中文学校一周简讯 School Weekly (5/18)




-       最后一天只有语言课,没有文化、体育课。语言课从10AM开始,11:30AM下课;
-       毕业典礼和颁奖在餐厅进行,11:45AM到12:15PM;
-       期末聚餐在餐厅,12PM到1PM;
-       学生娱乐活动大概12:30PM开始,由青年义工团成员组织,到3PM结束。
-       学校3:30PM关门

2015-2016年刊延续去年大受欢迎的彩色版本。我们衷心地感谢张茵,肖玲和张煜三位编辑, 用宝贵的个人时间完成了这项繁琐的工作,记录了大家一个学年美好的回忆。请预定年刊的各班家长代表,上午到徐健那儿领取。


星期天学校停车场会十分拥挤,若您找不到车位,千万别停在消防道上, 也就是画黄线的地方, 也不要堵住任何通道。

最后一次课,也还请大家继续良好习惯,保持教室内外的整齐、干净。给Shaker School的师生留下良好的印象。



Dear Chinese School Families,

The spring semester will be over after the class on Sunday May 22nd. Please be reminded again that Sunday classes start in the morning at 10AM. For most of students, it will be final exam day so be better prepared when you still have a few days to sharpen the pencils.

For the logistics of the last day operation on May 22nd, I want to remind you of a few things:

-There is no culture class on May 22nd. Only language class in the morning
-Class starts at 10AM in the morning and ends by 11:30AM
-Club activities in the new gym need to finish before 11:30AM for field day game setup.
-Graduation and award ceremony takes place in cafeteria from 11:45AM to 12:15PM
-Potluck lunch will follow in cafeteria. Lunch table needs to be reserved through PTA
-Field day kicks off around 12:30PM in gym, ends by ~3PM
-Year book will be distributed by PTA
-All activities will end by 3:30PM

Usually the parking lot will be very crowded during the last day. If you can’t find a parking space, please park at the adjacent high school parking lot. Do not park on the fire lane and block the entrance to school.

I hope everyone will have fun at the last day of Chinese School. And please keep up the good work by putting everything back to place when we are done.

See you on Sunday.


Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2016