


1. 如果您希望享受学费折扣价格,请先登陆https://www.cccalbany.org/ ,注册或Renew华社会员,此会员身份需要每年更新。然后再登陆中文学校网站http://dreamschool.com/albany/  进行课程注册。

2. 学校网站支持PayPal网上支付,请注意必须以Primary account holder 身份登录才可以使用PayPal支付。课程注册后,请等待至多10个工作日,看到学费折扣价之后,再使用PayPal 或者您自己的信用卡完成网上支付,具体内容详见:http://dreamschool.com/albany/node

3. 数学班报名说明
Each math class will open registration up to 25 students, and then select 10 kids for each class.

Teacher Qun Lu will interview the math class student on 6/30 at CCC building. If 6/30 is not available for you, please email Teacher Lu after the registration. The interview notice will be sent out by email only. Please make sure your email address in school system is valid. 
Teacher Lu’s email: shen4@yahoo.com

-面试之后,陆群老师会电邮通知是否被挑选进入数学班,没有被选进的学生,请登陆中文学校网站重新注册别的课程。Teacher Lu will email and inform whether you have been selected into math classes. If you are not been selected, please login in Chinese school website and register other classes. 

4. 参加成人班英语和健身课程的家长,即使是免费课程,也请完成网上报名,否则没有保险保护。

Dear students and parents,

The Chinese school online registration for the 2017-2018 will open today for all returning and new students.

1.If you would like to enjoy the discounted tuition fees, please click https://www.cccalbany.org/ and register a CCC membership first. This membership must be renewed annually. And log on to the Chinese school website http://dreamschool.com/albany/ for course registration. See details: http://dreamschool.com/albany/node/3503

2.The tuition can be paid by credit card online through Paypal, see details: http://dreamschool.com/albany/node/3543

3.Please see the above for the enrollment of math classes.

4.For the parents who participate in adult classes, please complete the online registration, otherwise the school insurance may not cover you.
