试课,换课 和交纳学费 (try out classes, change courses & pay the tuition)


我们顺利度过了开学的第一天, 希望各位学生已经基本熟悉了班级老师、教室及课程安排。

本周日(9月15日)将是第二天上课,学生们仍有机会试课。如需了解各课程及任课教师的信息,请登录学校网站 https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/courses 并点击课程名称和教师姓名的链接进行查看。



如果您尚未交学费,请登录学校网站账户进行交费。 也可来行政桌交纳学费




Dear parents and students,

We have successfully made the first day of school. I hope all students have familiarized themselves with the class teachers, classrooms and course schedules.

This Sunday (September 15) will be the second day of school, and students still have the opportunity to try out the class. For information about each course and the teacher, please go to the school website https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/courses and click on the link of the course name and teacher name to view.

After the student's trial class, if you need to change the course, parents must go to the Chinese school administration desk and have the school staff change it.

Please make sure that the course registered in your school account is consistent with the actual course, otherwise, the student will not be on the list of the class roster, and the school and teachers will not be able to contact and communicate with students and parents.

If you have not paid the tuition, please log in to the school account to pay the fee. You can also come to the administration desk to pay the tuition.

If you have any questions, please just go to the administration desk!

Thank you for your cooperation!

Chinese School Administration Team