CS Weekly: 10.14 家长公开讨论会



请家长们在家与孩子讨论一下什么规则是孩子们应该遵守的?如果违反规则需要什么样的处罚他们觉得是合适的?请本周日10月14号把写好的表格(可以加页)交给所在班级的老师。老师或TA收集齐以后请交到餐厅PTA. 谢谢!

本周日10/14 @1:10pm我们诚邀家长到礼堂参加校规公开讨论会,我们会向家长汇报上次破坏投影屏幕事情的进展,并广泛征求大家对校规的建议。欢迎大家参加!

一年一度的故事会将于11/4@1-4pm在华社举行,本周开始请向所在班级老师报名。截止报名日期10/28. 详情请看附件通知。

4.Youth Team Election
青少年义工团 President和Vice-President选举将于下周日10/21@12:30-1pm 在A207进行,请有意竞选的同学于下周四10/18之前把your resume, running mate and 2018-19 plan 发电邮给陆群老师(shen4@yahoo.com)。

5.Logo大赛:学校重金$200征集中文学校Logo 设计,征稿截止日期11/18,欢迎孩子们天马行空来设计,详情请参考上封电邮或学校网站。
Dear all,

1.Let’s make the rules due by 10/14. Parents are required to discuss with your kids to finish the form and submit to room teacher on this Sunday.

2.Parents open forum will be held at auditorium at 1:10pm this Sunday 10/14. All parents are welcome to join us. 

3.Please see the attached for details of Storytelling Contest.

4.This Youth Team President and Vice-President election will happen on Oct 21, Sunday 12:30 PM to 1 PM at room A207. We welcome all the members of the youth team join this annual election event. The deadline for candidacy is the end of next Thursday, Oct 18.
If you plan to run for a position in the executive team, please send Qun Lu (shen4@yahoo.com) resumes of you and your running mate if you have one. A sketch of the 2018 - 2019 plan is also recommended.

5.The Chinese School reward $200 for logo design, submission deadline 11/18.
