email cccalbany.school.pta@gmail.com with student’s name, grade,teacher’s name and contact information
5. NO Chinese school on next Sunday 4/21. Happy Easter!



CS Weekly: Last call for donation/ Art exhibit at cafetiere/ Graduation application due on 4/7



1. 投影屏幕事件上周日共筹得$1161.01元,衷心感谢照片上孩子的家长带头捐款和诸多乐捐家长给学校的鼎力帮助!

本周日将做最后一次筹款,欢迎大家任何金额的捐赠,以协助学校分担费用,不足以抵扣屏幕赔偿款的部分将由学校填补,超出部分将设专款只用于学期末field day学生活动。



- 捐款箱将固定摆放在学校餐厅进门口,大家可以自愿匿名捐赠。

- 如果愿意实名捐赠,请带支票交给学校财务处陈蓬或陈昱,并领取收据。


2. 画画比赛本周日最后一周接收投稿,请到行政桌交给PTA。作品也将在餐厅展出,欢迎大家品鉴。


3. 中文教师培训本周日将于第三节课在教室B208举行,由莫琳老师分享《汉语教材分析、评价与使用》。学校长期诚招老师,请有意应聘老师的电邮联系刘大卫副校长i6liu@yahoo.com。也欢迎有意应聘老师的参加教师培训。






1. Last call for your general donation for Shaker screen payment to help us cover the cost:

- Please feel free to donation any amount at the donation box at the entrance. 

- Please write a check to CCC Chinese School and pass it to Mr Peng Chen or Ms Yu Chen. They will pass a donation receipt to you. 

We sincerely thank you for all your help.


2. Annual art exhibit: My life. All art works will be displayed at cafetiere. Please submit your art work to PTA at admin table by this Sunday.


3. Chinese teacher training will be hold on 2:50-3:40pm at B208.


4. The graduation application is due by April 7th. Please submit it to Vice Principal Dawei Liu. 







CS Weekly: School as usual on 3/31, Call for fundraising and volunteers


1. 本周日3/31学校恢复正常上课。

2. 礼堂投影屏幕筹款活动将在本周日进行,学校倡议全校家长自愿捐款,协助学校分担费用,最终捐款金额将于4/7之前向大家公布,不足以抵扣屏幕赔偿款的部分将由学校填补,超出部分将设专款只用于学期末field day学生活动。我们衷心感谢大家任何金额的资助,捐款方式有两种:


3. 中文学校年度画画比赛,交稿截止日是本周日3/31。今年的主题是:我的生活。请填好交稿label,一起交给PTA 孙鹏博。

4. School council 孙旭峰主席以提名委员会的名义诚邀自荐或广荐人才加入学校服务团队,请详见附件。

5. 中文教师培训本周日将于第三节课在教室B208举行,由莫琳老师分享《汉语教材分析、评价与使用》。学校长期诚招老师,请有意应聘老师的电邮联系刘大卫副校长i6liu@yahoo.com。也欢迎有意应聘老师的参加教师培训。

6. 毕业申请截止日是4/7,填好申请后请交给刘大卫副校长,并把单人大头照片电邮发给本班老师,注明中英文名字,照片将收录在2019 Yearbook。

1. The school will resume on this Sunday 3/31.

2. Call for fundraising. There were a group of our students playing on the stage at the auditorium and then the projector screen was found damaged on the corners of the both sides. Chinese School has paid $6200.59 to replace the screen. Now we call for your general donation to help us cover the cost on next Sunday 3/31:

- Please feel free to donation any amount at the donation box at the entrance.
- Please write a check to CCC Chinese School and pass it to Mr Peng Chen or Ms Yu Chen. They will issue a donation receipt to you.

We will announce the total amount by 4/7. Any surplus will be fully used for the students activity on the last of day of school. We sincerely thank you for all your help.

3. Annual arts exhibit topic: My life, submission due by 3/31.

4. Please see the attached volunteer recruitment letter from School Council Chair Mr Xufeng Sun.

5. Chinese teacher training will be hold on 2:50-3:40pm at B208.

6. The graduation application is due by April 7th. Please submit it to Vice Principal Dawei Liu. Please send your personal photo and both Chinese and English names to your teacher for the yearbook.



CS Weekly: 礼堂投影屏幕筹款/ Mathcounts 好成绩/ 画画比赛

1. 本周日3/24没有中文学校,下周3/31恢复正常上课。
2. 关于礼堂投影屏幕事件,请您看附件。
学校已经支付礼堂屏幕$6200.59赔偿款,作为一个非盈利性组织确实是一笔不小的开支。现在我们倡议全校家长自愿捐款,协助学校分担费用。捐款活动日期是下周日3/31 ,方式有两种:
- 学校餐厅进门口将摆设捐款箱,大家可以自愿匿名捐赠。
- 如果愿意实名捐赠,请带支票(Payable to: CCC Chinese School)交给学校财务处陈蓬或陈昱,并领取收据。
最终捐款金额将于4/7之前向大家公布,不足以抵扣屏幕赔偿款的部分将由学校填补,超出部分将设专款只用于学期末field day学生活动。
3. 重大好消息:我校学生在MATHCOUNTS竞赛中取得优异成绩!
MATHCOUNTS是一个有着36年历史的全国性的数学竞赛,目标是以有趣的方式提高美国学生的数学技能。 服务目标主要是正处于发展和保持数学兴趣和能力关键阶段的中学生。
3月9日在Troy RPI MATHCOUNTS竞赛,有来自纽约州各地的200多名学生切磋数学。我们中文学校有几位学生参加,其中有三名学生强势进入纽约州个人前12名;Forest更是取得了个人组第二名的优异成绩并赢得参加全国比赛的机会。
4.中文学校年度画画比赛,今年的主题是:我的生活。交稿截止日3/31,请填好交稿label,一起交给PTA 孙鹏博。
1.There is NO Chinese school on this Sunday 3/24.  The school will resume on next Sunday 3/31.
2.Call for fundraising. Please see the attachment for the details. There
were a group of students playing on the stage at the auditorium and then the projector screen was found damaged on the corners of the both sides on 9/30/2018. Chinese School has paid $6200.59 to Shaker to replace the screen. Now we call for your general donation to help us share the cost on next Sunday 3/31:
- Please feel free to donation any amount into the donation box at the entrance. 
- Please make a check payable to CCC Chinese School and pass it to Mr Peng Chen or Ms Yu Chen. They will issue a donation receipt to you. 
We will announce the total amount by 4/7. The donation will be used to cover the screen cost. Any surplus will be fully used for the students activity on the last day of school. We sincerely thank you for all your help. 
3. In its 36th year, MATHCOUNTS is a nationwide program designed to improve math skills among U.S. students in a way that’s fun and engaging. Sponsors target middle school students, who are at a critical stage in developing and sustaining math interest and ability.
More than 200 students from all over New York state, including New York City, put their problem-solving skills to the test Saturday in the MATHCOUNTS competition at RPI in Troy on March 9th. Our Chinese school had quite a few students competed for local middle school. We have three students scored in the top 12 individuals in the state. Forest scored a 2rd place in individuals and win a spot to compete in National Competition. Those students have been studied math with our Chinese math class since first grade. They are our first group math class students. We are very proud of them! We would like to extend our thanks to the math program leader Ms Qun Lu too!
4. Arts exhibit topic: My life, submission due by 3/31.


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