Python intermediate class time and location have been changed!

❗️Python Intermediate programming 课程时间和教室号有更改!



❗️Python intermediate programming class time and location have been changed!

⏰Class time is changed to 2:50pm-3:40pm.
📍The classroom is changed to S105.

There are still seats available to register for this class!

Tuition due on 9/10 and school starts on 9/11

Tuition Payment Due Date*: September 10th, 2022

Online Enrollment Deadline: September 10th, 2022

First Day of School: Sunday, September 11th, 2022

* Payment received or postmarked after the due date is subject to a $10.00 late payment fee. The School also reserves the right to remove any student from class if full payment is not received or postmarked by the due date.

课程教室表及分布图 (Classroom Number and Map)


开学第一天是9月11日周日下午1:00-3:40, 地址是 Shaker Middle School,475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110

如果您还没有注册课程及交费, 请尽快完成。


附件是各课程教室表和教室分布图。开学第一天, 学校将有PTA志愿者协助您.


Dear Parents,

The first day of school is Sunday, September 11, 1:00-3:40 pm at Shaker Middle School, 475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110

If you have not registered for the course and paid for the tuition, please do so as soon as possible.

Classroom numbers for each course have been updated on the website

The attachment is the classroom list along with the floor map. On the first day of school, PTA volunteers will be there to assist you!


Chinese School Administration Team

中文学校家长值日(PTA duty signups)


中文学校新学年将在9月11日开始,您的学费中预交了$60 PTA押金,欢迎您注册中文学校家长值日获得退款。



值日时间是12:50pm 到4:00pm。

✏️请登录华社主页,点击program,然后点击school, 然后点击PTA Duty Signup 注册登记。

💰完成值日后,PTA 金辉女士(phone #401-588-2940)将会安排退款。

ℹ️如有任何关于家长值日问题,请联系PTA主席-王艳丽 Phone# 201 -892-2698

Dear parents,

The school tuition includes $40 PTA deposit per family. You can register the Chinese school parents duty to get a refund.

🗓Currently available dates for parent duty are 9/11/22;9/18/22;9/25/22 (more to come)

✏️Please log in to the Chinese community homepage, click program, then click school, then click PTA Duty Signup to register.Or click this link to sign up directly:

Duty hours are from 12:50pm to 4:00pm.

💰After completing the duty, Ms. Hui Jin (phone #401-588-2940) will arrange a refund.

ℹ️If you have any questions about parentduty, please contact PTA Chair - Ms.Yanli Wang at Phone# 201-892-2698

Chinese School Administration Team

Chinese School Calendar is available on the website 中文学校校历


请登陆中文学校主页, 点击“about us, 再点击” Calendar 22-23“ 查看校历。

Dear all,

Chinese School New School Year Calendar is available on the website.

Log onto the homepage, click "about us", then click "Calendar 22-23"。

Attached is a copy of the calendar.


Chinese School Administration Team

中文学校课程介绍:趣味学中文- 动物世界探奇 Fun Learning Chinese-exploring Animal kingdom

🎉中文学校新学年课程介绍Chinese School offers the course 👇:

【 趣味学中文- 动物世界探奇 Fun Learning Chinese-exploring Animal kingdom】
Age 5 & up

⌚️Class Schedule: Sundays 2:50 PM -3:40 PM
From 9/11/22 to 5/14/23 (No classes during holidays & school breaks)
📍Location: Shaker Middle School
🗓Total lessons:25
👩‍🏫Teacher: Yin Qian 钱寅

📚Course Objectives:

🦋翩翩起舞的小精灵—— 介绍各种有趣的蝴蝶,以及穿越万水千山,帝王蝶的艰辛之旅
Introduce interesting animal knowledge and cultivate the love of animals, full-class interactions and games, and learn to present. Below are some of the course topics:
🐟 Fish that are not fish - crocodiles, octopuses, squid, whales are they all fish? Does the legendary mermaid really exist?
🐦The flightless bird - emu and ostrich look so similar, how to tell them apart? Who wins the emu war? Do kiwis eat kiwi?
🕷️The little spider who can release balloons - travel on a balloon。
🐰 Star jumpers who don't eat grass by the side of the nest -Who are they?
🦋The dancing elf - Introducing all kinds of interesting butterflies, as well as the arduous journey through thousands of rivers and mountains, monarch butterflies!
🪸Coral- let's protect the ocean and keep the color of the coral!
🐒primates! come to the jungle to explore the golden monkey and the world's smallest monkey.
🐘All the way to Elephant North - the story of wild elephant migration in Yunnan in 2021.
🦑Jellyfish, these dancing sea spirits, are gifts from nature - the fluorescent protein found in the luminous jellyfish allows us to see the activity of biological cells.
🐲 Are legendary animal “dragons” the same as today's "dragons"?

