12月课程表及活动 December schedule and events


12/4/22: 照常上课

12/11/22: 照常上课


• 10:00am 开始上课。
• 10:00am-11:30am 两节课连堂上, 中间不休息,
• 11:30am-12:30pm 在学校餐厅举行班级聚餐。
• 12:30am-3:30pm 在学校大礼堂举办圣诞新年晚会。

班级聚餐将有各班自行决定组织举行,食物可以是每家带吃的,也可以是集体定外卖。请各班的家长代表或热心家长联系各班老师来协助班级聚餐活动。 学校会根据各班上报的聚餐人数安排餐厅桌子及提供免费水和餐具。

12/25/22: 学校放假,不上课



Dear Parents,

12/4/22: Classes as usual

12/11/22: Classes as usual

12/18/22 is the last day of fall semester, there is no third period class, here is the schedule of the day:

• Classes begin at 10:00am.
• 10:00am-11:30am 1st & 2nd period classes, no break in between,
• 11:30am-12:30pm Class luncheon in the school cafeteria.
• 12:30am-3:30pm Christmas and New Year's performance in the school auditorium.

Class luncheon will be organized by each class at their own discretion, and the food can be brought by each family or ordered as a group. Homeroom parents or parents volunteers of each class should reach out to the teacher to offer assistance on coordinating the food. The school will reserve the tables in the cafeteria and provide free water and utensils according to the number of people participating the luncheon.

12/25/22: No school


Chinese school administration team