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中文学校一周简讯 School Weekly (9/23)
家长,老师, 同学们,
1. 需要买教材的家长请在周日前通知徐健副校长(jxuonline@gmail.com),事先告知年级和数量,
2.有少量新华字典可以来学校餐厅购买, 每本$10。
3. 请家长们注意:学校门前黄线处除临时上下人,校方行政人员装卸教材教具,车辆不能在此停车。若在门前停车,警方会开出罚单。
4.未经校方同意, 不得在校内和停车场做任何广告,集会和商业活动。
5.需要参加学校少年义工队Youth Volunteer的同学, 因为网上已经关闭注册,请把你的家庭号码和名字发邮件给我, 我来帮忙注册。
6.少年义工队总统和团队的竞选, 安排在下周10/2 第二节课。竞选的候选人,请与九月二十九号前把你的简历, 团队,和竞选纲领提交给我。然后在10/2发表竞选演说。 届时请六七八九十年级的同学们第二节课到八年级褚亚丹老师的教室C203投票选举。 请家长们不要到选举的教室里来。详细情况,请看附件。
张晓清 校长2016-2017
1.Email textbook order tojxuonline@gmail.com before Sunday.
2.Chinese dictionary costs $10. You can purchase from Vice Principal Jian Xu in school café.
3.Don’t park your car in front of Fire Lane.
4.No advertisements, commercial activities, or other gatherings are allowed inside the school or outside parking lot without permission from the school administration.
5.Students wanting to serve on Youth Team need to provide their family ID and name to me. I will register for them.
6.Students running for Youth Team presidents need to submit running mate name, resume, agenda and plan by 9/29. Please see the attachment for details.
Xiaoqing Zhang, Principal 2016-2017
Attachment | Size |
AlbanyChineseSchool_YouthTeamPolicy_2016.pdf | 342.99 KB |