中文学校识字比赛四年级获奖者CHINESE SPELLING BEE 4th Grade Winner


🔘中文四年级 1 & 2 班 :指导老师-李英 & 宋佾珈

🥇一等奖: Samuel Zong, Joseph Kim
🥈二等奖: Lucas Dai, Zichen Bai, Jayden Chen, Arthur Day, Matthew Chan, Kevin Zhang
🥉三等奖: Effie Liu, Brigitte Guo, Claire Chen, Erin Pang, Daniel Weng



Congratulations to the following students who achieved excellent results in the Chinese Spelling Bee held on May 7th:

🔘4th Grade Class 1 & 2: Teachers- Ying Li & Yijia Song

🥇1st Place: Samuel Zong, Joseph Kim
🥈2nd Place: Lucas Dai, Zichen Bai, Jayden Chen, Arthur Day, Matthew Chan, Kevin Zhang
🥉3rd Place:Effie Liu, Brigitte Guo, Claire Chen, Erin Pang, Daniel Weng

Photos are attached.

Chinese school administration team

5/14/23 Graduation ceremony & colleges application seminar

🎉Chinese school graduation ceremony and college application seminar 🎉

When: May 14th at 1:00 pm
Where: Shaker Middle School Auditorium
Free Admission

🎓Graduation Ceremony:
Please join us in celebrating the achievements of the 2023 Chinese class graduates!

🏫College application seminar brought by the high school seniors who are accepted by the following universities:
Brown University
Dartmouth College
Fordham University
Harvard University
Northwestern University
Princeton University
Stanford University
University of Michigan

All are welcome: please forward this email to anyone who you think might be interested in attending.

Chinese school administration team

5/14/23 中文学校毕业典礼和大学申请经验交流会


地点: Shaker Middle School Auditorium

Free Admission

让我们一起庆贺2023 届中文班毕业生圆满完成学业!

Brown University
Dartmouth College
Fordham University
Harvard University
Northwestern University
Princeton University
Stanford University
University of Michigan



中文学校识字比赛二年级获奖者CHINESE SPELLING BEE 2nd Grade Winner


🔘中文二年级 1 & 2 班 :指导老师-张怀贞 & 祝若昕

🥇一等奖: Laurence Song, Zicheng Wu, Melody Li, Ryan Song
🥈二等奖: Sydney Li, Sean Gong, Sheryl Hou, Chloe Xu
🥉三等奖: Emma Wang, Andrew Li, Howard Li, Jaden Xu



Congratulations to the following students who achieved excellent results in the Chinese Spelling Bee held on May 7th:

🔘2nd Grade Class 1 &2: Teachers- Karen Zhang & April Zhu

🥇1st Place: Laurence Song, Zicheng Wu, Melody Li, Ryan Song
🥈2nd Place: Sydney Li, Sean Gong, Sheryl Hou, Chloe Xu
🥉3rd Place:Emma Wang, Andrew Li, Howard Li, Jaden Xu

Photos are attached.

Chinese school administration team








行为准则 Code of Conduct


中文学校最近又收到Shaker Middle School关于教室使用不当的投诉。临近学期末,请各位家长配合我们一起把最后几周的教学活动顺利完成,否则我们作为使用Shaker Middle School 的租赁方会失去使用所有设施的使用权。 请大家严格遵守以下几点:

(1) 上课不要迟到。请提前5分钟到达教室。家长认真对待上课时间,才能保证学生理想的学习效果,您的身教胜于言传。

(2) 请家长老师告诉学生,禁止在教室和走廊吃东西和饮水(使用走廊里的fountain除外)。禁止在教室和走廊咀嚼口香糖或者泡泡糖。 可以在cafeteria吃东西和饮水。




Dear Parents, teachers, and students,

The Chinese school recently received another complaint from Shaker Middle School about improper conduct. The end of the semester is approaching, please be sure to strictly abide by the following code of conduct, otherwise, we will lose the right to use all facilities at Shaker MiddileSchhol.

(1) Don't be late for the class, always arrive at the classroom 5 minutes prior to the class starts.

(2) Eating and drinking are not allowed in classrooms and Hallways (except for using the water fountain in the hallway). Chewing gum is prohibited in classrooms and hallways. You can eat and drink in the cafeteria.

(3) All desks and chairs must return to their original positions after class.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Chinese school administration team




🥇一等奖:Aiden Fan, Andrew Ngai
🥈二等奖: Lucas Mo, Bree Wu, Naomi Liu
🥉三等奖:Alex Liu ,Mars Qiu


🥇一等奖: Evelyn Xie, Cassie Xia
🥈二等奖: Elainne Wang, Ocean Liu, Bradon Zheng, Jaden Zheng
🥉三等奖: Andy Shi



Congratulations to the following students who achieved excellent results in the Chinese Spelling Bee held on April 30:

🔘3rd Grade Class 1-Teacher Haiyan Sun

🥇1st Place:Aiden Fan, Andrew Ngai
🥈2nd Place: Lucas Mo, Bree Wu, Naomi Liu
🥉3rd Place:Alex Liu, Mars Qiu

🔘3rd Grade Class 2 -Teacher: Guodong Wang

🥇1st Place: Evelyn Xie, Cassie Xia
🥈2nd Place: Elainne Wang, Ocean Liu, Bradon Zheng, Jaden Zheng
🥉3rd Place: Andy Shi

Photos are attached.

Chinese school administration team

2023-24学年中文老师及中文代课老师招聘启事(We're hiring Chinese Teacher)




教学地址:Shaker Middle School, Latham, NY

教学时间: 2023九月份到2024五月份的周日下午(学校假期除外)

按教学大纲备课教授中文, 包括针对马立平中文,完成所教授年级的马平网站教师认证以熟悉教材和辅助教学的网络资源,建立网络教室以追踪学生作业情况和进展程度,并批改作业和参加教师培训。组织学生参加学校组织的各项活动等。

o 普通话标准。有基本英语沟通能力。
o 有爱心,责任心强,细致耐心,善于沟通,有良好的服务意识。
o 有教学经验优先。



电话:518-334-0932 张女士

2023 AP 中文模拟考试成绩已公布 (2023 AP Chinese Mock Test Score released)






Dear Parents,

☑️If your child took the AP Chinese mock exam at a Chinese school in March this year, the results have been sent to the test registered email address (the registered email address is the parent's email address or the student's email address). If you have any questions, please contact the Vice Principal - Mrs. Jie Gao at school.academic@cccalbany.org

☑️If your child has applied to graduate from a Chinese school in May this year and has taken the AP mock exam, please submit the test score to the vice principal Mrs. Yi Lei at school.events@cccalbany.org


Chinese school administration team

May schedule and last day of school 5/28 events

Dear Parents and students,

May will be the last month of this school year, please pay attention to the class & events’ schedules:

🔘5/7/23: School is open
🔘 5/14/23: School is open
🔘 5/21/23: School is open

🔘5/28/23 (The day before Memorial Day): This is the last day of school . 👇The following is the schedule of activities for the day:

Only have first two periods classes. There is no break between the first and second periods; there is no third period class.

⏰Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
📍location: School Auditorium
▶️Graduation Ceremony
▶️College application experience shared by high school seniors: Free to public.

⏰Time: 11:30am-12:45pm
📍location: School cafeteria
▶️All classes organize their own potlucks in the school cafeteria
▶️The school provides free water, tableware and napkins
▶️The school provides free popsicles to each student.

⏰Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm
📍Location: GYM
▶️Carnival games: Free to public.

⏰Time: 1:00PM
📍location: School Auditorium
▶️New teacher introduction meeting.


Chinese school administration team

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