中文学校象棋课介绍(Chess Class registration)


♟国际象棋班 Level 1(零基础)

♟国际象棋班 Level 2(1年及以上经验)

⌚️Class Schedule: Sundays 2:50 PM -3:40 PM
From September 2022 to May 2023 (No classes during holidays & school breaks)
📍Location: Shaker Middle School
🗓Total lessons:25

📚Course Objectives:

由Jerry Fan(樊恺育)和余思成根据自己多年学习国际象棋,和参加比赛的经验总结,专为6-12岁学生设计开发的象棋基础和提升课程,以讲解国际象棋战术和game对弈的方式,教学生学习如何在规则中尊重对手和在竞争中设计布局,帮助学生提升计算力,记忆力、专注力和锻炼逻辑思维能力。


🔗课程网址(Course List) https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/courses
🔗注册指南(Registration Policy) https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/node/4670
ℹ️如有问题, 请联系(Contact Info): principal@cccalbany.org

We provide 2 levels of chess lessons (level 1 and level 2) this year. Level 1 is for beginners with zero experience or less than a year of chess experience and are interested in exploring more. Level 2 is for those who have more than one year of experience and are looking for advancing their chess skills for serious chess tournaments. From both of these lessons, students will gain invaluable knowledge on all aspects of chess from advanced openings, to middle-game, and to important endgames. We will cover a lot of chess tactics and introduce kids to all kinds of chess tournaments, chess skill websites etc. Our class is very fun and interactive as well! We do fun activities and games that not only boost chess growth, but also make the child LIKE chess.