11/6 daylight saving time ends & lockdown drill


这周日(11/6)daylight savings 结束,请记住把钟往后拨一小时。

中文学校会进行lockdown drill。演习预定于1:30PM开始,预计进行20-30分钟。演习结束后,学生会留在教室继续上课至第二节课结束。请留在餐厅和体育馆的家长配合工作人员完成演习。请见附件演习流程。谢谢大家配合!


Dear parents, teachers, and students,

This Sunday, November 6th, Daylight Saving time ends, please remember to move the clocks back one hour.

Also on 11/6, Chinese schools will conduct a lockdown drill. The drill is scheduled to start at 1:30 PM and is expected to last 20-30 minutes. After the drill, the students will stay in the classroom to continue the class until the end of the second period. We would like to ask the parents who remain in the cafeteria cooperating with staff to complete the drill. Please see the attached lockdown drill procedure. Thank you for your cooperation!

Chinese School Administration Team

Lockdown Drill Proceudures_06Nov2022.pdf70.51 KB