🔗课程网址(Course List)
🔗注册指南(Registration Policy)
ℹ️如有问题, 请联系(Contact Info):

Chinese School Administration Team

网上注册课程将于9/10结束 (class online registration will be closed on 9/10)








Dear Parents,

The deadline for course registration and tuition payment is September 10. If you haven’t registered for your children’s language classes, enrichment classes, or parents’ clubs, please register online and pay tuition as soon as possible.

Please see the attached course list we offer this school year. You can also go to the Chinese school website and click on the link of the teacher or course name for more details:

How to register:

Trial classes and switching classes are available during the first two weeks of school. If you would like to switch classes or have any questions, just stop by the Chinese school administrative desk during the school opening hours.


Chinese School Administration Team

学校时间表-School Schedule & Calendar



学校地址:Shaker Middle School, 475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110








Dear Parents,

(1) The first day of school is Sunday, September 11th, and classes start at 1:00 PM!

School Address: Shaker Middle School, 475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110
The school door will open at 12:30 pm!

Lesson period 1:1:00pm-1:45pm
Lesson period 2:1:55pm-2:40pm
Lesson period 3:2:50pm-3:40pm

The class period and classroom location number for each class can be found at this link:

On the first day of school, the volunteers will assist parents and children in finding classrooms.

(2) Attached is the Chinese school calendar. check out the school session and holiday breaks.

(3) During the school opening, the school administrative team will work on the school site. If you have any questions, feel free to stop by our desk!


Chinese School Administration Team

中文学校象棋课介绍(Chess Class registration)


♟国际象棋班 Level 1(零基础)

♟国际象棋班 Level 2(1年及以上经验)

⌚️Class Schedule: Sundays 2:50 PM -3:40 PM
From September 2022 to May 2023 (No classes during holidays & school breaks)
📍Location: Shaker Middle School
🗓Total lessons:25

📚Course Objectives:

由Jerry Fan(樊恺育)和余思成根据自己多年学习国际象棋,和参加比赛的经验总结,专为6-12岁学生设计开发的象棋基础和提升课程,以讲解国际象棋战术和game对弈的方式,教学生学习如何在规则中尊重对手和在竞争中设计布局,帮助学生提升计算力,记忆力、专注力和锻炼逻辑思维能力。


🔗课程网址(Course List)
🔗注册指南(Registration Policy)
ℹ️如有问题, 请联系(Contact Info):

We provide 2 levels of chess lessons (level 1 and level 2) this year. Level 1 is for beginners with zero experience or less than a year of chess experience and are interested in exploring more. Level 2 is for those who have more than one year of experience and are looking for advancing their chess skills for serious chess tournaments. From both of these lessons, students will gain invaluable knowledge on all aspects of chess from advanced openings, to middle-game, and to important endgames. We will cover a lot of chess tactics and introduce kids to all kinds of chess tournaments, chess skill websites etc. Our class is very fun and interactive as well! We do fun activities and games that not only boost chess growth, but also make the child LIKE chess.

Important Dates 报名及交费的截止日期 enrollment and tuition due dates

Dear Parent,

Please note the following important enrollment and tuition payment deadlines:

Important Dates
Tuition Payment Due Date*: September 10th, 2022

Online Enrollment Deadline**: September 10th, 2022

First Day of School: Sunday, September 11th, 2022

* Payment received or postmarked after the due date is subject to late payment fee. The School also reserves the right to remove any student from class if full payment is not received or postmarked by the due date.
**Class enrollment, change, or withdrawal after the deadline is handled by School administrators only.

Tuition and Fees

For non-CCC members:
$ 458 per student for each language class unless otherwise stated
$ 215 per student for each culture class unless otherwise stated

For CCC Members with active 2022-2023 family membership:
$ 320 per student for each language class unless otherwise stated
$ 150 per student for each culture class unless otherwise stated

Other fees:
Late payment fee: $10 per family if payment is received after the due date
Processing fee: $10 per class withdrawal or dis-enrollment request

Chinese School Administration Team

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